
15 Reviews
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Airline Disaster (2010 Video)
Airline, scratch that, Movie Disaster
6 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I dare say this movie can be likened to people posting flat earth rants on YouTube. It gets people to comment.

Where does one begin. Why isn't there a zero in the ratings choice?

OK so you want to make an airline disaster movie and you have very resources. Also not a lot of money. Well, you could start by underpaying for a very mediocre script. Then source some les than prominent actors from the nineties.

Then it comes to the special effects and this is where it gets even more bizarre. I want to know what flight simulator app was used to create the plane sequences. Spoiler alert. Not very realistic when mixed with the rest of the footage.

All in all I watched with a view to getting a very good heads-up as to how not to make a movie. And that said, it was very educational.

Good job.
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Expend4bles (2023)
The eyebrows never move!
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First three were passable.

Now we're just looking at expendables trying to continue to make a buck. They'll be telling stories about Sly in aged care homes soon. Sorry, they already are. Megan Fox made it into this movie. Her face looked like it was all CGI. Sorry, but had to be said. Effects were bad, sorry spoilers.

Jason, what are you doing? Just cashing in as well I suppose.

Didn't make it too far into this and I would really like my 30 dollars back.

There comes a time in every actor's life when they have to admit to themselves that it's time to call it a day. That day has come Mr Sta... (my required number of characters has been met)
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Altitude (2017)
And this year's winner is....
15 October 2021
Wow, I thought I'd seen some badly made movies. This ladies and gentlemen, has to take the cake.

Good old Dolph. All of the acting skills of a house brick.

Denise? Did you say something to upset the make artist?

This movie is being aired here in Australia on Prime. It's just one of many of similar calibre that Jeff shovels up by way of his streaming service. I guess he's just trying to save money for his phalic space elevator.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
6 October 2021
Sorry no spoilers, the cast and crew were responsible for that.

The year is 2524. We have cars. As in infernal combustion engine driven cars. We have guns. And...

We still have Bruce. This guy just doesn't know when to quit. What? Another part shot in a day?

This all just results in someone asking, Really...?

Bruce! Retire.......!
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Swim (I) (2021)
Shark? What shark? It looks worse than a figment of the director's imagination.
27 September 2021
Come on guys. This is simply a test of someone's dogged endurance to sit through what must be one of the worst productions I've seen in a long time. There are no spoilers as there are no highlights to reveal. The storm scenes, the treading water then in waist deep water scenes, were enough to do me in. We're at 30min in and even my remote is wanting me to turn this off. Tubi, you then give us a reprieve by going to a commercial break. Not often that one is looking forward to a commercial. Gotta go now. Let me know how it ends. Ah, no don't.
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Spoiler alert
29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So there is a covert gas pipeline running through the channel tunnel. When discovered in the service tunnel plenum. Guess what? It's labelled BritGaz. How covert is that? Hmmmm..
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The 2nd (2020)
One star, as that's what it takes to rate a movie.
14 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Warning, Spoilers, Der. (Nothing to really spoil here) More a forewarning.

Fuel air explosion suicide vest. Really?

These guys have set their weapons to unlimited ammo.

Shooter (the series) this is not. (As much as Mark Wahlberg produced it) So not the movie either.

He yells, "Watch it dickhead", whilst driving. Yet, there's no traffic.

Typical, black terrorist guy gets the rol of janitor.

What's with the big bang sounds when the lights are turned off?

Contingency "Delta", what happened to the first three?

For a green Beret he's very much out of shape. Sweating like a pig after a two minute fist fight.

Unimpressed with 54min to go.

Can track a cell phone IP from floor to floor. Magical. Not even FindMy can do that.

He's seen action all over the world, "Bosnia, Somalia & Kosovo". You do the geography. It's definitely not all over the world.

Oh, but the walls are paper thin. (The Gym)

Even less impressed with 44min to go.

As an aside, casting wise, how the hell is the kid his son?

The satellite can hover over a target. Hmm, the Lagrange point seems to be very very low.

The bin fight was good.

