
16 Reviews
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Destiny (2014 Video Game)
Addicting game, time consuming... but missions get repetitive
16 September 2014
I will give Destiny an 7.5/10... Here's why:

As far as 500 million dollars is concerned, idk what Bungie even did with all of it. The only thing I can see is putting money into making it available across all major consoles. Other than that, this is a complete waste of money. The soundtrack is amazing; which is something I always have to give Bungie credit for. Halo's soundtrack was unbelievable and this is still quite impressive. But other than making the game look nice on the newer consoles and the soundtrack, things will get old after playing Destiny for awhile. Peter Dinklage voices your little robot buddy, Ghost, and I have gotta say his voice-overs are cringe-worthy sometimes. His lack of emotion and monotone delivery makes me wanna mute the game sometimes. I have heard that Bungie wanted him to sound that way on purpose... but regardless it takes away from the game.

Basically Destiny incorporates every game imaginable. It touches on Borderlands, Halo, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Star Wars, Mass Effect, and pretty much any game you can think of. This is what I love about the game. As far as a storyline goes, there really isn't one except the fact that our galaxy becomes taken over by enemies known as The Fallen, The Hive, Vex, and a few others that are spread across Earth, the Moon, Venus, Mars (and dlc rumors to have Jupiter or Mercury as of typing this). Your job is to go around wrecking your way through enemies to destroy gigantic evil beasts and shrines and other things. So you basically go through the storyline to rank up til you're level 20. Once you are level 20 you must find, earn, and equip armor that has 'light' in it to get to higher levels; the more light you acquire the higher level you get. There are 5 different types of armor for your head, arms, and feet: common (white), uncommon (green), rare (blue), legendary (purple), and Exotic (yellow/gold). Exotic is the hardest to get (I somehow managed to get my hands on some exotic gauntlets but I was extremely lucky). You also can acquire what is known as Class Armor which is basically a band you wear around your arm indicating you are a part of 1 of 4 clans: Vanguard (default), New Monarchy, Dead Orbit, and one other I can't remember. You pick which you want and xp, and crucible marks are banked there so you can purchase better weapons and armor (such as legendary).

There is multiplayer known as The Crucible. You get a deathmatch, FFA, deathmatch with possible revival and a gametype similar to headquarters on COD but with flags. There is a 5th gametype known as salvage that only is around on particular days. There are three types of character you can be: Titan (bulky and strength oriented), Hunter (fast, knife-wielding), and Warlock (back support and energy). I will say that Crucible is absolutely awful in my opinion. It is extremely Titan-friendly. What is also unfortunate is you need to play multiplayer if you want to rank up at some point. I find this to be, easily, the worst part of Destiny; I won't complain about this too much because you can easily find blogs and comments b****in about this already. I have a feeling Bungie will fix this eventually but as of now expect to get your ass kicked up and down the board. They say it is not level-oriented meaning you have the same chances to kill someone who is level 25 even if you are a 5. This is technically true except as a higher level you have access to better weapons which therefore makes it unfair again.

If you want to rank up from 20 you have to play Vanguard strike missions which is basically 1 of 5 missions: Nexus on Venus Summoning Pits on Moon, Valus Ta'aurc on Mars, beating the Archon Priest on Venus, and Devil's Lair on Earth. Archon Priest is the hardest imo followed by Valus Ta'aurc and then Phogon, The Untamed in Summoning Pits. Now these strike missions are required to rank up and earn good weapons. They are usually quite eventful and very hard to do; HOWEVER, they get EXTREMELY old because you have to grind these 5 missions constantly after level 20. This is why I say it is insanely repetitive.

There are also collectibles: Gold chests and Reviving Dead Ghosts. There are 60 ghosts to find and 5 gold chests on each planet. These keep you busy if you are an achievement person.

You can also join in with other players around the world and you can even be on one mission and cross paths with other people who are on completely separate misses; I find this very cool. You can meet a lot of people doing this. The Tower is basically your 'home' where you go and accept and turn in bounties (side missions you can do), encrypt hidden items, buy weapons, etc.. This is where you can meet a whole lot of people running around which is another way you can meet new people to play with. Overall Destiny is a very fun game to play and I'm still quite addicted to it; but be aware that if you hate repetition and grinding this isn't the game for you.

