
14 Reviews
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Bones: The Corpse on the Canopy (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Bones is Back!
7 February 2013
After a thus far mediocre season, I was beginning to lose faith in Bones. However, this episode reminded me why I watch and love this show: The writers have created characters that I love so much that I find myself completely terrified when they are in danger. The writers proved that they can still create a sense of jeopardy when they want to.

I loved watching Hodgins unravel, seeing Booth in his sniper/FBI mode again, and feeling the terror of a truly scary villain. Pelant is my 2nd favorite Bones villain, after only the Gravedigger of course.

I think that the other reviewers are being way too harsh. There were only a couple of things at the end of this episode that made me raise my eyebrows because they were slightly unbelievable, but come one people. At the end of the day, this is television. A little bit of unbelievability for the sake of the plot is perfectly acceptable.

I enjoyed every minute of this episode and despite what other viewers say, if you are a fan of this series and love the characters, I am sure you will enjoy it too.
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Bones: The Signs in the Silence (2011)
Season 6, Episode 21
Beautiful Episode
3 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review largely out of annoyance from the first reviewer who complained about the treatment of Amy as evidence. Clearly this reviewer is not a Bones fan WHATSOEVER, and had no grounds to write such a negative review. I would not be surprised if this was the first episode of Bones she has ever seen. Brennan treating Amy as evidence was 100% in character and appropriate. Anyone who knows Brennan would know that she objectifies herself from cases to avoid clouded judgment. With the help of Sweets and her connection with Amy, Brennan is able to move past this boundary. That said, this was an outstanding episode, certainly one of the best of this season thus far. We got long overdue character development from both Brennan (plot line with Amy) and Booth (losing his temper plot line.) Hodgins' reaction to Angela's false labor was hilarious and adorable. He told the nurse to boil some water.... :)

This episode actually reminded me of The Graft in the Girl in certain ways. Amy's plot line was quite moving.

Overall a beautifully done episode.
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Bones: The Finder (2011)
Season 6, Episode 19
Entertaining, but certainly not Bones
26 November 2011
I agree that this was not an episode of Bones. It felt like the Bones characters were the guests as the Finder cast and plots were clearly in focus. Another reviewer phrased it well by saying the episode was Booth-free and Bones-lite.

Nonetheless, it was an enjoyable hour of television. Though whoever was playing Walter's acting left something to be desired, I was intrigued by Walter and Ike's characters. It was also an entertaining plot. This did its job by getting me interested in the new series, especially since I am already such a big fan of Hanson's work.

That said, the glaring, somewhat unforgivable issue with this was that they should not have tried to pass this as an episode of Bones. It obviously wasn't. Viewers felt deceived as this so called Bones episode was quite obviously a poorly disguised, extended promo for the Finder. If viewers had gone into this with the proper mindset, I am certain the response would not have been so negative. This should have been the pilot for the Finder. It would have been a perfect way to segway Bones into the spin off series. Oh well.
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Bones: The Killer in the Crosshairs (2011)
Season 6, Episode 15
Very Good Episode
12 November 2011
I am surprised to see that this episode only has a 7.6 average rating...I thought it was very good. I like having a recurring "bad guy," especially one who brings up conflicting emotions in a character (in this case Booth.) I look forward to seeing where this sniper plot line is headed. Also, I loved the plot line with Angela's dad in this episode! It was quite funny, though Hodgins might need to look into tattoo removal sometime soon... I also liked the traditional B&B moment in the end of the episode. It definitely made me smile. Next week's episode looks fantastic, I can't wait :)