Bad acting bloody traitor guy.

75 shots and no reload. WTF!

Bad acting traitor guy's dead now.

Fuel based explosions, yet no fuel.

On a Mac, messaging app takes up 95% of the screen. (Looks more like a DOS app). Oh yeh, BTW, Dad's in on it.

Never bring a 4x2 to a knife fight.

Of course, in going to save the girl he'd leave half of the motor bike's back tire on the bitumen. (Never know when you might need it)

Fortunately the van has AutoPilot.

After the van is destroyed, laptop still shows a super accurate 3D GPS image.

BTW, still waiting for what this has to do with the 2nd amendment.

More endless ammo shooting..............................................................................

Fuel air explosion yet no reason for it.



Please, a Rolex? WTF?
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Bloodshot (2020)
Poor Vinny.
4 June 2020
Play this movie when you're out to make the neighbours believe you're home. No, wait, that wont work as the neighbours are bound to know that no sane person would sit through this.

There are no spoilers regarding this movie as it does that all on it's own. Very predictable as in Robocop/Universal soldier meets desperate (or so it old seem) for a buck Diesel.

The only redeeming quality of this movie was the female lead.
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Why don't you offer negative stars to post a review?
9 April 2020
The edited title is "Disturbing Guy Pearce".

Come on already this is simply a test of patience isn't it. Anyone that has ever seen a movie of any genre before would have to agree this is simply a mess right from the get go. At first I thought it was intended to be a spoof. But no, these guys are attempting to be serious.

I've seen better intentlonless acting on Who's Line.

And..... this is just ten minutes in.
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Titanic II (2010 Video)
A severe case of a drug induced story line.
2 April 2020
The best thing that can be said about this movie is that it does end. This movie should have been protested by Greenpeace for a waste of public utilities. Steve Baldwin should have had the starring role as that would have made the movie more complete.
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The Gloaming (2020– )
Not a bad series as far as Australian attempts go.
3 January 2020
Warning, no spoilers except for the fact that no Australian would call the vehicle Freddie drives a truck. It's what Aussies refer to as a ute. Maybe the script writer isn't an Aussie and no other member of the cast and crew is either else someone would have picked up on the fact that the bloody vehicle is not a truck but a bloody ute.

Apart from that it's not a bad show.
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Excellent, very tastefully done.
13 February 2019
This took me right back to the those days. Best cast though was Brian May's character. Sensational.
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This movie should come with a warning. "Nothing to see here"
8 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, though predictable, would have had some merit had it not been for the woeful script. The characters portrayed come across as mindless morons as a result. The question "What's going on?" repeated over and over does not a great script make. This movie has really gotten me over the whole "first person" view style of movie making so at least, thanks for that.
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Heroes (II) (2006–2010)
Warning, nothing to spoil here. Spoilt already.
7 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It seams that certain series follow a particular commercial selling formula.

I've been watching this series on Netflix commercial free. I now realize why you need the commercials.

It's to give one a break from the most mind numbingly drug induced dribble know to man. Come on give people some credit.

Series one should have stopped right there. It was passable as a mini/midi series. There was a resolution so leave it there.

But no. It had to continue on. So series two had one last shred of common sense left and from there it just turned to (S)tore (H)igh (I)n (T)transit.

The only guy that has any credence as a character is Hiro.

Some reincarnated Star Trek actors thrown in and obviously some very free thinking, round table binge nights and the rest of the series follows.

This is is an exercise in getting an audience in and then simply selling ad time. Sorry, spoiler alert.
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Zoo (2015–2017)
The only reason it has a two is relative to the humour regarding how d=sad it is.
2 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was browsing Netflix earlier this evening and this show is what I came across.

The synopsis sounded promising, a lie if you will.

Warning - spoiler alert!

Explain to me how a pack of wolves can attack a prison. Enough said. Keep watching for more little gems if you really want. I personally don't know how this contrivance got air-time. Legalised pot I guess. Come on...

I can't comprehend why'd I'd even have to write 10 lines about this just to get heard. That's sad, really?
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