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Rainbow (I) (2022)
Trailer had promised us una pasada, in the end it was barely passable
6 October 2022
I had such high expectations of this movie. The trailer was delicious, the first scene was done brilliantly, and the first 25 minutes really promised and interesting story. Unfortunately, the stimulating introductory montage was never again to be seen, the story fell apart and we were left with a blob that once maybe knew where it was going but it forgot - probably due to substance abuse. Hence, it dissolved into nothing in particular and definitely nothing peculiar. The movie was absolutely anticlimactic in all possible senses: it just failed to deliver and conclude. I would suggest an unfortunate skip.
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The Order (2019–2020)
Grows as it progresses
1 July 2020
I think the majority of the low votes comes from the people who gave up after a couple of episodes. I must admit, after the first for or so episodes i too was about to quit. There were just too many cliches and they were accumulating up to a point where i was saying to myself "where's the end of this crap?". Even so, i've decided to try to get past these issues and i think i've been rewarded. The plot, acting, humor - everything just inexplicably got better as the show went on. Overall, it's not the best out there - far from it, but at the end (apart from a bit weak ending of the S2) it left me wanting to see the next season. I took much greater liking to the characters (most of which i despised since the beginning) as they developed. Finally, there is not an exclusively good or bad character, organization or intention. That is a nice nod (together with the recurring motive of the ethics professor) to the ones who are apt to question morality.
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A nice and forgettable movie
23 August 2019
Seeking a Friend for the End of the World offers a fresh take on the "armageddon" scenario and does so in a gracious manner, or so it would be if there wasn't for Keira Knightley, who managed to spoil any development of empathic reactions towards the characters and their stories. Her amateur-level (over)acting skills unworthy of the parody genre made the whole experience less relatable and believable. Unfortunately, this terrible miss-cast overshadowed the beautiful performance of Steve Carell. Still, some emotions were successfully triggered and a feeling of content, rather than disappointment, remained lingering after the end of the movie.
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Cloudy with a chance of meatballs? More like cloudy with a chance of sucks-balls...
30 July 2014
I really liked the first movie. It was nice, fresh, had good laughs, lovable characters, interesting plot. This one...

This is a schoolbook example of the 'not-needed-sequel-done-badly'. The story was plain, the humor was a total failure - the jokes tried to be funny too hard, so they ended up being stupid most of the time. The animation was brilliant, nevertheless, and it solely made the movie watchable, all of the vibrant colors and shapes keep your eyes busy. I liked how the island looked, some of the inhabitants made an effort (and succeeded) to make a connection with the viewer, but not on a significant level. I give it 5/10.
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Scary as a butterfly
6 April 2013
OK, i took all the steps: turned off the light, closed the curtain, turned off my phone and sat alone to watch this supposedly shocking horror flick. I don't know if it's just me, judging by all the reviews giving it from 8/10 to 10/10, but this movie didn't even come close to scaring me.

So, what's the problem? Well, in the beginning this fancy fella was telling me that the footage i'm going to see is genuine and 100% real, which WE ALL KNOW IT ISN'T, and after that i entered the gloomy asylum with the rest of the 'crew'. To be honest, the asylum was gloomy, eerie, and was great for the setting of the premise, BUT... they had to ruin it with rarely poor acting. And the acting was indeed very poor, especially that of Sean Rogerson.

Further on, the tremendous dark atmosphere of the asylum was, as i already said, healthy ground for developing a huge horror movie, but all we have a chance to see are cheap jump scares, and not a big number of those either. The movie just wasn't enough suspense, hell, it wasn't even suspense at all. Most of the scenes are fairly predictable, and there was a moment in which i wanted to turn off the movie and bin it, but i held on just to see if something would happen that could change my opinion of the movie. It didn't.

The visuals are very good, but the sound effects are just too much. Poor acting, lack of good scares and extremely annoying Sean Rogerson have a 3/10 from me.
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5 April 2013
This movie was a big surprise for me, got from it more then i could ever expect. Since I don't have much to talk about it (I did rate it 9/10), I will only add a brief sum up.

This movie is a great satire and a wonderful slap in the face to all of conservative folks out there and not at all insulting for the homosexual population. It's funny, the premise is very interesting, the characters are great, and acting is quite good. I especially loved Cathy Moriarty. The movie could have been a bit more colorful, but the visuals are still fitting the premise.

One beautiful,underrated movie you just have to watch. 9/10
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Pitch Perfect (2012)
It was fun, whether i wanted it to be or not...
4 April 2013
I hate Glee type of movies. Same story, same characters, same perfect improvisational abilities every average teen has (?!?). This movie doesn't differentiate much from the picture, but, somehow i can't give it less than 7/10.

