
6 Reviews
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Cheesy Cop-Out of an Ending
5 November 2003
After all the build up. After all the hype. After all the philosophy papers written about this BRILLIANT movie concept. What a predictable, cheep, cop-out of an ending. I wish the Wachowski brothers could have a do-over on this one.

There were parts of the movie that made it worth the price of admission. Great bits of heroism on behalf of the humans in Zion. Some very suspenseful moments.

Oh, and a cheesy death scene that lasted for ever. I found myself wanting to yell at the screen "Die already!"

I recommend all Matrix fans to go and see this movie. But, just don't go there expecting much more than some awesome special effects.
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Since when does P.J. have the right to re-write Tolkien?
5 November 2003
What the hell was that?!?

The movie started out great! Then, all of the sudden, there was some kind of mass Exodus to Helms Deep? Along the way some orcs on wolves decide to attack? Then that whole disappearance and dream sequence with Aragorn?!? Did Tolkien write two different versions of the story or something?

Oh, and the complete assassination of Bormamir's more noble, and honorable brother Faramir. And what about that little jaunt over to Gondor for Frodo, Sam, and Gollum? At one point Frodo speaks the line "We're not supposed to be here." I wanted to stand up and yell at the screen "You got that right mister!"

I only hope that the ring gets destroyed in the next movie. Unless P.J. comes up with some other plans for it.

I walked out of the movie and demanded my money back. My reason was that they didn't show the movie I came to see. I came to see "The Two Towers". I don't know what the hell that piece of crap was.
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An ultimate Anti-Hero story
27 October 2003
I've seen all of Eastwoods spaghetti westerns. I think Good, Bad, and Ugly is one of the best because it's not based around the typical "Revenge" cliché. All three guys are bad guys. Clint (The good), and Eli Wallach (The ugly) are nothing more than scam artists. Van Cleef (The bad) is a corrupt union sergeant that does murder for hire.

They all find out about $200,000 in gold coins stolen from the union army, now hidden in a grave in a graveyard. The only problem is the location is broken up into two secrets (the name of the grave yard, and the name on the grave), and neither one of them knows both secrets.

You set this against the backdrop of the Civil War. Thousands of real good men (both North, and South), fighting, and dieing each for what they believe in. We have a depiction of the hell of the Civil War, and we have these three bad guys weaseling their way through it to get to a fortune in stolen war funds.

This is one of the ultimate "Anti-Hero" films of all time. The "Good Guy" doesn't always win. In this case the "Lesser" of all the evil guys wins. He's still a thief, but you find yourself rooting for him.
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Wilder Days (2003 TV Movie)
Touching, and Well Acted. (Spoilers)
20 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
The story line was good. Not your typical "chick flick". Normally, I don't watch these types of movies, but, I've always had a great deal of respect for Peter Falk.

An old man (Peter Falk) destined to live out the rest of his life in a nursing home decides to break out. He and his grandson head off on a road trip to prove the grandson that the stories he'd been telling all these years were more than just stories. At the same time he also hopes to rebuild the fallen apart relationship he had with his own son, the boys father (Tim Daly).

The ending was a little predictable, and formulaic, but touching none the less.
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It's about using your noodle.
16 October 2003
I saw this movie a few years ago on the Sci-Fi channel during a movie marathon they were having. Loved it so much I bought the DVD.

Based on a brilliant piece of science fiction ("Oms En Serie" by Stefan Wul). The artwork is stunning, and the story line an original masterpiece.

The plotline of this story is simple.

You enslave a race of beings and take them for granted, one of them eventually learns your language, and unites all his fellow slaves in an organized attack.

Suddenly you've been conquered.

This story line was later ripped off by L. Ron Hubbard and his group of wackos. You might have read the book, or seen the atrocity of a film "Battlefield Earth".
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It's about time someone grabbed the horror genre by the balls and YANKED!!!
13 August 2003
Many people won't like this movie because they're expecting the pre-packaged, poorly written, dribble that the film makers of today produce. Horror movies now-a-days are nothing more than a medium to showcase a bunch of fancy graphics, and a sound track.

Rob Zombie reminds us of what a Horror film used to be, and what it should be.

Zombie needed to "amp up" the genre a bit in order to wake up those who've fallen asleep watching crap like "House on Haunted Hill", or "Darkness Falls".

This is a movie for the true grit, balls out, horror fan. All you need is a scary premise, and a whole lot of ghoulish gore. And of course a "Rock 'n Roll" atmosphere that only Rob Zombie can accomplish.

All I can say is "Great Job Rob". I'm definitely buying the DVD for my library.
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