25 Reviews
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Mixed Bag of Stories
5 October 2017
The concept was interesting, but having so many stories mean they're short. Some stories worked well, but others were terrible. Some come off as some kind of weird soft porno, while others are stupid. The handful of stories that were good are worth watching. It's just too bad that you have to sit through the weaker, stupid stuff to view them. The titles of the alphabet stories appear at the end and, frankly, some of the titles were really stretching it. In this type of collection, I would expect some humor or irony. This was not so. I particularly enjoy the one for W because it was creative and funny. Some stories are in different languages, so there are some subtitles, but not too much. I don't mind subtitles. I wish I could give it a higher score, but the bad bits were really that bad. I won't discourage people and say don't see it. As long as you know what you're in for, go for it. I've seen worse.
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Drifter (I) (2016)
What in the World was That?
20 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was straight up strange. IMDb is the biggest spoiler for this movie with its description. This movie gave me the feeling it was a first year film student's very first big project. There were all kinds of weird angles and lingering close ups. The acting, for the most part, wasn't very good with an exception or two. Some of the characters were over the top and not in a good way at all. The story is weird. Two brothers perform a revenge killing and one is shot in the hand. For whatever reason, they're traveling through the desert in their car. Three guys try to carjack them. Where the heck they came from in that flat, barren desert I don't know, but one guy beats the heck out of the younger (slow?) brother. They're killed by the other brother. More driving, then they see a woman in the road. She's covered in blood, hysterical and saying how "they killed them all." and "They're gonna kill you too." Nevertheless, they continue forward because they need a doctor. The town seems deserted, but there are freaks about. Lots of poor choices made by the characters. The older brother is warned not to wander around town, but he does anyway. When a strange woman shows up, he simply follows her and then has sex with her. You just don't go wandering off in a ghost town with some woman who popped up out of nowhere. Things just get worse from there. It's not even revealed until the end that they're cannibals. Thanks IMDb for spoiling the only possible surprise in the movie. Oh, yeah. The music and sound effects are loud and jarring. Sometimes you can barely hear the dialogue over them. I know I watched the whole thing, but it was kind of like seeing something horrible, but not being able to look away...no matter how much you want to.
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Croc (2007 TV Movie)
Why such a low score?
10 September 2017
I just finished watching this on Epix. It just happened to come on and I thought, "What the hell." So I left it play. The next thing I knew, I was all interested in the movie. The croc was well used. I was happy to see plenty of shots of real crocs. I liked many of the characters and loathed the greedy assholes. The kind of jerks that you're hoping so much that they get eaten. There were a few side story lines going on too. This is actually a pretty decent movie. I got sucked right in and couldn't stop watching it. I was interested in what was going to happen. The cast performed well and it didn't have many slow spots. I think it's worth a watch for those who like these kinds of movies. I'll watch all kinds of crazy stuff. This is a pretty good movie,
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Hellevator (2015–2016)
23 August 2017
I'm sorry...but...no...just no. I didn't enjoy this show at all. While the premise of the game show sounds interesting, the execution sorely lacks. I found the contestants annoying, the tasks lackluster and was mostly bored. The sisters hosting/running the thing come off as dull. That's a shame, because they look like they could've been way more interesting. I wasn't expecting too much from this show, but didn't know I'd find it so boring.
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Bleed (I) (2016)
Unanswered Questions Abound
17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't an unwatchable movie. It started out okay. I kept watching so I could find out exactly what the heck was going on. I never did get that satisfaction. The characters weren't fleshed out at all. You're given a little interesting information, but their never explained. I need answers! Why were the mountain folk abducting and possibly...I think...killing them? I'm still not 100% sure. Why was Kane being all scary and then is suddenly helping? Why the hell did they want her baby? Why? Nothing's explained. The characters made so many stupid decisions. All I was left with is a confused and unsatisfied feeling. There was potential for a good story, but it was sadly wasted.
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An Enjoyable Movie
1 May 2017
I don't understand the low ratings and negative reviews. Was it perfect? Of course not. I still found it to be an enjoyable movie. The plot was odd and not particularly deep. I get that. For me, however, it was the interactions between the characters that entertained me the most. By this point, the characters are all comfortable and familiar enough with each other to have some fun interactions. I loved seeing Spock and Bones in scenes together. Very entertaining. I wasn't expecting this to be more than a fun, action filled movie, so I was satisfied with it. It kept my attention. The action was intense and the whole thing looked gorgeous. I'm sure many people can enjoy it and appreciate it if they know what kind of movie it aims to be.
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Grimm: The End (2017)
Season 6, Episode 13
Goodbye to a Beloved Show
1 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan since the very beginning. While I'm sad the show's over, the final episode didn't disappoint. I was on the edge of my seat. While I didn't think they would end with all those deaths, I was so afraid they would. It would've been easy to kill them all off and have evil win. I mourned each death, and hoped there would be a saving grace at the end. It was a damned roller coaster ride of emotions for me. I was so happy with the ending. I loved seeing Kelly and Diana all grown up. I wished we could've seen Monroe and Rosalie's kids. I have all kinds of hope that they will come out with a next generation Grimm. The potential is there and I'd love to see the story continue in that way. Saying goodbye was hard, but the ending made me happy. This is one of the best shows I've watched. Cheers, dear Grimm. Cheers.
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Containment (2016)
Enjoying it so far
27 April 2016
I've seen some bad reviews here, but I don't understand why. I suppose it's just a matter of individual taste. I've seen two episodes so far and I'm really in to it. The story and writing are very good and the acting also good. We get to see the infection from patient zero, which is nice. So far, we don't know how the infection first originated, although we are told where it came from.

