
2 Reviews
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Helps enjoying being European with a cute humor
12 April 2005
I watched the movie in Istanbul Film Festival with the presence of the director Hannes Stöhr - I was sitting just three rows up from where Mr. Stöhr sat. Anyway, I liked the movie's sense of internationality, its funny but balanced approach towards national differences, its respect to the nationalistic views and its notion of Europe not being a continent just constituted by EU-countries.

The humor of the movie is built upon international differences and similarities. It bears some bias on nations but it doesn't emphasize them, it just plays with them to create humor. At the end, I liked the movie and I liked Mr. Stöhr after listening to his conference about his movie. Not an important movie after all, but helps enjoying being European with a cute humor.
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Uno (2004)
Really nice movie even for non-Norwegians!!!
5 April 2005
I watched the film during the Istanbul Film Festival (2-17 April 2005) between two low-tempered films both from Europe, and Uno just suited very well between those two slow ones. The first thing about "Uno" is its tempo. It starts in a smooth mode and goes on like this through the whole film. Even in the beginning, when the main characters were introduced, the movie starts to "move". Both the visual technique Hennie used and the elements of the story serve the the tempo of the film very well. The movie has waves in itself but it never breaks at any point. The second important thing i guess is the atmosphere of the movie. Every place in the movie was well-chosen and well-prepared. The houses, the room of David, the gym... The atmosphere created by Hennie was dark but hopeful. And i liked it. And Tom Mcrae's songs adds a lot to the movie. After all, nice movie even for non-Norwegians!! 8/10.
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