
7 Reviews
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Pretentious downer
1 February 2023
There is nothing if the great British show in this. This show is a pretentious downer with none of the positivity and fun and lighthearted goodness of the great British baking show. Paul and Prue are smart and friendly and supportive; They're fair and compassionate. The judges here come off as elitist, unconcerned for the contestants, and sometimes downright mean. There is no joy of cooking. There is no love of the art. Perhaps on its own it could me a middling competition show but it's attempts to tie itself to the great British baking show seem like a crass marketing ploy to give this less than average show a sense of respectability.
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Just wished for a different ending
20 August 2022
Loved the movie. Love the social commentary. Loved the lead male (so hot). Loved the fast paced action. Hated the ending. Just really wish the ending had followed the same narrative the rest of the movie had. It's almost as if the director decided at the last minute to drop his ideals or more Darkly, maybe doubled down on the idea that we are all of us selfish a holes who deserve nothing.
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Bullet Train (2022)
An instant classic. Kurosawa meets Tarantino
6 August 2022
Funny, high action, fast paced who-dunnot Samurai film with Latin tele-novela drama influences and Japanese culture visual appeal.this is an instant classic that should be studied in every film school.
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Breakfast club aside, the best john Hughes movie
24 March 2022
The perfect 1980s teen romance flick. Great soundtrack. Great cast. Beautiful story. If you're a fan of 1980s culture (I'm looking at you Peter griffin) this is a must watch. Sure, there are problematic parts. Sure, it could have had a better script. But if you look at its core, the movie is magic. If you watch the movie and realize that this is Amanda's story, you'll better appreciate the moral of the story. You'll fall in love with Amanda or Keith or both. "I'd rather be next to someone for the wrong reasons than alone for the right ones"
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Not quite Powerful
19 November 2018
If the folks at Netflix and dreamworld had really cared about their source material they would have brought over She-Ra's musical score. Sure, it's a similar enough story and, yeah, it still has the spirit of a progressive and empowering show but it's not She-Ra without her musical score. Her transformational sequence is more sailor moon than She-Ra. Actually, it's like a bored Sailor Moon on tranquilizers. She-Ra 2018 deserves the same awesome and powerful score the Princess of Power had in 1985.
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Truly Beautiful
10 March 2015
Everything from the animation to the story itself is a true work of art...It is beautiful. The animation is exquisitely drawn and the actors were perfectly chosen. If you understand Mexican culture/history you will love this movie. If you do not understand Mexican culture/history you will love this movie. If you know very little about Latin culture, you will come away wanting to learn more about it and its history.. This is a film about love. It is a film about family. This story is an homage to cultural literacy and it is an invitation to fall in love with a tradition you never knew you've loved all your life.

It is beautiful.
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Quick Draw (2013–2014)
Incredible and Hilarious
21 September 2014
Hands down, one of the funniest comedies on TV. Watching Quickdraw is like watching a great improv show. The cast members do an excellent job playing off each other; the script is witty, the jokes can be subtle and smart or in-your-face slapstick and silly. The show knows its audience and eagerly plays with the boundaries of adult humor set for a show not on HBO. The show takes on what could be difficult political and social issues and makes them hilarious regardless of where you are on the political spectrum. What other show on TV can successfully pull off discussing the dilemma of 'crotch rot' and the issue of women's suffrage in the same episode? Race, sexual orientation, women's rights, religion and sexual liberation are common show topics and Quickdraw deals with them all beautifully. The show is a modern classic in the making and a new reason to look forward to Thursdays.
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