OK, the plot is not very innovative, we have the cliché romance string and most of the characters in this movie are generic, but what happened here is that we have a leading female role which is not at all your typical chick. Although many people see and understand her as an 'alternative' girl (she is portrayed like by other characters), she is just an ordinary girl, somewhat socially awkward, trying to follow her dream. Not at all dramatic as an 'alt' person could be, and definitely not emphasizing that what she is. To be said, she doesn't even listen to 'alternative' music, which is a thing that somehow bothers me. If she doesn't listen to that kind of music, doesn't really act like she does, but tries to look like she does, we have a case of a badly put together character. They made her 'alternative' just for the sake of it... Anyways... A bit phlegmatic, she wouldn't fit the role in, let's say, Bring It On, but, she does fit this flick perfectly. Other characters were a variety of templates. The Bellas' leader Audrey and The Treblemakers' leader Bumper were the queen and the king of the cliché, but somehow i got to connect with Audrey. Others like Fat Amy and Lilly were refreshing.

I am a musician so this affects me heavily. I HATE the performances of all of groups!! They jump all around the stage and have like the perfectest pitch. It just bothered me to the point i had to sustain myself from skipping the scenes. Not to mention they are auto-tuned to the max. Unless they all had Melodyne in their mics, which they didn't, i find it wrong, unrealistic, even utopistic. And yes, this is where the perfect improvisation skills fall into. You just can't improvise if you don't know the song at all, and if you can, you are a godly talented chap, but the rest of your singing group sure aren't clones of yours. And this is generally what i hate about music movies. You can't convince me if you make mistakes like this. I don't believe anyone could enjoy their 'live' performances when they sound so unnatural.

At last, i find John and Geil highly inappropriate and not at all funny.

When i read my review i feel like i've given this movie a negative grade, but it actually made me laugh from time to time, i found some of the characters appealing and the overall impression it left after watching it was positive, so, 7/10.
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Boy Culture (2006)
Forgive me father, i was bored.
2 April 2013
Got what i expected.

The lines of this movie CRAVED to be called smart. I was expecting that the movie will freeze every moment, someone will pop out and state: 'Wow, this was smart'.

The character of X was so unconvincing that i wanted to slap him out of the movie. The guy looks like a freaking teddy bear while he was supposed to be an ice queen! I mean come on! (I could talk about how wrong his character is for days, but unfortunately i can't, not here.) The story of him and Andrew was unnecessarily complicated by so called 'tricks' and it annoyed me very much. Andrew never justified the attention and such an important place he got in the whole setting.

Gregory's character was quite good, on the other hand. Still a bit too pretentious, but very good nevertheless. Joey was fun to watch, infused the setting with life and created needed quarrel.

Now, the thing that annoyed me the most: 'Forgive me father..' SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP Honestly, it didn't feel witty even the first time! I don't know whoever thought that it could be a good, clever leitmotif... It was just a nuisance. Every time X started the sentence with 'Forgive me..', i've had the urge to vomit.

In the end, i want to admit that this movie isn't a total disaster, cause, after all, i did shed a tear in the end. Cheap shot, Q. Allan Brocka.
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What did i just watch??
20 September 2012
When i first saw the trailer for this movie, i was in such a hype to see it that i knew something must be wrong. I totally fell for the techy-residentevilish music and after all, the cabin itself, and was willing to deal with the cliché friends-in-a-remote-place-get-in-a-life- threatening-situation-from-which-only-one-couple-manages-to-get-out- alive thing. So i, foolish enough, sat down with my optimism and played this movie. Boy, was i wrong.

First of all, the thing that got me 'what the hell' was the comedy- horror/thriller thing. This movie just can't decide if it's a parody of some sort, or a real horror/thriller which it claims to be. In the first half of the movie we've got some 'scary' scenes in and around (and on the way to) the cabin, which aren't really anything more than something- ugly-pops-out , obliterated by absurd scenes from the second half of the movie, in which we get to see a royal rumble of mostly nonsense and absurdity, mixed with some short script fillings, since the script seems to be written by an 80-year old granny who suffers from alzheimer's. The script itself consists mostly of holes and the story was not clear enough, so the main plot is that you don't really understand anything till the end, but it doesn't feel like you shouldn't, it feels like whoever made the script did it by mistake.

The techy-residentevilish atmosphere and music remained on the trailer only, so i suffered from major disappointment when i realized that, since it was a great turn on for me (i'm a great fan of RE franchise). The acting wasn't bad at all, all of the characters did what they were supposed to, to be casual cliché adolescents.

For the end, a comment on the ending: Sigourney Weaver really contributed to this movie. It sucks even more. It felt like a desperate measure to include her, and it didn't work out. 3/10
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Immortals (2011)
A message...
1 February 2012
The first thing I need to say is that I'm impressed with the number of Greek mythology experts we have amongst the viewers of this movie. My guess is that all of them have a master degree on it. This one i dedicate to them since they're just showing off in the reviews without objectively evaluating the quality of the movie itself. Why do you think Tarsem and co had to put everything of the mythology as it is in their movie? Is it not that the people created these myths? Everyone has a different point of view of one same thing. This is their free interpretation of Greek mythology and i greet it. If they did a literal depiction of this story we would have just another movie in a row with maybe better visuals then average. So I suggest to everyone to focus on the qualities this movie has. Those are outstanding visuals, a thing Tarsem is known of, good acting, great action scenes, good music, and a story never before seen from this point of view.
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Might have been better
31 January 2012
The first thing I faced when I heard of this movie were bad critics. Second, divided opinions of people who've watched this movie. I decided I should take a look and see for myself, being a fan of fantasy movies, and I didn't regret it, but I was not charmed either.

