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Never have so few, said such garbage, spoiling so much, for so many!
13 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think my opinion of someone has ever plummeted as dramatically as it did for Penn and Teller (mainly Penn) after watching this absolute embarrassment for anyone interested critical thinking! I mean honestly it was just abysmal!

With reference to my summarising quote, these two had a great opportunity to finish many conspiracy theories. The problem for so many people interested in conspiracies is that there are rarely any good debunking programmes or books, therefore some absolute garbage is allowed to "fester." Therefore when I saw that the magnificent Penn and Teller (I love their magic) have dedicated a whole programme to slamming conspiracy theories, (I am a fan of which) I was VERY excited. I thought it would be a good chance to see whether the things I had been watching could withstand some professional criticism. How wrong was I! So please read my rather pointlessly long review (which still won't cover all the garbage) and then watch this episode for yourself to see the "intellectual" arguments against conspiracy theorists.

We start with 9/11, the king of all CTs. The only one of the three I would say I knew anything about. Now there really isn't much to say about how unprofessional this part was. It pretty much consisted of Penn shouting and swearing to a montage of equally idiotic bigots who are clearly hand-picked to make the 9/11 argument look ridiculous. That was that! They didn't look at why the thousands of architects and engineers disagree with the official report, the fact debris of flight 93 stretched for miles across the landscape or anything which has any substance to it. I mean literally 5 minutes of the 10 minutes dedicated consisted of Penn shouting "these crazy f*cks!" Awful.

In part 2 (Moon landings) things went from bad, to extraordinary! I never thought someone could talk away their whole credibility in 10 minutes! (And I'm not talking about the conspiracy nuts!) I know nothing about this theory so all I have to go by is what they say, and they were so bad I actually left more convinced the moon is made of cheese. For a start the link to the moon landings conspiracy involved a nut who was talking utter nonsense earlier about 9/11, who then says, "Now those moon landings!" I mean come-on! They just revealed to us how they go to one crazy CT pub and pretend all conspiracy theorists are like this! Again this 10 minute slot involved Penn noticing how a man drinks water out of a vodka bottle, forgets the "n" in chimney and one good debunk. (Which shows the quality the show could have had!) It involved how a hair got on one of the negatives and made it look like a rock was a labelled prop. However talk of milking it! They reminded me of a child who for once was right and talks so much sh*t because of it! Anyway, moving on from this there was a point where they actually helped support the CT. They laugh at the man who says the flag moves while showing the flag moving on film! I thought they were going to then say why the flag moves but they just showed another shot of an astronaut holding the flag and spoke of how the flag only moved when someone physically touched it! Amazingly contradictory!

For the third part which is focused on the Kennedy CTs, Penn once again makes no sense when saying if the Government killed Kennedy, why don't they kill all the people making these conspiracy videos and books? Ridiculous. I am then shown (after a few minutes of milking his non point) how the bullet in the official report seems to have an unrealistic path, hence why conspiracy theorists call it the "magic bullet." Not knowing anything about the Kennedy assassination I thought that the two may redeem themselves by debunking what ostensibly appears to be a fascinating point. No! They literally just say, in fact so & so was sat slightly to the left so its not true. Wow! Despite showing us how the bullet appears to go down then up then right then left, apparently being sat to the left explains this. Idiots. This wasn't the first time they actually gave better evidence for the conspiracy then against it. So the next point someone said (which btw I'm sure are not the best pieces of evidence for the CT) was that this man couldn't shoot the rifle 3 times in 5.6 seconds. Interesting point, probably not true, lets see what Penn has to say. So get this, he uses the same rifle and with no bullets (not even blanks) and without aiming at all (let alone at a moving target 60m away from a bath tub) pumps out 3 rounds in 3.5 seconds. Do I really need to say any more? They then do the only semi piece of critical thinking of the whole day by debunking why Kennedy's head jerks back. Bra-f*cking-vo.

So I too have probably lost my credibility by swearing etc like Penn also, but trust me if you watch it for yourself you will realise how terrible it really is! It was summed up when Penn goes, "If they couldn't cover up Water-gate, they can't cover up anything." I could write a thousand world essay on why that isn't true, but you probably know why. It's amazing how they wish to promote critical thinking and not to be spoon fed garbage when that's all they do. Penn and Teller should be ashamed for producing such tripe and If they read this I would love for them to respond!

P.S: I've seen less "Bullsh*t" on Psychic Sally.
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