The characters are interesting. They're good people put in a horrible, terrifying situation. I like seeing how the different people handle what's going on. Things are slowly getting worse for them all. I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. It's a tense, but very human story. I like many of the characters.

As I said, I don't understand why some people don't like it. All I know, is I'll be watching more episodes.
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A Strange Movie
12 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was a really odd movie, but I enjoyed it. I'm sure lots of people won't like it, but I liked it. The main character is this lazy, selfish man who doesn't appreciate his girlfriend enough. It would be easy to dislike him, but the stuff that comes out of his mouth made me laugh. He loses his girlfriend when he turns down her marriage proposal and she hooks up with an old flame. After meeting and talking with a stranger, he finds himself turned into a vampire. That's when the real craziness starts. The quick and odd dialogue has me laughing as well as the insanity of some of the situations. It's a low key kind of movie that not everyone will enjoy. I found it to be quirky and clever.
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A Faithful Adaptation of a Fantastic Story
23 February 2015
I really liked this movie a lot. The story it's based on is excellent. While I enjoyed reading the story more, this movie is a very good adaptation of it. I've read some reviews where people don't like the acting. I think the acting is excellent. They absolutely expressed the characters as written. I know it's a long movie, but it pulls you in. Maybe some people don't like movies with a whole lot of dialog and little 'action'. It's a character study as well as a creepy story. I also like the way it was shot. The close ups add to the sense of claustrophobia and dread. I know lots of people who love this movie, as well. I have no problem watching the entire thing in one sitting. I've seen it many times. Heck, I'm watching it right now. So, I'll finish this review and get back to the movie. I recommend this movie...if you have the attention span for it.
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Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014 TV Movie)
A Crazy, Stupid, Cheesy, Absolutely Fabulous Sequel!
1 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can't get over how much I totally loved this movie. I got to yell at the TV when things were just so illogically stupid. For me, this is part of the fun. This is a very good B movie type of film. This is a definite case of the sequel being better than the original. I'm sure the bigger budget and willingness of so many celebrities cameos had something to do with this. Yeah, it's stupid and ridiculous, but in a gloriously entertaining way. The actors completely embrace the cheese of it.

