
58 Reviews
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Quantum Leap: The Friendly Skies (2023)
Season 1, Episode 17
Plane Destination bogus
4 August 2023
This epic was good except for a lot of the goods that have been pointed out. First of all the 747 holds about 367 passengers and 21 crew. The end result of saving this many lives would definitely effect the historical time line for the future in a big way. The gun issue is puzzling but I'm not sure about security measures in 1971; though we did often times have sky marshals on board international flights due to hi jacking events. My final observation is that why would a plan scheduled from New York to London be any where in the vicinity of being able to land in Puerto Rico? That diversion would have taken a long time to accomplish. Too many goofs to overlook.
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28 April 2023
I cannot believe that Disney made this. A total disaster to the story it's time to stick to original animation for these classic tales. This definitely makes me not want to see what they have done to the little mermaid. Acting was terrible and stilted what has happened to the magic of Disney??? Has the company totally gone nuts or what. I would not waste the time to watch it unless you are just really bored and no nothing of the story. Changing the plot and adding characters that are unnecessary to the story is moot. This version has left out so much of the fun and adventure it is not even worthy of a bedtime story at all.
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The Fabelmans (2022)
Not what I expected
3 February 2023
The film was as usual, a good Spielberg creation. But I hope that some of the events were embellished as I to lived in California at this time. The anti semitism depicted showed me an area that in Southern California we were not exposed to. I truly hope that his family life was not as depicted, if it was my admiration for Stevens accomplishments since then has grown immensely! I wish he could have shown more about getting started in films rather than just fading out in a back lot. If he were to remake this or perhaps make a film about his actual start in Hollywood it would be recognized a lot better.
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Lightyear (2022)
3 August 2022
If there was a zero on the rating I would have given that fir this. I am really glad we didn't spend the money on this in the theater. So disappointed that I am ashamed that this film is under the Disney label. 😢👹
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
14 July 2022
Having just finished episode 6, finale, I gave changed my rating from 8 to 10. This has been an outstanding setups. Well written and directed and acted. Can't wait for the inclusion of this character into the MCU as a staple. 👍🏻🎥
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The last one
14 May 2022
Well after viewing this entry in the Bond franchise, I can see they need to end the saga. Acting was average and the story was mundane. Daniel did well ti tough it out despite a over used plot. I'll miss the daring "Bond" films but glad I have all the classic ones on DVD.
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Moonfall (2022)
14 May 2022
Worst science fiction film I've seen in years. 🙄special effects are great but the whole plot and acting is substandard to say the least. I'm glad I rented this rather than sorbs theater money on it. Whom ever green lit this knew it would lose my money.
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Red Notice (2021)
It's ok
13 November 2021
Fun movie but too predictable for the most part. No logic in the capers and no reel twists you can't already see. Acting was forced comedy most of the time. Good if you are out of options for viewing, but a waste of good actors on a worn out plot. For the money spent to make this something else could have been a real success.
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OMG not the book
22 October 2021
I have given this film a fair look. It is visually ok but I believe who ever wrote the screenplay either never really read the book or just thought they would grab the cash and run. If FH were alive to see this he would be pretty upset. Wasted introduction unlike the original Lynch film, it gives no background to who what why or when. Far too much time spent on Paul's redundancy of the same vision. Way too many character changes by story and yes gender etc. I don't think I will waste time on "Part Two" and I feel sorry for those who have spent a large sum at the theaters to see this. Thank goodness it was free on my HBO/MAX streaming. The producers should have asked Peter Jackson to make it, it would have been awesome. !
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25 September 2021
Having watched the original with Groucho Marx, this version totally has no comedic effect at all. What made the original great was Groucho himself with his classic quips and expressions. I like Jay Leno but this is not his kind of show. I think he is better off doing candid cameos in other shows. Sorry Jay but this version wastes your true talents.
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Star Wars: Visions (2021– )
Classic anime
23 September 2021
Watched first episode and I am impressed with the blend of time set. It's well done and interesting how they have created a world of imagination like this. 👍🏻
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2 September 2021
This trio was a good choice for an ensemble story. I really enjoyed seeing Steve and Selena of course Martin, playing on each others talents. I think this was the best casting fir the type of story that unfolds. A unique way to blend a little mystery with light comedy for sure.
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Cruella (2021)
2 September 2021
This was a really good movie. It was cleaver and full of action. Good story made it a nice film.
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Sweet Girl (2021)
Wow reviews ?
21 August 2021
I can't believe the reviews I see here. They are really biased and show little for what I consider a good story with a twist. This movie had me totally interested the whole time. Acting was what I consider good for the characters being portrayed. Yes watch it and it is not a waste of time as some have said. I'd like to get in debate with some critics; I retired as a former film maker editor etc. Critics have no clue what a really good film is. I gave this an 8. It was entertaining. 👍🏻🎥
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Reminiscence (2021)
Well done
21 August 2021
Great story well written fantastic acting kept me focused throughout. Visual effects were outstanding and I enjoyed watching this.
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8 August 2021
This film reminds me of an old HG Wells plot where the animals take over the world. It's an ok sci-fi movie really slow in development but ok.
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The Unhealer (2020)
Not my favorite
7 August 2021
This could have been a great story but hit focused too much on "do the right thing" instead of just letting it evolve.
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Voyagers (2021)
Oh well...
7 August 2021
This could have been a good sci-fi movie but o was left feeling like I eared 90% of the time to realize that the writers ran out of ideas. Too much focus on "animal" instinct in regards to human nature. The premise was ok but lacked development in regards to the logic that wasn't there at all. This type of mission would not have allowed access to critical information and having the characters be so intent on developing such high knowledge of things, is out in left furor.
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7 August 2021
Well this left a lot to be desired in my opinion. Poor plot and lame acting.
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Freaky (2020)
7 August 2021
A nice twist in a horror context. Fun movie even tho plot is old. Action was good fun to watch.
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What next?
7 August 2021
Ok well this was a ton packed but left me thinking that it was a result of "what can we do fir fun". Sometimes certain characters are too comic oriented such as shark weasel etc. The big conflict I have is it seemed like a combination of Sponge Bob, Aliens meet DC odd ball villains. Sorry but expected better from Gunn than what I saw. I'm usually open to fantasy but in this case it went to ridiculous instead. Thank goodness it was on HBO as I would have been ripped off if I paid to see in a theater 🙄
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Awesome !
30 July 2021
What a fun action fantasy movie! It moves right along and definitely brings fond memories to all of us who have a Disney heart. This adventure is right out of our imaginations as we have always wanted things to be. A sure fire story lends to the action so well I was really pleased with it. Well done to the screen writers who took a simple amusement ride and created a whole world of excitement and thrills out of it. Dwayne and Emily were great perfect casting for this genre. 👍🏻
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18 July 2021
Great action good enough story. Moved right along I enjoyed this film.
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No more sequels to good films
17 July 2021
Thus was a disappointment compared to the original Space Jam. It appears to me that this one is one side story rather than a fun tribute to the first one. The toons were ok CGI instead of classic us up to viewers presence, I preferred the animation of the original. Glad it was on HBO as I wouldn't pay 20$ per ticket to see in a theater. Check it out if you are bored and nothing else to watch. My 3 rating is being generous.
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Black Widow (2021)
9 July 2021
This is a great action movie. Brought out things we all might not have known. I hate done if the critics views as they are stilted. This is a movie to see abs enjoy on the big screen. No more ad I don't want to add spoilers. 👍🏻
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