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FBI: Most Wanted: Karma (2022)
Season 4, Episode 7
mmm.... strange writing
16 April 2024
What a strange writing! A buddist or a follower of other karmic religion won't ask why. And won't try to run from death or ask not to kill them. Especially a monk. Death is the end of suffering and a start for something new and good if you behave in previous lives. I guess they won't be scared also if they trust God because death means meating with the God they love and transcending to the form of existing they longed for.

And you don't run from karma. You work it out, burn it out.

I like the series in total but in this episode would be good if authors did some research on a topic they're writing about. It's just strange to see this and watch all the episode till the end after it started with smth this strange.
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Wild Cards (2024– )
UPD: Not bad actually
6 February 2024
UPD after ep 2 & 3: not bad actually. Easy to eye, not so bad plot, norm actors work, nice scenery.


Simple, rather week. But good during late supper. Even enjoyed it. Of course if not for cinema strikes and long hiatus - wouldn't.

No comparison to White Collar of course. Someone wrote about daughter below - no, not even close, not even long-long-long distance relative. But actors are nice and easy to eye, plot not irritating, scene quite pleasant, so it's good as background when you just want to relax.

Now i'll be writing the next 162 simbols of required review lenght, so you may skip it. Compared to Rookie offspring - FBI. There also is a self-absorbed heroine in the center, convinced, that everyone wants her. But Max is not so irritating, she's even cute in this.
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Awful. Such films should come out with timecodes for dancing.
30 October 2023
Oh, it's awful. I guess all that writers' strike at play. Or chatGPT wrote the script. Wait, I saw scripts by chatGPT, they are so much better.

There is no writing at all. They should have left dancing and cut everything else. Crazy whining character of Selma is either sick fantasy of some 58 years old virgin, or some attempt to make fun at women.

And about dancing - they should have cut 7/10 of them too. I mean I'm no prude, I used to dance strip myself, but sticking and rubbing a crotch at some unaware elderly woman's nose, who expected to get to a theatre to some classic show... And wiping floors with her theatre dress and hair in front of her husband and friends... I'd punch that crotch at any attempt to get near me in such situation. What was at place in previous films - is out of turn in victorian theatre and with anaware audience.

And I've seen very good erotic shows in private theatres! Much much more nudity, but much less vulgarity. You see, when you want to show sex, there are plenty more ways than just scrotum rubbing and dick twiching. Depends only on the wideness of choreographer's fantasy.

Well, no need to remember about reality. Staging such numbers as with balerina in 1.5 day, professional dancers of very high level coming from other countries to dance plain strip - and rather vulgar as it was on reps... Well unrealistic syncing in half a day was in previous film too.

There were 20 pretty good dancers, but we didn't see them dance. Actually the only memorable and choreograpically content dance was the one in the water with balerina. But I saw something very similar at the semester concert at our erotic dance course for students and housewifes 20 years ago. Guess what? 2 students, 21 and 17 years old, made all the choreography while having sex after school, before mother of one of them came from work. And none of them was ballerina. Or any professional dancer.

Well, I wasn't very impressed by 1st two films, the dialogs and everything outside dancing was dull and unsmart. But they were at least fun (sometimes), light and with dancing. And the show in XXL was quite good, that's why I entered watching 3rd one, tempted by a group dance in a theatre. But this one... Almost no dancing and awful, AWFULLLLLLLL everything outside dancing.

Such films should come out with timecodes for dancing and a VERY short summary of all other plot. For those who like smart writing and good dance.
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Almost Paradise (2020– )
It's 5, not 7. But watchable
13 September 2023
It's not 7 and certainly not 10. 5 max.

The plot is much simpler, than Burn Notice and Magnum, Hawaii 5.0 and others that reviewers compare this show to. And nowhere near Leverage. Well, you might compare it with Leverage Redemption, but still much simpler.

It's just .. not smart. Leverage was cunning, the cons plots were crafty. This is like Leverage without smart and cunning, and trying to be drama with a sence of comedy.

