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A Haunting: Demon's Lair (2016)
Season 8, Episode 14
Based on the book, "The Demon of Brownsville Road"!
27 December 2016
I first learned about this haunting on the You Tube channel, "Forward Boldly"! They were interview the man who lived in that that lived in that house, Bob Cranmer! I soon after brought the book based on this episode called " The demon of Brownsville Road"! The story in this episode "Demon's Lair" starts a decade and a half after the Cranmer family movies into the house, when events from this haunting really begins to happen in earnest! This is a good episode about the events with took place in this infested house, even though it doesn't start from the beginning as does other episode of "A Haunting"! The things i liked about this episode is it a high profile case, no psychics or occult nonsense to solve the haunting like you see in most other episodes, a strong Catholic theme and solution and a happy ending! This was one of my favorite episodes from season 9, along with " Love Curse", Fear Feeders", and "Living Nightmare"!
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A Haunting: Dark Wrath (2007)
Season 4, Episode 1
My Favorite Episode from Season 4
24 March 2016
After watching season 4 several times, I came to the conclusion that "Dark Wrath' was perhaps the best of this season! A house way out in the country, it's demonic infestation, the creepy music, etc. made this one of A Hauntings finest episodes, regardless if the story was true or not! A young couple with 2 small children moves into that house and things started to slowly get creepy! The mom soon wants to leave the house, but her husband see nothing wrong and doesn't want to leave! As the young mother tries to reach out to God for help and guidance, things in the house just keep getting worse! It seem that " Dark Wrath", to me anyway" was the last of the really great episodes of "A Haunting's" original series! It seems the show went a bit downhill after wards! Season 4 was not as good as the first 3 seasons of this great series!
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A Haunting (2005– )
My All Time Favorite TV Series!
5 January 2016
I saw "A Haunting" for the first time back in 2003! It was the "A Haunting in Georgia" polite episode! That episode got me back into paranormal shows! I always been a horror film fan in general! I recently purchased the pilots and seasons 1 thought 4 on DVD! I haven't seen many of the shows made after season 4, but the first 4 season seem to be the best to start with! This series is perhaps my favorite of all time! I like the narration, the music, the acting, the high production quality and of course the shows ghostly and demonic villains! These villains are generally more terrifying than the monsters from Hollywood studios (passed and present)! They are also much more real! Even the Bible says they exist! This series has all the bells and whistles of a horror film! You hear fake thunder, screams, phantom foot steps, creeping doors, evil laughing, etc.! One of the things I like most about many these shows are the Christian (especially Catholic) themes they have and how they show the power of God as the solution to many of those hauntings and possessions! It portraits Christianity in a good light, something that most of today's shows don't do! And, other things I love about this series is that there's NO pornography, you hear no gutter language, and there's little grotesques violence! This is a good old-fashioned type of horror film series, proof that you don't need a lot of blood and gore to make a good horror film! If this show weren't so scary, it would be a family friendly show!
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A Haunting: The Possessed (2006)
Season 3, Episode 8
Excellent Episode!
25 October 2015
Over the past several weeks, I have brought the first four season of this great series, "A Haunting" on DVD! "The Possession" is one of my favorite episodes of this series! I enjoyed this episode more than the feature length movies with very similar themes, "The Exorcist" and "The Exorcism of Emily Rose"! It didn't have any of the vulgarity in it as did "The Exorcist", even though it was somewhat less creepy than that movie! Not only was "the Possession" scary and thrilling, but I like how it seem to showcase the Catholic faith in such a positive light and showed how God may let us suffer for a while, but if we remain steadfast in our faith in him he can bring us out of any trouble that the devil puts on us! The next episode in this series "The Presence", which deals with an demonic infestation, was just as good!
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Good Creepy Low-budget 80's Horror Flick!
9 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watch "ONE DARK NIGHT" this week for the first times since the 1980's! This is perhaps my favorite horror film from the 1980's, with the exception of John Carpenter's "The Thing"! This was my kind of fright film! Teenage girl gangbangers recruit a girl who want to join their group by having her spend a night in a mausoleum (an in door cemetery)! After the sun goes down, 2 of the girls return to torment the girl in the mausoleum! None of them know that a madman named Raymar, who use to practice magnetic control over distant object, is rested there! The girls are in for an unpleasant surprise in that mausoleum! This is when the fun begins! There're NO zombies in this film! It instead has something better and scarier! Dead bodies floating in mid-air is more frighten to me than people playing zombies in make- up or costumes! There are other things about this film that I like as well! Even though it came out in the 1980's, a time of epidemic moral decay which continues to this day, there was very little vulgarity in at all! No sex or nudity and best of all, no f-words, or s-words, or a- words! There is some pot use in though! Bottom like, this was a very fun movie to watch, too me! Very creepy and very little dirty stuff!