Additional comment- Where did Cam's haircut come from? Random. I had to take a double take since she was barely in this episode...
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Bones: The Daredevil in the Mold (2011)
Season 6, Episode 13
I am seriously going to kill Hannah...
12 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
How could she break Booth's heart!!!!! He is such an incredible guy and he bought her a ring he couldn't even afford and she rejected him with "I'm not the marrying type." BULLSHIT I SAY! Then what type are you, Hannah? Apparently the type to have flings just to break good mens' hearts. And then she tried to turn it on Booth by saying that he must of not been listening when she told him she wasn't the marrying type. Ugh. The nerve of her. I'm seriously worried that Booth will never want to take a chance on love again. And honestly I wouldn't blame him figuring as he has now been full out rejected by women he sincerely loved three times. Poor Booth.
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Bones: The Bullet in the Brain (2011)
Season 6, Episode 11
Satisfying, multi-layered episode
28 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What an episode! It was packed full of plot lines, so I will try to give a brief opinion on the important ones. When Tafet's head got blown off, I seriously thought I imagined it for a second it was so final destination gory. Honestly that could have been done a little more gracefully, but it nonetheless made for an intriguing episode. I found it incredibly satisfying that the gravedigger is finally dead. I side with Hodgins on this one- she deserved to die for the heinous crimes she committed and her death, though surprising, was a relief. I was surprised that Sweets was so traumatized by what Tafet said; knowing his character, he should have been able to realize that Tafet was playing him and filtered her out. For me Sweets' plot line in this episode was weird and out of character. I was, for the millionth time, impressed by Booth's nobility and determination to do the right thing. He seriously rocks. I was, as always, impressed by Boreanaz's portrayal of Booth's character. I think he is a fantastic actor and is one of the factors that makes this show completely worth watching. I could not disagree more with the previous reviewer who said Boreanaz's acting is flat. I was happy to see Max back as he's been absent for nearly an entire season now. This episode could have used a more dramatic, emotional ending between B&B. That is something that I always love to see that I think would have been extremely appropriate to end this episode, but I guess one episode can only have so much in it. Overall a very strong episode.
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Bones: The Doctor in the Photo (2010)
Season 6, Episode 9
Sad, Moving Episode
24 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was full of emotion and conflict for Brennan. It was interesting to finally see her evaluate her life after years of strict rationality and realize how she has a tendency to push people away. As a previous reviewer said, Brennan realizes that her rationality is not necessarily a strength. However, I do believe that Bones is very different from the doctor in the photo because she has good friends who seriously care about her. As the episode goes on, we see Booth, Sweets, Cam, Hodgins, Angela, Micah, and even Hannah take serious concern for her when she behaves strangely. Brennan has a lot of people who love her in her life and would certainly care if she went missing (Aliens in a Spaceship anyone?) Nonetheless, the ending when she finally comes to terms with the fact that she shouldn't have rejected Booth was very moving. I was certainly in tears. I knew that when Brennan finally realized this that Booth would have moved on and it would be too late. (See my review of The Parts of the Sum of the Whole) Overall this episode was sad, but it definitely brought out necessary and long-due character development. On a side note, Brennan must have worn at least 7 different trench coats in this episode! Seriously, how many does she own! On another side note, Booth was looking at Brennan more than the road in the emotional car scene. Not that I blame him. But how did he not get in an accident?
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Bones: The Boy with the Answer (2010)
Season 5, Episode 21
2 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was a deeply emotionally episode as the Jeffersonian team tried vigorously to convict the Gravedigger. It is very frustrating as the gravedigger is very smart and each time the team finds something she slams it down before the jury. The episode really shows how corrupted our legal system is. The team and viewers know about the terrible things the gravedigger did to Brennan, Hodgins, and Booth as well as to other children and yet she comes so close to walking. Brennan and Hodgins are forced to deal with some difficult emotions and Hodgins has a brilliantly acted scene where he is unwilling to lift his case charges for the good of the case because he cannot forget what happened to him. At the end of the episode, Brennan is unsure that she even can continue working on murders because it is so hard deal with all of the sadness. She even says that she has a strong sense that everything is changing. This must be foreshadowing something big that is about to happen. Normally I would just pass this off as a 2 episode subplot that will be quickly dismissed but here, I don't think so. I am anxious to see how this is going to play out in the season finale. Hopefully nothing too drastic will happen, but Brennan is right. Something is about to happen which will change the Jeffersonian team for better or for worse.
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Bones: The Witch in the Wardrobe (2010)
Season 5, Episode 20