The plot is, of course basically the same as the first one....sharks flying around in tornadoes, except it happens in NYC this time. This time around, Fin (how did I miss the irony of his name for so long?) and his hideous ex-wife are on their way to NY. When Fin sees a shark shaped thing clamped onto the wing, he yells that there's something on the wing. It's a genius nod to the Twilight Zone episode with William Shatner. Fin, of course, lands the plane after the pilot and co-pilot have been eaten by sharks flying in the wind. April loses a hand, which, thankfully, keeps Tara Reid out the the story for a little while. I'm not crazy about the April character. When Fin's sister, her husband and kids get involved, things really start to happen. I missed the fact that Fin's brother-in-law's last name is Brody? This makes the couple Martin and Ellen Brody. Great nod to Jaws.

There's lots of shark carnage, as well as human deaths. There are all kinds of creative ways of killing sharks going on including, of course, chainsaws. Everyone knows chainsaws are the best weapons to use against flying sharks! Fin tries to end the tornadoes the same way he did in the first movie but, naturally, it doesn't work in this situation. A new plan is formed and executed. I love that the New Yorker use all sorts of weapons to slaughter the falling sharks. Strangely, even though in both movies, the point was to not only stop the tornadoes, but blow up the sharks...you know, so live sharks don't rain down on people, never manages to achieve that goal. It always results in live sharks falling from the sky. There are so many people in this movie.

Ian Ziering once again portrays Fin Shepard and Tara Reid is back as his ex-wife April Wexler. Ian Ziering's acting is pretty good, but Tara Reid, bless her heart, just can't act well. Viveca A. Fox is on board as Skye. She's absolutely in love with Fin which, of course, means she must die. Can't have anyone coming between the exes, even though the actors have no chemistry together. That could just be Tara's bad acting though. They have added Mark McGrath as Fin's brother-in-law and Kari Wuhrer. The cameos are abundant. Some have a more significant part, such as Judd Hirsch who plays a cabbie. (nod to his role in Taxi) Others are on screen long enough to notice who they are before they are eaten by sharks. I saw Kelly Osbourne get eaten....Wil Wheaton had his head bitten off on an airplane and Perez Hilton was snapped up in the underground subway. This was very satisfying for me for some reason. I'm sure I missed some of the quick cameos flying around this movie. I nearly missed Billy Ray Cyrus as Dr. Quint. (another Jaws nod)

This movie was a fun, crazy, roller coaster ride. Don't be ashamed to watch this. It's fabulous. Is it Emmy worthy? Probably not. Is it an Oscar worthy movie? Nope, but who cares? It's supposed to be a crazy, action filled romp and it completely meets this criteria. I'm not ashamed to admit that I shall watch this again. If you haven't seen it, see it. If you have seen it, watch it again. C'mon, you know you want to. I can see it in your eyes.
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Never Heard Of It But Glad I Discovered It
17 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I never heard of this movie before. I don't remember ever seeing it advertised. I don't even know if it ran in U.S. Theaters. I was looking through movies on Demand and happened upon it. The title intrigued me. The plot sounded interesting and then I saw that Vincent D'Onofrio and Paul Walker were in it...I was hooked. I'm so glad I found this movie. I've watched it twice so far.

It's an anthology movie, which is one of my favorite types of movies. Each of the three stories originate from General Lee's Pawn Shop. It's here where we're treated to the characters of Alton and his friend, Johnson. The conversations these two have are pretty damned funny. The pawn shop is a central spot in the movie as the movie begins and ends here and each story begins in the shop.

The first story, 'Shotgun' is my favorite story. It centers around three men... Raw Dog (Paul Walker), Randy (Kevin Rankin) and Vernon (Lukas Haas) and there half baked plot to rob meth from meth maker and dealer Stanley (an unrecognizable Norman Reedus). This story had me laughing out lout a whole lot. The conversations between Raw Dog and Randy are funny. Of course, things start going wrong from the very beginning and have an explosive ending. I don't want to give too much story away, but trust me, the whole "clown mask" thing had me falling off my chair. The scene with The Man was a bit odd, but what the heck, the whole thing is odd.

