
11 Reviews
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
An abomination Of gargantuan proportion
11 April 2022
I ask myself while watching Picard,Star Trek Picard,if I could bring Gene Roddenberry back to watch it would he like it and after much time pondering I would have to stay absolutely not. There's not enough mouthwash in the world to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
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Bogus...don't accept this.....
25 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Easter bunny a co-opted PAGAN symbol the Christmas tree is another Pagan Symbol...If the Director/narrator was the least bit sincere about presenting a balanced view he would be as honest as possible.The Founders of our country were Deist(Thomas Jefferson) not Christian.The film is nothing but sophistry.....And any intelligent person that falls for any of this should be ashamed of them self.IMHO......people have religion because they fear death... get over it ..let people enjoy their life.....We don't live in Iran....The U.S.A IS NOT A THEOCRACY...PEOPLE YOU ARE FREE TO BELIEVE WHAT THEY WANT.THINK FOR YOUR SELF AND MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION YOU CAN DO IT YOU KNOW WHATS RIGHT....THINK FREE....
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30 April 2008
I've never read any Lovecraft apparently it's difficult to translate his writing to film.From what I understand this film is an attempt to do that.From the rating it seems that it works for a lot of people but it doesn't really work from me.The production is given the silent film treatment trying to emulate German expressionist cinema of the 1920's,it tends to come across as a student film.The film is a series of multiple flashbacks which work against it..deplaning any sense of suspense or continuity.On the upside,the DVD extras include the making of the film and it's amazing how they pulled this all together on what is truly a shoestring,so I gave the film a 5 for effort.
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Completely pointless remake
4 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This starts out interesting but quickly become tedious,the original was overrated so I was hoping for some new exciting twists.I usually stay away from remakes but The new Dawn of the Dead really impressed me so I sometimes break down and check one out but this movie is slow and not scary at all.It's all Hollywood gloss and little substance.the best things about this film are the cinematography and acting.the worst is the drawn out chase scene at the end.everything is predictable if you've scene the original this film holds no surprises and if you haven't the plot progression is clumsy.Like in a lot of horror movies the characters make and do the most illogical things but these characters are especially annoying in there incompetence's.skip it.
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Zoo (2007)
Mind boggling weirdness!!!!!!
9 November 2007
This documentary presents itself and it's subject matter so seriously and so earnestly as to teeter on the edge of becoming self parody.The film is given an arty treatment with very stunning cinematography and subdued narration.The narration is rather oblique and clouds the theme, most likely in an attempt to keep you watching and asking yourself what the hell is this.The filmmakers sincerity at attempting to present these people in a sympathetic light doesn't really work it actually comes across like surreal dark humor.I think It's probably because bestiality is so far from the average persons experience.If you look at other touchy subjects like pedophilia as aberrant as it is the average person knows it exist.We've all heard about the Mexican girl and the donkey but know one really thinks that it happens, I don't think the the public is willing to accept people who have sex with animals and this film gives know real reason why anyone should.I give the filmmakers kudos for attempting this,even though the end result is jaw droopingly weird.I give the film a 7 because it gives Eraserhead and Visitor Q a run for there money.
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WOW ..this is pretty bad...
1 September 2007
I can't believe anyone would find this movie entertaining.This is hands down Edward Nortons worst performance.I guess he was doing the best he could with the script but his character was very one dimensional and wooden.His accent drifts from a faux Austrian inflection to a subtle British tone interspersed with his normal American voice it's truly awful .All that aside there is virtually no plot and you can't even enjoy the illusions because you as a viewer want to tell the audience in the film, who are all so astonished,you know how it's all done..It's not mirrors people it's call CGI.Yes CGI something that has been used to death in Hollywood.I think they should have kept the effects more organic but I don't think it could rise this production above fodder.Even if your a fan of Norton skip it.
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Chaos (I) (2005)
23 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is pretty boring stuff.As far as horror goes this is nothing new..I've seen this stuff all before.There's only one good scene.That would be the first girls murder.It's brutal and depraved but it can't hold up around this otherwise dull dull film.There's an awful lot of running around through the woods,it almost seems like filler in an already short film.The ending has a nice dark twist.My favorite part of the DVD is the director giving you a tour of the LA morgue WWF STYLE ....WHAT A CORN BALL....The rest of the DVD extras are the Producer and director whining about how Roger Ebert Panned there film.If it wasn't for Ebert's review this film would have sunk into oblivion.....justly.For my bet if you want to be shocked watch Murder set pieces or the Japanese film Naked blood.
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It is just another BAD gay movie
20 August 2007
Now I'm no PC Nazi but I think it's time that gay theme movies elevate themselves to aspire to at the least sub intelligent. This is basically the gay version of American Pie...without the laughs.There are a few but not enough to justify the plethora of negative stereotypes.I understand thats it's nice to see familiar characters when your watching a movies but the character in this film are completely stripped down to the basest level.The main Lesbian thespian is the worst and most annoying.this is also a world where everyone is gay or bi and everyone gets along have you been in a gay bar lately.Unlike Queer as folk the one good thing about this film is that straight people wont see it and get the impression that all gays are like this or are as shallow as these people.....
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Funny Stuff
13 July 2007
Come on now any movie released through "something Weird Video" Is bound to be,well Weird,And so this movie's not just weird it's really really weird.This is what I've come to expect from SWV that's Why I watch these titles and love them so much.So I thought I'd write this comment to counter the negative remarks.Yes this movie is very low budget..with amateurish acting,directing and everything else.I think when you go into any SWV you have to do it with an open mind.Trust me there are a lot of these types of movies I can't stand,but if your a sicko like me and you might be interested in a movie about cross dressing,blackmail,lesbians,and dominatrix's check this one out......It's a hoot!
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Happy Tree Friends (2000–2016)
Kiddy Cartoon snuff!!!
8 July 2007
I remember watching the "Itchy and scratchy" segments on The Simpson's,And wondering how cool it would be to have a full length show based on the sick antics of cute cartoon characters.Well here's my answer.And it's not all that cool.The colorful segments of The Happy Tree Friends,have almost no plot.And what story there is is incredibly hackneyed.Trust me you've seen this all before.The thin story lines are just used as a vehicle to slaughter the characters in a multitude of gruesome ways.Kiddy cartoon snuff,which might be alright but this show just isn't that funny or interesting.If your like me and like sick,extreme stuff you might want to check this out but have low expectations.
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Sex in Chains (1928)
A valuable and historic film
28 December 2004
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Despite the title "Sex in chains" this film is hardly tawdry.Taken in its historical context,the subject material is surprisingly enlightened for the time.A man imprisoned and denied the company of his wife turns to a male inmate for companionship.This and the overwhelming humiliation of his imprisonment lead to his self destruction. Any sexual relationship between the two male characters is only very slightly hinted at,never the less the intent is clear to the viewer.I believe this film along with others made in and around the 1920's were part of a movement of "social enlightenment films" made in Germany,obviously before the Nazi's took charge.This one was dealing with Prison reform.If you are a student of film or love silent movies,or just a good drama.I recommend this film.
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