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Excellent Sci-fi film of the 50's
28 December 2013
On my digital sub-channel Movies, I saw this film for the first time in years! I enjoyed watching it as much as I ever did earlier! Back in those days Paramount Picture had some of the greatest special effects anywhere! The Ten Commandments was another example of Paramount's great special effects! It not just the visual effect I liked, but more so those cool audio sound effects of those weapon the alien invaders used! I also like the acting performances, the plot, how it ended (with religious over tones), and no sex or gutter language in it! It is now in my top 5 list of my favorite 1950's science fiction films! I recommend this great movie to anyone who is a consumer of classic sci-fi films!
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In One Ear and Out the Other
8 July 2013
"The Caterpillar" is one of my all time favorite Night Gallery teleplays! Serling and company proved once again you don't need a lot of mindless action and special effects to have a good story! From a physical perspective, there is nothing more terrifying than having some creature inhabiting and crawling through your body, especially the brain! Similar things like this has happen in real life too! I once heard of people have worms crawl through their brain and even heard of one person had one in their eyeball! Frighten stuff! As for the seconds story, "The Lost Girl", I wasn't as down with it as much! I am not a big fan of the William Windom NG teleplays! I thought that the "Tim Reilly" teleplay did belong on NG, because it had no supernatural tight to it! "Lost Girl" was good, but it was rather sad seeing someone lose his sanity because of a death in the family! You know, cartoons and comedy shows poke fun at mental illness, but it's really no laughing matter as this episode shows! I still think NG was an excellent series and deserves a much higher rating than it has now!
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The Twilight Zone: The Obsolete Man (1961)
Season 2, Episode 29
This Episode Rocks!!!
21 March 2013
I watch this episode, "The Obsolete Man" last week on MeTV and it has to be just about the best episode of any series I watched so far! It has highly thought provoking themes to it! It takes stabs at totalitarianism in Government and also has a good religious theme to it as well (which is the thing I enjoyed most about it)! It was very well acted by Burgess Meredith (an actor who's films I almost always enjoy),the shows hero, and by Fritz Weaver, playing the shows villain! Now I know why the series "The Twilight Zone has ratings over 9 out of 10! It's because of intelligent episodes like this! I challenge anyone to show me any mindless, violence and special effects filled action film that can stand up to this "Twilight Zone" masterpiece!
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One of Amicus Best Horror Films
5 July 2012
I recently saw this film for the third time! Each time I enjoyed it! It had a good cast of stars in it, even though it didn't have Peter Cushing in it like all the other Amicus Anthologies! I liked all the stories except the second one because the woman in it was so annoying! Many fans of this film say the forth story was the weakest but it was pretty good, even though confusing! It was at less better than the second story! The first, third, and most of all last were, to me, very good! I also like what I didn't here and see in this film! Although made in 1973, when most horror films were adding "adult" material into their scripts, "Vault of Horror" (as with all Amicus Anthology movies) had no gutter language, blasphemies, nudity or sex in it! It also had a good moral theme to it that says we must take account of the evil deeds we commit sooner or later(as does "Tales From the Crypt)! I rank this film perhaps number 3 to "Tales From The Crypt" and "Asylem" as my favorite of Amicus films!
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Unintentually Funny
7 November 2011
I saw Mr. Sardonicus the first time when I was 10 years old way back in the 1970s! The first time I watched it, seeing Mr. Sardonicus's face deformed, scared the daylights out of me! I never seen a more ugly monster, not even since then! I watched the whole thing, from the first time since the 1970s recently on Antanna TV, which shows a lot of good movies made by Columbia Pictures back in the day! It didn't scare me this time as much as it did when I was 10, but some of the film did seem rather funny to me now, like when ever Mr. Sardonicus starts to holler, or the ear to ear grin on the kisser his fathers corpses , or a woman being hanged up by her thumbs! I also like how the film goes against the conventual wisdom of today! Mr. Sardicus doesn't become evil until after he gets rich (and of course after he gets deformed)! Today some people think being poor makes you turn bad, but not in this film! He seemed like a descent man when he was poor!
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One of my favorite all around episodes of NG!
