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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Loved the series. Can't say it ended well.
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great five and a half seasons, but the second half of six left me asking why do so many great series tend to end badly. Usually as a result of some ego driven director.

Black and white, seriously? Looked like a final project for a NYU film school grad. And the way they bounced around the time line was confusing.

God bless em for throwing a little work Carol Burnett's way. Life long fan.

But oh my god, Kim's story arc? Five and a half years I, like many I imagine had the serious hots for the clever blond pony tailed vixen. Not very charitable of the writers to takes her esthetic from a 10 to a 2 at the end of the series considering she'll be looking for new work now.

The last several episodes were meandering and ineffectual. I feel bad for the character son of Carol Burnett. If Carol hadn't ID'd Saul and set those wheels into motion that son would have got off due to lack of evidence.

But now, he'll be going away for long time for all the stuff he was in on with Saul. So again, not a very cheery story arc for Carol who will die with her son in prison.

All in all, I think it could have ended better. But I did find it poignant that 'Jimmy' s last act was to throw away his brilliantly engineered 7 year bit for an 86 year stretch in order to save Kim.
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Cyrano (2021)
As Woke-ism lays claim to another literary jewel
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Had this effort been presented as a satire it would be completely acceptable. Using the original story as a backdrop comedy could ensue by taking liberty with some of the elements, playing them with irony to bring new circumstances to the idea. The 1987 film Roxanne is a lovely example.

Instead, present day Woke film makers deliberately set out to completely subvert the original intent of a story for the purpose of reinventing it to support their socio political views of Diversity, and Inclusion.

Which is not impossible to do. Unless. You attempt to rewrite history, social norms of a given period, or reality in general to the point of absurdity. And that is precisely what happens in this ridiculous adaptation.

Cyrano de Bergerac lived in 17th century France. He was a playwright and duelist. And he served as the inspiration for Edmond Rostands most noted drama Cyrano de Bergerac (1897), which, although it includes elements of his life, also contains invention and myth.

In that story / play Cyrano is known for his wit, bravery, and skill with a sword which is key, particularly in the beginning of the play when a merchant hires him as a bodyguard where he engages dozens of would be assassins, dispatching all of them with unparalleled skill. He is also known for having a huge nose. Which no one openly mocked for fear of their lives.

Which brings us to the absurd casting of Peter Dinklage in the title character. There never was, nor could there ever be an expert swordsman who was a dwarf. Because of their limited reach and mobility, even a novice swordsman of normal stature on open ground would make short work of a dwarf swordsman no matter how skilled the dwarf was.

And without that skill, the character Cyrano could not exist within the framework of the story. And yes there is swordplay choreography for Dinklage in an attempt to authenticate that element of the character, but it defies reality.

The choice of casting a black actor in the role of Christian may be a victory for diversity. But again, reality beats this choice about the head and shoulders. Elite Guard units in that period, with few exceptions, were typically made up of lesser members of noble families as is the case with Cyrano de Bergerac.

I cant say there wasnt a single black Nobleman in France at that time. But Id say the odds of there being a black Elite Guardsman are about even with the odds of a female French aristocrat grooming said black Elite Guardsman as a husband.

Hollywoke, write your own stories and stop culturally appropriating already existing works.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Summary: Family Guy and Orville were great until Macfarland sold his soul to the Left
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't know what brought him to it, but where. McFarland's humor was once even handed when everyone and everything took its turn through the lampoon ringer, it has become nothing but another one sided vehicle for woke socialists. Taking ever opportunity to take a slap at everyone still rejecting The New Liberal Order

The most recent episode involves time travel that takes the lead characters back in time to 2025. Upon arriving the first thing out of the First Officer mouth is something to the effect of, What dark time in our history this was. It's a wonder we even survived it. The writers knowing in 2025, barring a tear in the real time space continuum, Republicans will control all three branches of government.

Like I said both Orville And Family Guy was once even handed where every Fan took their turn being offend by an episode that cut too close to home. But the adults were able to bite their lip and bare it knowing this week it's my turn in the ringer, and next week it will be somebody else, and that's fair.

But that's over now. Now it's all about the Narrative and bashing any and all that reject it. Will there be a season 4? Will anyone get to the end of season 3?
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Finch (2021)
Potential lost, blaming covid, when knowingly producing a weak script hoping Hank's name would be enough
8 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly this movie played it on the cheap. But it would have worked if the writing was stronger in regards to character development. IE the relationship between Finch and robot Jeff who was a miracle of robotics too good to be true. Particularly its strength was impossible given the size of the hydraulics on the unit.

And it was annoying as hell the way he constantly yelled at Jeff for making understandable mistakes.

Oh. And by the by, if the ozone was so shredded popcorn kernels popped instantly in a hubcap, the radiation would not be survivable in the shade.
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Laura Prepon is not Chelsea Handler
11 January 2012
It's unfortunate that the network made the mistake of thinking they needed a young twenty something to make this show marketable.

Chelsea Handler has a rather unique ill-reverent comedy style that is as much about her demeanor as it is about the jokes.

Laura Prepon is absolutely nothing like Chelsea. The timing and delivery of the material is twisted into something completely different. Ms. Prepon has struggled to recapture her success on "That 70s Show"

In this critics opinion Her problem is two fold. She is far more ascetically attractive than she is talented. Perhaps she would do better as a "picture" model. That way we could enjoy her beauty without having to listen to her unflattering...(mannish?) voice.

This show might be saved if instead of having Prepon as the lead, they could write the story from the older sister's point of view. The older sister played by Chelsea Handler. That way Handler could carry the show the way it should have been presented in the first place.
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30 November 2011
I am a Jaime Pressly fan, although I confess, my chief interest has more to do with her aesthetic than her acting prowess.

She hasn't had much luck in her film career. At least nothing as successful as her run as "Joy" on the sitcom "My Name is Earl".

Still I had hoped she would find a vehicle that would bring her the success she enjoyed on "Earl". Unfortunately, this show does not deliver.

The characters are uninteresting, and fail to generate interest while making their way through unremarkable writing.

My guess is the show won't have more than six episodes to turn things around.
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