EDITED REVIEW: As of now, Bungie has patched multiple things that make it harder to rank up once you reach level 20. This is, in my opinion, completely ruining the game for me. I don't take back what I have said prior to this but I will say that Bungie's continued patches are going to make this game much less fun to play if they continue to hinder the grinding process (which is what the game is supposed to be in the first place).

Anyway, hope this helps a little. Keep Gaming!
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South Park: The Stick of Truth (2014 Video Game)
Classic South Park
9 April 2014
South Park: TSOT was my obsession for 2 days straight. The humor begins almost instantly. Think of it as a mix between South Park and Pokemon during the action sequences. You basically will run into the 'enemy' i.e. other fourth graders and when you do it puts you in an organized fighting sequence. This is similar to Pokemon where you find an enemy and then take turns taking swings at each other. That is what you do as far as fighting goes. To be completely honest, it sometimes can get annoying to continually get in these but it is your only means of XP. There will be times where you can utilize the environment to kill or K.O. enemies w/o getting into battle. But the fighting will be funny and cool at first, but it sort of gets stale by the end.

The open world is fairly condense, yet sometimes confusing so be sure to use your map often. What I like about this game and is that it isn't a dull and mindless game. You WILL have to think about obstacles and how to get by them. They are not impossible, but remember if you cannot figure out how to get to something in the outside world, you probably just haven't gotten far enough into the game; be patient! If you do not enjoy stupid humor this game will be mind-numbing to you (i.e. farting, unnecessary sexual content, etc...). I must say that there are some parts that are very 'over the top' to the point that even I was saying, "really? how did they get away with this?" or "really? I seriously have to do this?"... I won't give away anything but there are some really messed up things in the game but... it's South Park so I should've known better. Just be aware that it can get kind of nasty.

All-in-all I would give this game a 9/10 because it really was an enjoyment. If you are a South Park fan this game will definitely be right down your alley. As you rank up, you get new materials, new weapons, and new 'abilities.' These abilities can get confusing since there are so many, and there will be many points in the game where you have to utilize all of them at some point. I think there are too many to be honest, but it may just be because I would use the wrong ability for the wrong circumstance and I got frustrated. If you are an achievement/trophy collector, you most likely will have to do two full-game runthroughs so just be aware. Enjoy!
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Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013 Video Game)
My Lord... Really?
31 January 2014
Infinity Ward really blew it with this game. I have never, in my entire life, hated a game as much as I hate Call of Duty Ghosts. Easily the worst COD I've ever played, and arguably one of the worst games I've ever played. Let's start with some of the positives: Pros: You have the ability to physically eject the disc from your console.

Cons: Where do I start? Campaign has been done already. It seems similar to... I don't know... Every other COD created. The only difference is there are a few moments where the cut scenes start you off doing something really cool. And I do have to admit that the intro to the campaign was pretty gripping. It ended with an action-filled, yet frustrating, level that may make you wanna punch something if you're on Veteran and looking for a challenge. The rest of the missions? Basically the same old scenario where you're with friends to detonate some bomb or retrieve some intel; and of course, while you do that, it happens to be in a huge room with 10 flanking points. So you already know where this is going. Get ready to 'hold down this position' for 10 minutes while you get destroyed by enemy fire.

Next, let's talk about Squads. It's pointless, so there's that.

Next, let's talk about Multiplayer. This is where the peak of my anger hit. WORST MP EVER PLAYED. The maps are larger than Richard Sherman's ego. What happened to the fun and exciting maps? What happened to the open areas? There is one map that has a lot of space for you to even see anyone before you get shot, and that is the castle map called Stonehaven. Yet, they managed to make this map the worst map in the game! IT'S TOO BIG! Yet, every time you spawn you have someone camping across the map to snipe you in the face. Which I cannot even blame the people for doing because you pretty much HAVE to use a sniper or you'll go negative 25. I know why they made these maps so big: to get the Battlefield community even remotely interested. Let me tell you what, leave Battlefield separate from COD. COD is for people who like fast paced, NON-CAMPING, easy to figure out gameplay that is actually fun. Not this crap. Battlefield people like this tactical stuff and the big maps make sense for them. The spawns are god awful. The first day I played Multiplayer I got spawn killed 16 times in a row. 16!!! And on the 13th time I spawned with 3 other enemies IN THE SAME PLACE.