The first thing, the actors. Always sceptic about introducing new kids into the movie industry, I tried to keep it objective and on low expectations, and it turned out I didn't have to because Tom Cameron (Theo) and Sophie McBride (Rachel) were really good. They represented their characters on a high level of quality, and for that I congratulate them, since this is their first role in a movie ever. :) Seeing Sam Neill in this movie firstly pleasantly surprised me, and then brought me to the edge of disappointment since he acted like he didn't care of the success of this movie nor his reputation. The rest of the crew was OK.

Now the story. The plot has quite a lack of originality in the base of it, but some specific things are pretty interesting, which I won't reveal here in case you haven't watched the movie. The story is a bit slow at moments, but not too much, though it is kind of in fragments. Its development didn't come out well so the end comes suddenly. Btw, the ending scene is really the best scene in the movie.

The visual effects are well done, though there's a lack of those. The kids didn't use their powers much. The drones are scary, but the Gargantuas are nothing fearsome, and they should've been the scary of the scary since they're monsters ready to destroy Earth. The atmosphere is spooky, though a bit too gray and dull at times. I had a feeling I had to see something colorful and vivid after seeing this movie. I was grossed out a few times by some scenes, which is good since that was the point, so my opinion is that the visuals are very well done.

The music was keeping the tension the story didn't have at moments, so it came out a bit too intensive.

At the end, this movie is not a masterpiece, and definitely not for those who aren't fans of the genre, but it definitely isn't bad and unwatchable. Because of Sophie and Tom, this one has a 6 from me.
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Dead Snow (2009)
For real?
28 January 2012
This is one of those rare movies that make me love it and hate it at the same time, of which i'll speak later. First, some base notices.

First of all, the base plot is quite cliché considering the cabin in a all-of-a-sudden-not-so-lonely mountain which students went to for a vacation. But this really can't be taken as a big flaw since the main marking of the genre is not-so-inventive scripts and plots. Second, the landscapes and visuals are quite admirable, including handsome looking good ol' nazi zombies being the role models of abomination. Third, i find the acting in this movie rather poor, as if all of the actors were taken randomly out of a number of people caught by accident at one place, with their quite narrow span of emotions and in general acting abilities (with the exception of main male character, which seems to be Vegard). Not to mention they look like anything but students. Finally, the music was obviously so elaborated that i didn't even notice it.

Now, what made me really upset while i was watching this movie were episodes of great and horrible impressions it left on me. Some characters were annoying to that extent that i wanted them dead as soon as possible, and i blame it on poor acting skills. But then again, there were moments when i (surprisingly) caught myself cheering for the students. The other thing is really low quality humor. Every joke i noticed as such was followed by my pokerface. The humor was just misused. Opposing to these scenes come the nazi zombie scenes which are quite exciting and interesting enough for a movie of this genre.

The disbalance of good and bad things in this movie led me to give it only 5 stars, which is mostly a product of poor acting. I mean, if i don't care about the characters, then the whole movie has no point, right? Fortunately, it's not a total disaster thanks to some very good action scenes and the main male character who saved the whole crew.
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Visually impressive, but with many flaws
27 January 2012
When i first saw a poster for this movie i was pretty interested in seeing it. Of course,whenever i see a trailer or a poster for a movie, i consult with IMDb, just to see what people tell and what are the ratings. I was first greatly surprised when i saw the Metacritic score, since it was 20/100 at the moment. Then i realized this movie is a series adaptation (genius me) and that there were probably some mad fans of the series who didn't like the way Shyalaman reproduced their favorite show. Since i haven't seen the series, i can only speak of this movie as a standalone ;)

First thing that crossed my mind was that the story was progressing a bit too fast. OK, not a bit, it was bumping all over the screen. In one moment we're here and then, with barely a glimpse of explanation, over there. In the end i was left with a feeling i watched a 20 minutes sequence of fights. The end just came too soon. I felt ripped of the story, like somebody stole half of the scripts before the movie started filming.

The other thing are the characters. Too shallow. I guess there just was too many things to cover in this movie. I didn't get the chance to get to know the characters, let alone let them guide me through the movie.

That's all of the bad things. Only two, but two too many. By some strange circumstance elaborated story and quality characters are main two things you need in order to make a good movie...

But, what about the good sides? There has to be some, right? OK, if we leave aside the story and the characters, we then have some space to admire the visual aspects of the movie. Bendings are very well done, and it seems to me that they were the thing Shyalaman focused most on while making this movie, which is comprehensible, but not satisfying. Scenes of fighting are also well done, although, IMO, there's been a lack of those during the movie. The continents are not that much of a wondrous sight and never-before-seen, although they are admirable.

In the end, as my final word, i'd like to say that i was just trilled with Aang (Noah Ringer), i find him very adorable, but still powerful. With him and the visual appearance on the + side i couldn't give this movie less than 5 stars.
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