10 October 2011
This is one of Night Gallery's best and creepiest episodes during its run! All the stories(except the Edgar Allen Poe story at the end) are in my Night Gallery Top Ten list! Cool Air was a very good story with a strong horror tight and well acted performances! And the second story, Camera Obscura, was also very creepy and reminded me of movies like Night of the Living Dead or Lemora: Child of darkness!And they were creepy with having to use any blood, gore, sex or CGI! I recommend watching ONLY the unedited version of Camera Obscura! The syndicated version ruins the story by adding scenes that that have nothing to do with the show and making it far more predictable! Camera Obscura to me is the best story of this bunch!
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Love This Movie, Even Though it's Terribly Flawed!
19 May 2011
I saw this Schockley horror film a half of dozen times since the 1970's and although anyone who seen it would have to admit it very flawed, it to me was a lot of fun to watch! It is an old school type of horror film,doesn't go to far with the blood and gore and relies on spooky atmosphere, music, and sound effects! And man was that atmosphere spooky, especially the opening score! In my own personal opinion, the opening score was one of the spookiest ever in a horror film, and I have seen many! The music from the chorus, the creepy looking house and paintings, the sound effects, and showing how each Beale family member died make that intro very, very, scary! If the rest of the film was as good as the introduction this film would have been a classic, but they didn't seem to want it to be that way! But, for some reason, I still love this film and hope someday they make a remake of it, with the same atmosphere, music, sound effects and creepy mansion, this time focusing on the Beale Family and what lead to their demise!
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Better than the Original, to me!
19 May 2011
Next to the Amimus anthology horror films, Hammer horror films (especially the ones directed by Terrance Fisher) are my favorite British films! "The Curse of Frankenstien" is one of my favorite of those great Terrance Fisher directed Hammer horror films! Unlike the original Frankenstein of 1931, this film put most of the enthuses on the Doctor instead of the Monster and I think it was a good ideal! Peter Cushing in my opinion, was the greatest Docter Frankenstein ever! He was the main villain in this film! The film was in color and it had a good moral message in it as well! I also like how those British horror films of the late 1950s though early 1970s, while less conservative than earlier horror films, did not go to extremes with blood and gore like later horror films do! They were very much in between the two extremes!
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Ten Stars for The Ten Commandments
6 May 2011
This is a movie that seems to get better and better every time I watch it! The acting performances by Charlston Heston, Yule Brinner, Anne Baxter, Master of the Macabre Vincent Price, Edward G. Robinson, and many others, the cinematography, the special effects, narration, and the fantastic music sound track made this an extraordinary classic movie! But best of all, this film glorifies God more than any film I have ever seen! It portrays God as sovereign,holy, all powerful, majestic, etc.! This movie does however has some flaws in it! For example, some of the characters in it don't every age and what is typical of films made in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, blacks had no major role in the film, even though Egyptians and Hebrews were generally black or at less mix black during ancient times! But bottom line, these cons are easily over shadowed by the greatness of its pros! I still give it 10 out of 10 stars!
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Night Gallery (1969–1973)
I am compensating the damage did to this great show!
3 May 2011
This great show did indeed fail to live up to its potential! It may have been as successful as Rod Serling's Twilight Zone have not the execs at Universal not order the time and format changed, and if Jack Laird not put in all those ridiculous short stories which didn't belong on the show! So, for the sack of compensation, I rated the series 10 stars instead of 9 which I would have giving it! Anyway, this was a great series, much like the Zone and my other favorite show The Outer Limits 1963! Some of my favorite stories include: "The Dead Man", "the Little Black Bag","Camera Obscura", "Cool Air", "the Caterpillar", and many more! May least favorite include: Jack Lairds comedic shorts (doesn't belong there), "Lindamenn's Catch"( annoying characters in it), "She Be Coming for You", "Nature of the Enemy", "the Big Supriase", etc.! And another reason why I am compensating this series is because of the butchering of the shows in syndication, I recommend watching only the original un-edited versions of this show!
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The Outer Limits (1963–1965)
my favorite sci-fi horror series
3 May 2011
I have been watching this show on the This TV Sub-Channel for 2 years now! What it may lack in modern special effects, it makes up for it in great dialog and great acting performances, cinematography, and of course the sound track (especially in season 1)! The stories are very well told! I like the first season more than the second season! If the short sighted TV execs had not ordered the series in the second season be altered and time changed the show may have been as successful as the Twilight Zone! My favorite episodes included "A Feasibility Study", "Berillo's Shield", "The Gallexy Being", "It Crawled Out of the Woodworks","The Inheritors l and 2" and many others!
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