Now, I'm not going to say I'm the greatest COD player alive but I am very good. I have over a 2.2 KD in every COD except World at War (since I couldn't enjoy that one either) and I am rocking a 1.01 right now in Ghosts because of the spawns. No one has a good KD in Ghosts... and if they do, they're cheating or camping spawns. It's just the way it goes. Sooner or later everyone is going to realize this, so then EVERYONE is going to get so upset that THEY will start cheating and camping spawns; it is a snowball effect that will be unavoidable. This will be the first Call of Duty I ever sell. And actually, I feel so bad about selling it to some other poor soul to go through the same BS that I went through, which is why I'm just gonna give it to them for free. To use for skeet shooting. Do yourself a favor and DO NOT give this game a chance. Unless you enjoy getting wrecked every game, in which case, have at it.
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Rock Band (2007 Video Game)
From a Standpoint of an Actual Competitive RB Player
18 April 2013
First of all, if you're going to get a rock band game, Rock Band 1 was god awful. If you are going to get Rock Band 1, only get it for the playlists to transfer them over onto your console. Secondly, Rock Band prefers Xbox. What I mean by this is that Harmonix releases new songs every Tuesday and Thursday through two sources: Rock Band Marketplace and Rock Band Network (RBM releases songs on Tuesdays, RBN releases songs on Thursdays). The Rock Band Marketplace is where the actual people from Harmonix chart songs that are more popular and/or well-known to the community; or typically will release an entire album of an old 80's band or something. Rock Band Network is charted by volunteers of the community so it has its ability to be charted wrong and have some mistakes during the song. It does not happen often due to the fact that each song released goes through a crapload of playtesting before it is released, but it still happens. Rock Band Network, IMO, is the greatest aspect of Rock Band: and you can only get to it through Rock Band 2 and Rock Band 3. Rock Band 1 doesn't support it. Also, every new song is released through Xbox with the approval of Microsoft FIRST. So for example, let's say some awesome metal songs come out on Thursday through the RBN. They are released on XBOX ONLY. What happens is, if enough people buy these songs or only a few of these songs, it is banked into a popularity deal. The most popular songs are then sent weeks, sometimes months, later to Ps3. So Playstation kinda gets shafted. But thats not even half as bad as the Wii. They don't even get the songs usually. So that is what I mean by it is Xbox friendly.

Rock Band Network (RBN) comes out with new songs every Thursday. These are mostly underground bands, new post-hardcore bands, etc... Usually not mainstream (although there are some exceptions). Rock Band Marketplace (RBM) is for the mainstream and usually well-known bands and songs. The only problem is just recently Microsoft has decided they are canceling RBM. So that's a bummer, but so far RBN is still around because it is reviewed and released in a different manner. But honestly, RBM has been around forever and there are about 2,000+ songs that were released on both channels. And you can still purchase the songs that were previously put on RBM. They are just no longer releasing new songs for it. Also keep in mind that RBN was released during RB2's prime and made it's way into RB3. But they are only releasing new releases through Rock Band 3's Rock Band Network. So if you have RB2, you can only buy all the songs released before rb3 was released. So my advice is just to get rb3 so you have all the old songs and the upcoming new ones in the store to buy whenever you want (FYI: most songs on RBM are 160 MSP, or 2 bucks. on RBN they range from 80-240 MSP. But there are only 3 songs I can think of that cost 240 and they suck anyway. So most are 80 and 160).

As for the community: most are idiots. I used to be a competitive Rock Band drummer. If you would like to look at my channel it is: -I still play a lot, but just be aware if you are going to play on the multiplayer, there are many people who are "professionals" and go on just to troll new-comers; or AKA "Randoms" as the community calls them. So they do go on multiplayer to see if there are some randoms that are actually good but my advice is to learn how to play Expert before going onto multiplayer. Otherwise, you will be kicked. Also, get DLC! Even if you are good, if you only have the default songs on either rock band, no one is gonna want to play.