Humour is not funny - also very simple.

The emotions are not believable and not touching.

The main character ... well, with all the attempt to build drama around him, in Leverage he was more believable, more touching, more content, deep and dramatic, than here. Though in Leverage he was mainly muscle and here they try to show him as brain.

Acting... is sometimes there. But when they try to pull dramatic moments it's just... as if standup comedian tried to play drama with all seriousness and not for fun. Too much trying and not getting there.

Yet the scenery is nice and the show doesn't irritate, so it's norm when you want something to sound and show pictures during supper.

But don't believe comments about "family show". Lots of blood, cut throats and other things that are not for children.
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Darby and Joan (2022– )
Nice, warm and kind with a shade of intellectual
12 February 2023
Oh, I like it) Light, kind, nice and smart. Cases quite interesting and fresh but not too harsh and without the flow of dead bodies. Everything is just enough, nothing is too much. Each episode has some kind and warming thought that makes you think in aftertaste. And the splendid views and always smiling dog) That all is a right mix for a nice warm evening.

Although didn't like soundtracks. Guess it may be smth ethnical, so i try to respect, but the vocalising is rather demonic and contrasting to the warm atmosphere of the series. And the volume of it is much higher than the dialogues and increases suddenly, so it scared me and my neighbours during the night.

And guess writers' error - through all episodes one of the characters is called with their new name by people from their past that knew them with another name. If you know someone from you childhood, you'll call him by childhood name and it will take lots lots of practice to get used to new name.
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Total Control (2019–2024)
Not bad but has HUGE flaws
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Quite interesting, bingewatched 1st season in one evening, good writing, cast.

BUT don't understand:

whole 1st season 2 characters are trying to meet and travelling across whole country to give a video from one to another. Why couldn't they send it? It's a shord video shut on mobile phone by a teenager, who uses social networks and knows how to upload a video. If a girl wanted to get truth for her friend why didn't she send a video to press, put in internet?

And then a senator who knows she's gonna be betrayed, was betrayed already and knows that one of her staff got a job offer from the main villain - goes to meet a fugitive and calls her staff to tell about the meeting, when and where it's happenning. What for? To see if they spill? Seems the writers can't decide either she's naive or able to make a coup.

And what about a senator who can spend weeks and days hunting homeless teenager, waiting till dark at the beach, when this teenager apoints a meeting and doesn't come, and not the first time, forgetting about her own kid? The senators are so overpaid and have so little job and so much free time? It seems implausible.
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Bride Wars (2009)
Surprised by too low reviews
28 January 2023
I rather liked it.

Yes, it's not some deep thought movie, though there are some good thoughts about people who can't stand up for themselves until enough is enough and deeply hurt and broken control freaks on the other side.

But it served the goal of relaxed evening. And the cast was good and they did quite a good job with not very bright writing.

I've read some of the reviews to understand why people hated it so much, and I realize they just had too high expectations. I liked Hudson's How to lose a Guy in 10 Days so I expected just as much and wasn't disappointed.

But do not ever watch it in Russian voice acting ) that's what's awful) I started watching it in Russian at nail salon, couldn't stand it, than watched it at home in English when it fit my mood. Maybe that's why I knew what to expect and watched it right when I wanted to watch something light and easy on the eye.
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S.W.A.T. (2017– )
Nationalism. And dumb one.
21 January 2023
Come ooon! You couldn't stay out of politics? Or be professional about it?

Just to suggest what you suggested in 6-11 is an insult to the whole nation and a disgrace. Our people go to fight and die for the other country against our own government. The only one we hate is our government. There may be some dumb haters in our country but they are too tied to their couches and comfort to go to USA with bombs. LA, wow! Why go so far, if there are much much more ex-fellow citizens much much closer? Those who are at all movable and able to do something and not only talk - already got to forefront and most of them won't return from there.