The second story, 'The Ring' is a much darker tale. A man, Richard (Matt Dillon), stops at the pawn shop to pawn his new bride's ring because something was wrong with his account. While there, he sees the ring he had made for his first wife, who had mysteriously disappeared six years earlier. He sends his new bride away, buys Alton's car for sale and goes on a quest to find out what happened to his wife. Oh, yeah, he sorta loses his mind. What he discovers involves a man named Johnny Shaw (Elijah Wood) and some disturbing goings on. I liked how this story ended. The final story, 'The Medallion' involves a man who performs a tribute to "The King"...Elvis Presley. Ricky (a nearly unrecognizable Brenden Fraser) is a sad sack of a guy. He wants to be Elvis, but he's doing free shows, which aren't very good. His girlfriend leaves him and he ends up at the pawn shop. He coasted in on fumes and pawns his gold medallion that actually belonged to Elvis. The town is weird and there's a strange scene involving the two barber shops. Ricky gets a chance to make a deal for success. All it will cost is his soul. This final story strangely brings all the stories together and explains a few things. Everything comes around full circle at the end, which takes place, of course, in the pawn shop.

The stories, characters and acting are all really good. It's like taking a crazy roller coaster ride. I have already recommended this movie to many of my friends. I liked it that much. I also think it has excellent potential to become a cult favorite/classic. The dialog is so good and very quote worthy. If you ever get a chance to watch this little gem, I recommend you do so. It's worth it.
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Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
A Solid Ending for a Great Show
25 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sad that so many people are bashing the series finale. Was it perfect? No. It's impossible to make everyone happy and the point of the show was the character of Dexter. It's his story. That being said, I very much was swept away by this episode. I honestly didn't know what to expect.

Of course, there's a part of me that wanted that 'happily ever after' for Dexter...wanted him to go away with Hannah and Harrison. That's not what I thought would happen. The ending would have to be dark.

The death of Deb wasn't expected and was heartbreaking. I so wanted redemption for her. Strangely, when she died, she was in the best place mentally and emotionally than she had been for awhile. She and Quinn were on the verge of being together and she thought things with Dexter would be okay. Of course, that's part of what made her death so heartbreaking. Her death is what convinces Dexter that he's the monster that has led to so many deaths. Many of his decisions led to the deaths of those who closest to him. This is a fact. He spent so much time wanting to have human feelings...to experience empathy..and when he does, it's his undoing. He can feel grief, guilt and regret.

I was satisfied with the way he dispatched the brain surgeon. I love when Quinn and Batista are watching the video of it. While Batista is shocked at the sight, Quinn doesn't even bat an eye. I think he always knew there was something about Dexter. Many people are shocked that Dexter left Harrison with Hannah. I wasn't. They had forged a strong bond last season and Hannah, for all her self preservation type murders, would protect Harrison and care for him. I know she's a psychopath, but so's Dexter.

There were far less voice overs in this episode and I see this as showing how Dexter isn't focused on himself anymore. He's focused on the loved ones around him. The loss of Deb is a breaking point for him. He lovingly gives her to the sea as another of his victims. Perhaps his last victim? His decision to remove himself from Harrison's and Hannah's lives is one made from love and selflessness. It's one of the most human things he's done.

I was surprised by the last seconds, when they show a bearded Dexter working as a lumber jack. He chose a solitary life. His punishment is to live without all the things he strove so desperately to have. The final shot of his face....those eyes so empty, a tear forming in the corner of one of them. It's truly sad. Of course, no matter how much we like Dexter, he was still a serial killer and was bound to pay some sort of price....and he did pay...in a big way.

For those who haven't liked the entire final season, you must keep in mind, that it was a season of winding down. They lingered on some of the other characters....showing which way they were headed. We were saying goodbye to characters that have been around for 8 seasons....ones we have come to know and care about. The show has always been character driven, so to complain about not enough blood in the last season is disrespectful. It's about the characters not the blood.

All in all, I was very satisfied with the finale. I can't help but wonder what people thought happened to Harrison. I'm not clear about that at all. I wonder if I missed something. Did they think he died with Dexter? Like I said at the beginning, it wasn't perfect, but it was a solid finale for a great show.
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V/H/S (2012)
Not So Great
8 April 2013
A friend told mat first, but then got good and he thought it was scary. I'm so glad I didn't pay anything to see this movie. I just wasn't impressed.