-Lastly, when you get RB2 or RB3, remember to calibrate your system in the settings. This is important. If you don't, you will miss stupid notes for no apparent reason. RB1 is absolutely terrifyingly bad with calibration and the engine is terrible. It is why if you have rock band 1, I wouldn't gain my opinion of the game through just the first; cuz it's not good at all. There are songs that are close to impossible to 100% (or FC AKA Full Combo) on vocals and drums because of the engine. So if you are going to get RB1, do it for the songs. Go into the menu and and use the code in your case or pay Microsoft Points to transfer the setlist to your system. That way, when you play rock band 2 or rock band 3, you can play the RB1 setlist with the other games.

That is all I really have to say. It is a family game more than guitar hero is; but it is just as competitive, if not more so. Some people prefer rock band 2 over rock band 3 but I personally feel like I can read the notes better on rock band 3 because of the note size and the colors but obviously I feel like either game is great. I have spent a lot of time and money on this game and I wouldn't have done that it is wasn't good. The community is what sucks! :) 10/10 (for rb2 and especially rb3) 5/10 (for rb1)
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30 Rock (2006–2013)
Definitely Give It A Chance
23 January 2013
Some people are saying that the show is lame and isn't clever in its humor. The truth is these people do not understand what the show is trying to go for. The humor can be dense at times, but that is because the show is smart. Not just in its humor, but that it helps touch on everybody's different sense of humor. We all find certain things funny and certain things not funny, and the show tries to hit every aspect of humor. So by doing this, yes, sometimes it can be a little weird and goofy, but it is guaranteed that they will hit your comical taste. I love this show. Alec Baldwin's character as the charismatic boss and Tina Fey as the unusual and quirky cast manager makes this show hysterical in itself. The writers for this show are obviously very clever and include comedians like Donald Glover to make the show unique. Not to mention the cameo's in this show are insane! You will see faces like Al Gore, Will Ferrel, Salma Hayek, Matt Lauer, Steve Buscemi, Matthew Broderick, Rip Torn... the list goes on. But also keep in mind that 30 Rock, just as every other show on the planet, has its good and bad shows. So if you watch an episode and don't enjoy it, do not write it off. Give it a few more chances. It really is enjoyable.
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Halo 4 (2012 Video Game)
Well Done, 343, Well Done
10 November 2012
Halo 4 is beyond incredible. I went to the midnight release, but unfortunately I had an early morning class at my college so I wasn't expecting to play it necessarily... Then I got to the dorm with my friends and realized... this is frickin' Halo, of course I gotta play it. Long story short, didn't go to class. Immediately it sucks you in. The graphics are by far the best graphics I have ever seen in any video game. It is absolutely astonishing. The campaign is award-worthy. However, for someone beating the game already I would recommend playing it on a lower difficulty to get the feel and message of the game first. I played it on Legendary and it is a PITA at some points by yourself. Although Halo 1 remains the hardest solo legendary experience in my personal experience. Halo 2 is the hardest co op legendary experience. Halo 3 (eh) and Reach (eh). Halo 4 is quite difficult in some parts and I must say the new enemy? The Prometheans? Are very challenging. As a warning, you should probably carry around a plasma pistol as your secondary to weaken their shields first because there are many times you are greeted by more than 5 knights and that is NOT a fun time (or carry around a scattershot).

Additionally, I must say, the campaign is a sad campaign. I won't give away anything even though it is probably circulating all over the Internet by now. It almost gave away from the experience and I am surprised 343 gave it such a ballsy ending but I haven't been disappointed with 343 yet so I am sure they have something big planned.

Multiplayer is very good. It is a little confusing at first to figure out how to navigate things on the screen. It is actually quite similar to Call of Duty in the aspect that you make your own classes. The only problem is it is a little more restricted whereas there are only so many weapons you can choose from depending on the game type. Also, there is a killcam so that also makes it similar to CoD for that reason. But lets be honest, the killcam was a genius idea. But do not worry, the feel is extremely different so it makes up for it. Also the maps are awesome and created perfectly where it is fair for both sides. There are camping spots, yes, but there is almost always a spot you can assassinate them from. It is a very nicely made game.