2 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was overall a very good episode. I am a big fan of Angela and Hodgins as a couple- they are an ideal couple! The truly balance each other out, much like B&B. Them finally realizing this in jail of all places was really cute and romantic. Looking back in retrospect, It's amazing that this show is at the end of its 5th season and still awesome. It makes me want to keep watching more with each episode. This is probably the only show I have ever watched where each season is equally as good as the last. I hope that Bones keeps going for many more seasons as I truly think it has some of the best characters, acting, couples, and writing on television.
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Bones: The Parts in the Sum of the Whole (2010)
Season 5, Episode 16
Zack's Back
29 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was fantastic. Easily the best episode of the season thus far. This took us back to B&B's very first case. One of the many, many things that made this episode for me was the fact that Zack was in it. But here are some of the other highlights- Hodgin's crazy hair, Zack and Hodgin's first experiment, Bones nicknaming Booth "shoes" (I wish that one would have stuck), B&B loudly fighting and calling each other names at a crime scene, the 2 kisses(!!!), and finally the ending. The ending of this episode was absolutely phenomenal. It had me thoroughly convinced that David Boreanz and Emily Deschenal are two of the best actors on television. Booth finally told Bones that he loved her (more or less) and that they needed to take a chance on a relationship. Bones said no because she was scared and didn't know how to change. Unfortunately, Booth basically said that he couldn't keep waiting for her and that he would have to move on. It ended very emotionally with both B&B crying on the steps. I really think that this is what viewers have been waiting for. The only thing I am a bit upset about is that Bones was to scared to give a relationship a try. Her character has come so far that I think she is ready for this. She has said that she would do anything for Booth, so why can't she give him a chance? He would kill or die for her! Guys like that just don't come around everyday and the sooner she realizes that the better. I can't wait until Brennan finally puts her fears aside; hopefully Booth will be waiting for her. I for one thing will continue watching and be eagerly waiting for B&B to be together.
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Bones: The Proof in the Pudding (2010)
Season 5, Episode 12
Awesome Episode!
24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was awesome! It was very tense and nerve-wracking as the Jeffersonian team worked quickly to id bones from the 1960's under lock down by mysterious men in suits. Booth saves the day after breaking into the lab by shooting down the door which I thought was pretty cool. This episode also had different emotional moments between character's including a possible pregnancy. We end with both Brennan and Hodgins having done something very kind which Angela and Cam say they "will never forget" The episode did not have a conclusive ending which was a little annoying, but in retrospect that didn't really matter in terms of the episode. This episode concludes with everyone's two favorite couples both(B&B and Angela&Hodgins) arm in arm.
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King of the Funeral!
2 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was hilarious! I must have laughed out loud at least 10 times! I really enjoyed this episode's unique change of pace from the usually darker episodes of Bones. Hodgin's toast was hilarious, Booth's song and dance was great, and we got a very cute B&B moment at the end. One of my favorite lines was when someone says to Brennan, "You realize you just insulted an entire race and culture," and Booth replies, "Yeah, she does that to everyone." Sweets also had a great moment in this episode where he offers some misperceived psychological advice. Watching this episode overall was an incredibly enjoyable 42 minutes of my life.
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Bones: The Con Man in the Meth Lab (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
Very Enjoyable Episode
19 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Though the murder in this episode was not as fascinating as others, the storyline following Booth, his brother, and their past was very interesting. Booth is my favorite character and I enjoyed seeing a humble, selfless side of him in this episode that really showed the great man that he is. Also good development between Booth and Bones who had their first real fight in this episode. If you are like me, you love to see the slow but definite development of a relationship between Bones and Booth and this episode had a lot of great moments between them. And we got to see Bones push Booth's brother off a stool which I greatly enjoyed. Overall this was a very enjoyable episode.
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H2O: Just Add Water: The Awakening (2009)
Season 3, Episode 1
Pulling a fast one on us
15 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Season 3 of H20 is obviously going to have some major changes, most of which seem forced and unexplained. I really enjoyed the first 2 seasons of this show but this episode makes me give up on H20 entirely. They're clearly trying to continue something that doesn't need to be continued. It was fine the way it ended in season 2. For starters, Emma, Cleo, and Rikki are H20. Taking one of them out of the show is basically taking away one third of H20. Therefore dismissing Claire Holt and Emma with a couple sentences in the beginning of this episode is ridiculous. Cleo and Rikki meet a new, pretty girl on the beach named Bella. It is immediately apparent that Bella is going to be the "new Emma." Oh and of course she happens to be there when Rikki gets snatched up and whisked away by an evil, full moon water blob. And what do you know? Bella pops a tail too! So basically the producers of this show tried to subtly swap out Emma for Bella with as little explaining as possible. Unfortunately, for true H20 fans, it isn't going to work. It pains me to say that I don't think I will watch H20 season 3. It is no longer the same, creative show from it's first two seasons.
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