I enjoy found footage films....usually.....this wasn't enjoyable. There are 6 basic parts to this movie. The first is the wrap around story. Frankly, I didn't like the characters at all and I didn't get the whole "breaking into a house to steal an unknown, unidentified VHS tape for some third party" storyline was vague and kind of senseless. The guys are disgusting pigs too. You're subjected to their crime spree before they break into the house. The wrap around story ends before the last video installment, which proved to feel unsatisfying.

I didn't like the first 4 videos viewed. A couple had some creep factor, but none were truly scary. None of them were clever nor scary. The last story was actually pretty decent, but it came at the end and I was already quite bored. I see so many good reviews for this movie, but I just can't agree with them. I don't understand why my friend said it was scary.

If you're curious enough to watch this....at least make sure you don't pay any money for it.e to watch this. He said it was a little slow
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Savage Planet (2007 TV Movie)
What the Hell?!
19 January 2013
I've seen some terrible movies on SyFy, but this one takes the stale, moldy cake. At least some of the other movies are entertaining by their sheer awfulness, but this wasn't like that. It just outright sucked.

They could've taken a bunch of people, for any reason, plopped them in the woods and had the same movie. The plot makes no real sense. In fact, it makes so little sense you can't even suspend your belief that much. These people go through a portal that takes them across the universe to a planet that, amazingly, looks just like Earth. I'm not even sure what the hell they're trying to do. It turns out that the planet is savage because of alien mutant bears. Yes. Bears. Grizzlies, I believe. How about that? There are grizzly bears on this alien planet.

The special effects were anything but special. The whole thing is a mess. The writing is terrible, as is the dialog and much of the acting. The whole premise is stupid. Don't bother watching this crap. You can't even laugh at its awfulness. Steer clear and don't waste your time on this tripe.
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2012 (I) (2009)
Why all the Hate?
21 December 2012
I don't understand all the pure hate shown for this movie. It's a disaster movie wrapped up in an end of the world storyline. Did anyone expect to actually learn anything from it? It's just entertainment. Mindless entertainment, really, but it's a fun ride. There needs to be a certain suspension of belief on the viewer's part. Of course it's not realistic, but it's not meant to be. It's supposed to be suspenseful and take you for a fun ride, while trotting out some decent special effects. I didn't see it in the theater, so I didn't pay anything to watch it. I enjoyed it. I advise you not be put off by the somewhat rambling...totally picky reviews and give it a try.
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2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
The Reviews are more entertaining than the movie
8 December 2012
I'm watching this movie as I write this. I stumbled onto it on a Saturday morning and still have 20 minutes left. I must admit, I missed the first half hour. Thankfully, I'm watching it for free on SYFY. I decided it was so terrible that I had to see what people were saying about it. Some of the reviews are very funny...and true. This is an awful movie. Truly, the acting is awful...the characters are stupid...the dialog sucks...it's inconsistent as all hell....the special effects are laughable...oh my..there's just too many things that I can't even list them all. I'm slightly amused by the sheer awfulness of it all. If nothing else, it led to me reading the reviews...which has given me some big laughs. How sad is it when the reviews of a movie are way more entertaining than the film itself? I do want to thank those who wrote those great reviews that gave me such pleasure today.
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Seek out this movie and see it!
25 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so happy I saw this film. I rarely put money out to see a movie, but this is definitely worth it. I heard about this movie and went out of my way to see it.

It surely comments about today's screwed up values, people being rude and mean. Frank is sick of how messed up society is and we can see why by the shows and 'celebrities' that we see on his TV. His life's a mess. His ex wife is a stupid, shallow woman and his daughter is a hideous brat. When he finds out he has brain cancer, he goes in to a kind of overload and snaps. He kills a spoiled reality "star" and I couldn't help but cheer him on. When teenage Roxy insists on going with him, things really start moving. They embark on a killing spree, most of which occurs during their 'vacation'.