Firefight is gone, but Spartan Ops is alive (another thing similar to Call of Duty) where you complete brief missions at whatever difficulty; whether it is invading Promethean territory, or destroying jammers and eliminating covenant. Either way it is a nice touch, especially when you are not ready to have the campaign end. There are 5 missions for each chapter and as far as I know there are 5 chapters (Could be adding more).

All-in-all I say this will have a hard time being beat out by Black Ops 2 and by any game for that matter. It is an extraordinary ride and those of you who have given up on the halo series, I would highly recommend changing your views for this game. It is not the same as the rest, trust me. Keep gaming folks.

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Assassin's Creed III (2012 Video Game)
Damn is this good.
1 November 2012
So I have loved the Assassin's Creed franchise since the first game came out. My favorite was Brotherhood so I was excited to see if this would exceed my love for Brotherhood. Within the first hour of playing this I must say the organization of this game is amazing. The graphics are pretty damn good. The premise is the revolutionary war. You play (and I won't give this away).. let's just say.. both sides of the story. They do an excellent job in putting the player into the situation and into the game. Another great thing is their is a pretty decent amount of gameplay. Obviously, most Creed games do, but they are more in depth and it is sort of time consuming. I played this game for over 5 hours and only was 23% done.

Pros: Graphics, great gameplay, pulls player into the game, fun missions, weapons and action are awesome.(its why we play these games!), Cons: The audio for some characters are annoying and obnoxious due to repetition... there is a mission you do where literally you read subtitles for 20 minutes. lots of glitches (Get ready for your game to freeze during loading screens), lots of cut scenes.