War is a delicate topic. Not for such rude speculations when it hurts right at this moment.
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
Agree that character is irritating
19 January 2023
Not a bad idea of the spinoff itself, but main character is too much at everything.

And shoving her sexuality down the throat with all the talking about it and "You couldn't live a day without thinking about THIS!" - come on, is the movie about her breasts or feds? And real sexy and smart woman won't talk all the time about her breasts, she values herself more than that. And especially a professional - with such shapes she will go to work in turtleneck and coat to be seen as a professional and not the size.

And all her men younger than her - what picture of sexy woman and professional in her -ties you are trying to paint? That she can't be with her own age and is always overcompensating by showing off her breasts?

In conclusion: instead of feds procedural made some "too much about too much". Some exaggerated character with all the exaggerated patterns of bad comedy in love life mixed in one something which isn't even fun.

Yet I'd watch the series with current cast if it were about feds and not the sexuality of main character and if the character was rewritten - had self-respect, and respected herself as a smart woman and professional, and not as some stereotyped picture that makes men salivating.
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It's not comedy, it's drama based on real events
16 February 2022
I see most bad reviews are from people, who expected to laugh. Nothing laughable here, it's a tragedy that happened with real people and real lives.

Very good acting and script. Bindge-watched through one evening and still re-feeling all events and emotions from the movie. It gets you to think and leaves an aftertaste... that makes you think again.

It's awful to get in such situation. And unfortunately people with boundaries problem are likely to be abused like this and at the same time most of them are unable to fix their problem without professional help. So you're starting to think what's the lesser evil here...
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Glad it's back. And update and taking 2 points away
12 November 2021
Loved and missed the original. This one is rather good, although it's different. Lacks that smooth intelligent atmosphere without Hardisson, new gen z hacker irritates quite often - imho, too much screen time to her, at least for the beginning, when we don't know and love her yet, and her behaviour is too childish for this show and this crew. But I understand why they had to add gen z character, and she's good actually and will grow on us. Sophie and Parker seem tired, and not only characters, but actors. Part of joy from show was that all the crew got joy and drive from cons, but now Sophie is tired and bored and just compells obligation due to plot and Parker is just no so crazy and unstoppable cause she's not that kid anymore. And some charm and emotions are missing. Wouldn't hurt if they enjoyed their jobs again and loved what they do.

Still it's nice and fun to watch, I enjoyed first 4 episodes and am going to watch more. Yet to be prolonged they will have to win new audience, so they have to bring the audience joy from cons and more up to date and believable technicalities in plots.


Stoped watching after s02e03, just couldn't. Tonight gave it another try and remembered why couldn't watch it any more. They are SOOOOO overplaying it, it's just... unwatchable. I get that they were trying to make a show's charm of it, but it's like they're competing with muppets show. And the writers seem to have their fantasy ran out.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
Not so bad as reviews describe it
10 November 2021
Not so bad actually. Not brilliant, but not bad-bad. Plus great scenery of course.

I guess the expectations were very high and people miss closed series (5-0 and N. O.), but Magnum got very low points at first too. I think it has a chance to grow on audience.
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23 October 2021
Loved TV show. Couldn't watch THIS more than 45 minutes.

Everything is so unnatural, bad guys running especially clumsy like the circus clowns. They wanted to make a sitcom?

Main actors are trying to do a good acting, but they fail to the writers' fantasies and producers wish for dramedy.

No plot, no emotion and empathy for main heroes, just want to scream "unnatural" almost at every scene.

Sorry, Jack, Phryne and the actors. I better preserve good memories of TV show and farewell you without seeing this.
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The Mallorca Files (2019– )
Oh, it's dumb, facepalm.jpg
10 June 2021
Female character is absolutely useless - always running pointlessly in wrong directions and without a gun. On, no, sometimes she just stands still, while a priceless item is being stolen in front of her or a hostage is being taken. She doesn't know what she's doing and isn't trying to hide it.

But it's nice to look at beautiful warm scenery and fine looking models.
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