This is a clever, well made movie. I was engrossed by the fine acting of the stars, Joel Murray and Tara Lynne Barr. The commentary Frank makes through out the film is very cutting and oh so true. I found myself agreeing with much of what Frank expressed about today's society. It's truly a wonderful dark comedy. I laughed often and sometimes cheered when they took out some of the truly hideous people. Even though I realize that Roxy had some real mental problems going on, I couldn't help but like her. I loved the ending. Sure, not everything that happens seems realistic, but it doesn't have to be in this movie. It's not so much telling a story as it is shining a glaring light on how truly screwed up things have become in this country.

I'm urging people I know to seek out and see this film. It's so good, but I'm afraid it won't get the attention it deserves.
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Detention (I) (2010)
What the Heck????
24 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this movie. I really did. The premise sounded promising enough. What's not to like about teenagers being hunted down and killed by a ghost? Sadly, this movie answers that question.

The story starts out with a guy being locked and left in an incinerator at the high school. A bolt of lightning somehow causes him to be burned alive. That seemed like a decent set up. Then we cut to present day, some 30 odd years later. The whole school is going to some big game except for seven teens who have detention, the assistant coach, I think and the new teacher. A huge storm hits and it's raining and there's lightning and they become trapped int he school because of flooding. It appears that the ghost of the guy who died is taking revenge by killing the kids of those who caused his death.

Even with all this set up, cliché or not, the movie never lives up to any potential it might have had. The build up is slow and doesn't really build up to anything significant. The deaths happen off screen, so there's not even some nice, gory effects. The whole thing becomes muddled, especially when you get to the 'twist' ending. None of it ends up making sense. There's no consistency or flow. There's too many questions as well. Why were bodies moved around? Who moved them? What the heck???? The ending is ridiculous and contradicts the set up.

The only reason I gave this a 3 is because I rather enjoyed when the one character goes crazy...or is possessed??? I just don't know. When the guy goes off the deep end, it's like he's channeling a dark and scary Jim Carey. That amused me greatly and was, I think, the best part of the whole movie. All I can say is I'm glad I didn't pay to see this.
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What was the point?
31 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I wasn't expecting much from this sequel, I still felt disappointed and was grateful I didn't pay to see it. Apparently, I was lucky enough to see the original ending to The Descent. I have to say, that ending was way better than the later version where Sarah escapes the cave. So, the sequel is based on Sarah escaping and picks up right after the first one.

The whole movie was a mess. It made no sense. The sheriff handles the whole thing stupidly. He forces a horribly traumatized Sarah to go into the caves with this small group of people which only includes one other police officer. The crawlers appear way too early. I got the feeling all they wanted to do was show the blood. Speaking of which, the special effects are horrible. It reminded me of all those B movies I love so much.

The characters weren't developed at all and I didn't care about any of them, aside from Sarah. Even that was only so much caring. The plot is thin and barely existent. I feel sorry for those who acted in this poorly written dog of a movie. It's not worthy of being the sequel to the first movie. The Descent was suspenseful and claustrophobic. The original ending left no room for a sequel and I believe that would have been the best thing for everyone.

My suggestion would be to watch it for free if you're curious. Otherwise, just watch the first one again. It will be a much more satisfying experience.
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Feast (2005)
This movie kicks ass
13 July 2011
After seeing this title on several lists of best horror movies, I decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. I love this movie. Apparently, it had a limited release in the US, but I'd never heard of it before. This movie totally kicks ass. It's a beautiful blend of horror, action and comedy. All three of these aspects are balanced so delicately through out the film. It has the perfect setting....an isolated bar where people will have to fight for survival. The bios at the beginning are very funny, and you get acquainted with the players involved. It doesn't take long for the action to start and it never really stops after that. The funny parts are very funny and made me laugh loudly.