Again, don't let these cons sway you from getting this game. they are minor when it comes to how addicting it is. You get to chill with George Washington, Sam Adams, Ben Franklin... everyone who is a tank in history. Developers worked hard in this game, enjoy their impressive work.
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Lollipop Chainsaw (2012 Video Game)
Interesting twist on the zombie genre
13 June 2012
So I walked into Gamestop planning on grabbing the new Ghost Recon; and as I pick it up i see this poster for Lollipop Chainsaw and I was all like,omg. The guy told me it was coming out soon and once i realized it was a hot cheerleader killing zombies... it was on. Just got it today and i must say it is so absurd that it is awesome. The graphics are interesting and the layout gives off an arcade feel to it. You can perform bad ass combo's and it can get pretty intense. Also, it is NOT that easy to play. It would seem like killing zombies would be a piece of cake but there are times throughout the campaign that are actually challenging; which gives me more motivation to play the game. The only thing I would say negatively about it is that they really do not ease into the whole zombie-deal. They kind of just throw you into a crap ton of zombies without any real understanding of the story line. Also, the combos that they give you show up on the top screen for a split second so you're kind of on your own with that. I have only made it passed the first 2 missions and the first boss so it could get a little different from here on but it is definitely worth getting. Very different from other zombie games and i mean.. c'mon guys.. hot cheerleader? Why not get this? The dialogue is hysterical and it really is so ridiculous that it's fun.
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Saints Row: The Third (2011 Video Game)
Fun game, definitely get it
30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I love GTA. LOVE it. But Saints Row definitely took on a different taste than the GTA series. Let's be honest, GTA is an amazing game. I honestly can't compare Saints Row and GTA because in essence, they are not the same. At least NOW they are not the same since Saints Row The Third put on a definite spin to these types of role-playing games. You can fly a fricking jet bro. And all the helicopters you want. the cars? Pretty awesome stuff. AND you can customize your rides man! I'm all over there because I love racing games Rockstar produces (Midnight Club). It's a mix of many games and takes the best of them all. I am very pleased with this game. So lets do a check-off list. Amazing cars? Check. Customizing your ride? Check. Customizing your character? umm Check. Boats n' Hos? Check. Tanks, beatdowns, blowing up stuff, guns, dildos, zombies? Allll check. Im very pleased. There's only 2 things I can say about this game that I did not like. One, the cops are SO ANNOYING. LIKE WOW! The cops in GTA were bad, but this is terrible. In a matter of 2 minutes you have every enemy on your map and you can barely see what you're doing, let alone escape. Because when you drive away, 3 or 4 of them follow you. And im not just talking about the cops, I'm also talking about the gang operations that hate you too. Secondly, the ending is bad... And if you're reading this even though it says "Contains Spoilers" I am warning you, this is a big one (if you haven't played the game yet). The Real Ending? sucks man. C'mon. You have the choice to either kill your biggest enemy Killbane or save Shaundi's life. You cannot do both. So when I was introduced to this dilemma I was raging because Angel (Killbane's main nemesis-voice of Hulk Hogen) could have gone for Killbane and I could have saved Shaundi. The alternate ending is saving Shaundi which I prefer. The real ending is you kill Killbane and Shaundi blows up with a huge town monument. double-u tee eff, bro? Anyway... other than that it is a huge bunch of fun all the way through. AND once you're done with the main story line, you can still cruise around and have fun. Cuz by that time you have enough money to do most of what you want. So pretty worth it, but again if you want a comparison with this and GTA, my PERSONAL opinion is that GTA has a better story line but Saints Row is a more fun gameplay.
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Battlefield 3 (2011 Video Game)
30 October 2011
I got this game because it was wildly anticipated. I recommend maybe getting it just to have it, but it really isn't that great. Campaign is extremely annoying. Checkpoints are 15 minutes of gameplay from each other so when you die, have fun doing it all over again. Another thing? If you get the game, make your brightness in the middle. It says to do it until you can barely see the image, but screw that. You cant see. The multiplayer? Crap. Honestly, it's really bad. Have fun going into a game, respawning in the dumbest places and having to run out into the battlefield every time just to get shot by a camping sniper on a building to start the process over again. Not fun. I'd say stick with Call of Duty. The graphics are amazing though, I must say. But other than that, you have typical guns like in every FPS but the enemies are not clearly pointed out to you. In call of duty you at least have a sense of where you're going. AND the Battlefield maps are TOO BIG. I takes you 10 minutes just to get back to where you wanted to be. It's realistic, I get it, but realistic doesn't always mean more fun. Hell, i'd say the more realistic a game is, the LESS fun it is. I had high hopes for this game, so I was quite disappointed. I'm sorry to all you Battlefield lovers out there, this is a joke.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Pretty terrible..
19 October 2011
Before watching this show, everyone told me how hysterically funny this show was and how awesome it is. It isn't. I'm sorry. It just doesn't keep my attention at all. The jokes are terrible and not funny at all. I haven't cracked a smile once. Ever. It is terrible. I gave it many tries and like, 34823489523894 strikes, you're out. Other than the occasional game-reference, (which i appreciate because I'm a huge gamer). It seems like an 11 year old kid made up these jokes. And some don't even make sense! If you haven't watched this show, continue to NOT watch it. It's a waste. Like the character Sheldon? WTF? The most annoying character ever created. Don't even give it a chance, I honestly don't know why everyone likes this show; because I have a good sense of humor, and even this didn't make me chuckle.
