
4 Reviews
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Don't believe the hype.
22 March 2019
If I have to sit through another movie that takes itself as seriously as this film again, I'm going to glue my eyelids shut. I'm tired of films that use trailers to mislead viewers. Shoutout to circa 2003, when trailers literally explained what the movie was about. Now everything is about showing the fans 1 and a half minutes of action, taking their money at the box office, and filling the rest of the film up with pure garbage that half the viewers didn't sign up for. I mean seriously, if the movie is about a translator trying to communicate with peaceful aliens, why include any rifles, tanks and military in the trailer in the first place. Maybe show an actual scene of what the heck the movie is about. Oh wait, that would be boring and not attract viewers at the box office. Anyone who's sitting here talking about how profoundly moving this film was is trying to rationalize the enormous waste of money they used to watch this. If you're watching this for free, go right ahead. But heed my warning and don't pay to see this trash
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-10 stars.
22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Words can not express how furious I am about this film. It is the single worst expense I've ever paid for in my life. Absolutely nothing happens. Nothing. Don't believe anyone talking about how this is a film for thinkers. They're just trying to seem more intelligent. I watched a homeless man defecate on the bus today. And I'd pay the 16 bucks I paid to see this garbage to him 100 times over before I ever watch this humongous waste of time ever again. Anyone who had anything to do with this atrocity should be thrown in jail.
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Captive State (2019)
Just another film misrepresented by its own trailer.
22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For the past few months, I've been getting bombarded with trailers for this film. Making it seem like a sci-fi action thriller with really interesting characters plotting a way to survive an alien invasion. What it's really about, is Chicago surviving alien occupation, if you came for epic battles or even more than 3 or four scenes of action, you'll be sorely disappointed.

The film starts out as a shakey-cam action movie, showing a car desperately trying to escape a cordoned off Chicago. This is where I felt most mislead, you're following this family around as they're running from cops, breaking through roadblocks and you're aching to find out why, obviously you know this movie has something to do with aliens, and you're hoping it's not another cloverfield or other cheap alien movie where you never see who the hell the enemy is, and then you're greeted by one of the creepiest aliens ever conceived by a concept artist. Relief instantly comes over you as you realize you're not going to sit for 2 hours just to see stock footage of public disasters and a giant alien leg and you think "ok this can't be that bad if I've already seen some aliens". Then the worst happens. A flash forward, nearly 10 years later you're in dystopian Chicago, waiting nearly an hour to see some kind of action. The entire movie is about a resistance cell planning to rid the city of the aliens once and for all. But the individual scenes don't really connect that well, one moment you're watching John Goodman drive through the Chicago streets like he's the newest member to the fast and the furious cast, then you're watching him get felt up by some woman and you can't even understand why, then you're watching the protaganist wander from place to place seemingly aimlessly, then you're watching a heist-film-like planning operation take place, then BOOM explosions-gunfire yada yada yada. More melodrama. Aliens land. Catch the resistance scum, generic torture scene, protaganist helps the bad guy to save his friend, bla bla bla, main bad guy was just a double agent the whole time, epic explosions (off screen) and the credits roll as you watch a Tom Clancy map of the world being taken over again by humans. Yay earth. What a waste of time. If you're like me and you don't like waiting two hours to find out what you're watching, then don't waste your time on this film. I'm upset that I spend 33 bucks to take myself and my girlfriend to see this film. We were both disappointed.
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Us (II) (2019)
Great potential, Poor execution
22 March 2019
A wonderfully thought out concept that has the potential to be a powerfully horrifying experience to the viewer, but it falls short of greatness due to flaws in logic that will have you screaming at your television. For example, there are a great deal of scenes where the main characters defy basic fight or flight reactions. Too many scenes where I found myself saying "well you put yourself in that position, dummy". The film makes our protagonists seem like 6 year olds with no perception of danger rather than grown adults with children. It reminds me of corny 1970s slasher films where the first victims are just complete idiots who were too dumb to live in the first place. Get Out had plausible characters with a twist that viewers could believe. This film had unbelievably stupid characters with a plot twist that you'd have to be blind and deaf to not see coming. Definitely overhyped but it's worth spending a couple bucks to see a concept that isn't often seen in films these days.
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