I never lost interest for a moment once I started watching it. It's like taking a wild ride through unfamiliar, yet fascinating territory. The movie keeps you on your toes. You certainly won't know who's going to get it next. It's not a typical horror film. It's fun and thrilling. This is now on my list of favorite movies. I would definitely watch this again and recommend "Feast" very highly. You won't regret it.
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Cloverfield (2008)
An Excellent Monster Movie
11 June 2011
My only regret is that I didn't see this in the theater. My first view of this was on DVD. I'm sure it looked great on the big screen. That aside, I just love this movie. It's the best monster movie I've seen in a long while. The set up in the beginning, which introduces the characters, isn't too long and drawn out. You learn pretty quickly what the people's relationships are and what they're all doing there. It doesn't take long to get into the action. Once that action gets going, it's nearly continuous. All the actors did a fine job in their respective rolls and I liked the hand held camera. I realize that not everyone likes the look of hand held camera filming. It can be distracting for some people or even dizzying. I like it though. It draws you right into the action and the emotions of the characters. It makes me feel a part of the movie almost. My emotions took a ride right along with the characters'. There was never a chance to be bored. Also, I don't mind not having all the answers. I'm fine with just not knowing how it all started. I knew as much as the characters did. I found the ending fitting. I was quite satisfied at the end of it. The driving force of this movie is the dialog and the characters. I would recommend this movie even though I know people who say negative things (without seeing it). I say, let yourself get swept away and become part of the struggle for survival.
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A happy surprise
8 June 2011
I can't believe, that for all the years that I've loved horror and horror/comedies, I've never seen this movie before. I'd heard of it,but never bothered to watch it until now.

This movie was great fun. I hadn't expected the comedy elements in it. It kept my attention and gave me some good laughs. Even though the plot isn't a particularly deep one, the writing is excellent. The zombies aren't the slow, shambling, dim witted ones we're used to....Many can move quickly and and even talk. It's so nice to see a zombie movie that has the word..'brain, brains, brains' used so much. The zombies also had some of the funny lines.

The film was cast perfectly. Each actor and actress made the most out of their character. I do so enjoy good acting in my horror flicks and this one has that. The action was pretty constant and I'd say gore isn't all that gory. I was drawn into the characters and was anxious to see who would survive. It has a good, solid script which makes the dialog interesting. I found the ending very satisfying.

Most of all this is a fun film. It has a good balance of horror and comedy. I wish I had watched this movie years ago. It would have been one of those movies I'll watch over and over again. I will own this one day. So, yeah, give it a try. You won't be sorry.
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Pales in comparison to the remake
2 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, right up front, that I watched the 2010 remake before I viewed the original. I'm just saying. I don't think this colored my reaction to this movie. I could, however, see how the remake took the original and made it so much better. The rape scenes were realistic and hard to watch. I could feel the woman's stark fear as the men terrorized her. The lead female in this was the best at acting in this movie. The men weren't so great. Still, the story was moving along. What I couldn't get past was the fact that, after being beaten, raped and tortured by four men, she stays at the house. Not only does she not get the hell outta Dodge, she walk around outside, walks in the woods and sits by the river...even though the rapists might return. How could she stay there? The second thing that gave me trouble was that she used sexuality to lure the men into the death set ups. Especially bothersome....she actually has sex with Matthew. She's been horribly raped 2 weeks earlier..and she's using sex to get at the men. I realize some would say that she's using the very thing that they forced on her to exact revenge, but I just couldn't accept it. The killings were okay, but not all that spectacular. I just wasn't satisfied at the end of this film. I would say..if you want to see this movie...go with the remake. Or...like I did...watch both and make your own comparisons.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
Disappointingly Average Movie
20 May 2011
I find it hard to believe that so many people think this movie is fabulous and soooo scary. What? Did I just watch the same movie? Strangely, the answer is...yes..yes I did! I had to go through 5 pages of reviews on this site to finally find some people who also were unimpressed with this film.

I'm not even bothering to go into the whole plot. It reminded me of "Poltergeist", but no where near as thrilling and suspenseful. No. Where. Near. The buildup was so damned slow and the plot wasn't very good either. It was a totally average kind of horror movie. Maybe not even average. I thought it was kind of stupid. People were laughing in the audience. Not good when it's not a funny scene on the screen. It wasn't scary or suspenseful. I don't understand how people can call this movie frightening and unsettling. It's totally not either. Of course, I didn't think Paranormal Activity was scary, suspenseful or very good.

I guess, if you liked Paranormal Activity...have at it and watch this. If, like me, you though PA was totally over hyped...then don't watch this. It'll be a waste of your time.
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