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Super Mario 64 (1996 Video Game)
Mmmmm.. Tasty
11 October 2011
Most classic and amazing Nintendo 64 game ever!!!!! A must have! if you are a true old Nintendo fan, you own this. And if you don't? Buy it now! Anyone who has anything negative to say about this game can go off themselves. (to put it as nicely as I possibly can). Douche Taco's who talk negatively about this game are just retarded and don't deserve to have hands to play any game at all. This is a classic and very nostalgic. It is just amazing how insanely advanced this game was at its time. People who say stuff about the camera being a little off or the graphics being sorta 'blocky' need to be beat with a bat and then p***ed upon. NO CRAP THE GRAPHICS CAN BE MESSED UP. It was created in 1996 for Christ's sake. It's amazing for that time and it's completely revolutionary (along with Banjo, because that game was awesome as well). I don't know if many people are willing to give this game up though, so if you have a chance, pick it up. Plus, for a child-oriented game, it is pretty tricky! I'll be honest, when I was little I never beat the game. I JUST beat it last year because I dusted off the old Nintendo after rage quitting Call of Duty. GOOD STUFF, A MUST HAVE!
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Gears of War 3 (2011 Video Game)
Cool graphics
5 October 2011
I'm not a big Gears of War kind of guy as it is. I played the first one and it just didn't keep my attention at all. I think it was the whole third person shooter thing that bothered me. Anyway, I had no intention on buying this game and I still don't. But I was at my buddy's dorm room for a few days and I played it out of complete boredom. I must admit, the graphics are fantastic. Even though i'm not a Gears fan, I definitely can at least see WHY people like it. Personally, I just think everyone thinks this game is amazing because it was a huge anticipated game and it just spread like the plague. Kinda similar to why everyone voted for Obama because he's black (lmao). But hey, if you like 3rd person shooters and love the other gears, I'm sure you'll dig this one. The campaign was a little boring... but the graphics were incredible. Probably a good game just to have id say.
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Dead Island (2011 Video Game)
Niiiiiceeee Good Stuff
9 September 2011
I've been waiting for this game to come out for quite some time. It was actually supposed to come out back in early 2000 but the building they were creating it at literally burned down. But it may have been for the best, because the graphics are good and the gameplay is one-of-a-kind. Think of it as a Left 4 Dead RPG-style. So you're not just annihilating zombies (which believe me, you do a lot) but you also have a purpose other than going through a campaign with no destination other than the end of the level. You can chose what weapons you pick up (which is similar to Mass Effect where they tell you the stats of the weapon; power, accuracy etc...). It has a twist though, they get worn out. That may be the ONLY thing I would change (it tends to get annoying when all your weapons in your inventory are broken to hell and all you can do is run and cry). Like, I can understand wooden bats breaking and stuff but like, a wrench?? that sucks to repair! Oh, and the fact that you have to pay to repair your weapons. It wouldn't be so much of a problem if it wasn't a lot of money to get them repaired because there is money EVERYWHERE but the most money I get in between missions is about 2000 dollars and some weapons cost 900 bucks just to repair it. (which is essentially maybe 20 swings). So definitely prioritize, because it'll go a long way. You can pick up miscellaneous items and customize your weapons too (like putting spikes on a bat and putting an electrical charge on it). This option is AWESOME; the only downside to that though is it costs even MORE money to repair. So essentially, it can be a pain to play the game at times. But then again, if it didn't have some sort of challenge, it wouldn't be as fun. Definitely a good change from typical zombie games. It's also 4-player which is awesome, and you can play online with your friends to get missions completed. I highly recommend getting this game. WELL DONE.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Wow.. Fantastic
27 July 2011
I figured this would be just another ordinary vampire scary movie. But wow was I wrong. The characters were deep in their parts and were extremely amazing actors and actresses. Chloe (Abby) never ceases to amaze me in her acting. Absolutely phenomenal. The movie all around is more heart-warming and heart-soothing than gut-wrenching and the feeling of just seeing a bunch of people getting slaughtered. Don't get me wrong, it is still drenched in nice bloody goodness, but it still somehow catches your heart in a way; the only way you will understand is by watching. It is fantastic, I definitely recommend it. One of my favorite vampire films by far!
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Castle Crashers (2008 Video Game)
Absolutely amazing!
13 July 2011
When Castle Crashers was preferred to me by a friend of mine as an arcade game on Xbox Live, I was skeptical. the title seemed weird, and when people explained to me what you do in the game I thought it would be extremely disappointing (not including the fact that it's 2D). However, despite my skepticism I bought it anyway since my friends wanted me to and I must say it was the best arcade purchase I have ever made. It is HIGHLY addicting and absolutely genius. It is very funny in particular levels, and the knights you play are never-ending fun. What I also love about the game is that when you beat it with a character, the fun does not stop there. For most characters, when you beat the game, you unlock a new character with new powers; this makes the game ten times more fun because there is ALWAYS something to do. Also for those who want a challenge, they even have an Insane Mode selection that you could choose to make it more difficult. When you beat the game with a character, you get skull next to your name showing other players that you beat it with that character. If you beat the game on Insane Mode? Gold Skull :). Its not split screen when you play up to 4 people either, so you can see the whole screen. I highly recommend this game to anyone, it is well-worth the purchase. And warning; you will become addicted!
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