
3 Reviews
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Rare Gore Driven Indy Slasher Movie With Potential
26 August 2020
Definitely fits the Serial Killer Horror/Slasher Genre mark in my opinion. Especially, when compared to the rare attempts towards the many over-hyped Hollywood "Horror" flicks of recent times. It was quite refreshing to find a horror movie that didn't involve child possession, dolls, zombies, doomed popular teens, Exorcisms, or Paranormal Ghost Hunters. Thrillers with R ratings, that should be rated PG-13. Serial killer movies that combine the right amount of gore, with the psychological aspects are rare these days, - in my opinion. Definitely Not for everyone. Fans of Saw, Bone Collector, and Terrifier would be the core audience for one of the better "Shudder" offerings this year. Very realistic gore for a lower budget indie horror. It definitely kept me watching until the very end. I do feel the storyline was a bit scattered at times, unbalanced pacing, sprinkled with unrealistic character reactions, and a vague attempt at a back story are obvious flaws. That said, the murder scenes are brutal. This aspect by far, is the movies greatest redemption. Additionally, the main characters (with the unfortunate exception of the actual killer), are interesting, and relatable. I have seen many slasher flicks, and not very many make me jump. This one did. Executed with clever, and unexpected moments of terror make this film work, despite a relatively low body count. The disturbing realism of those scenes carry the film. There is a moral responsibility aspect thrown in. Obviously, something that the director leaves hovering over the majority of the plot. This can seem a little odd to some like me, considering the fact that most horror/action movies wouldn't even exist without violence...especially this one. The majority of the plot seems to question the glorification of violence, yet never tries to convince you to take either side of this age old debate. The director seems inclined to leave that for the audience to create their own opinion. RAOV had plenty of potential. It definitely has it's flaws, and caters to a niche horror audience. However, I think that the film was a refreshing discovery, and a decent horror directorial debut at the very least.
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Hell Night (1981)
Good Retro Horror
10 January 2020
Bad Special Effects, humorous, and Lots of Linda B. In it...horror fans will like it.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
Forgettable Remake
28 June 2019
Same exact story with a few twists. Tries to make you jump by sudden overly loud sound volume increases. Just one example of how the movie was just rushing through a check box of all the current rated R, but should be rated PG-13 Horror Clichés that seem to be plaguing this; yet another Hollywood cash in on another classic. Although I knew going into it, and make me a little biased, I'm rather tired of children/doll villains in every horror movie that comes out these days. So Overdone. Also, didn't really seem as logical or believable being set in modern times. Pacing (especially near the end) felt rushed, and character development was so much better in the first one in my opinion. The mothers tragic Side Story seemed to detract from the original plot, and rather pointless. I really don't see how it was a stretch for the writers or actors here. "It" was a FAR Better remake in my opinion. Watchable but forgettable for me!
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