
24 Reviews
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Scream (I) (2022)
Poor.... one last pay day
19 October 2022
Simply put.... Poor.

Guessed who it was in the first few scenes, as the film uses the same typecast.

Lacked imagination, a good script.... but had way too much cheese.

Clearly a film for the youngest, teen film fan. Not for anyone with any ounce of intelligence.

Plot is thinner than gravy.... gore was dialled up to 100. Just not necessary. Clearly aimed to shock.

Over use of the "closing a door scene" played with the ever increased volume of music. To over build the tension.

The last scene, where the killer is revealed, was way too long.... though did have one great shot of a knife, along with a good final blow.

Oh... and remember the first film where the killer came back.... yup... you guessed it. Yawn....
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What was that......
1 May 2022
Considering the first was quite good..... despite the poor reviews from some. This tipped the scale in the opposite direction.

Whilst some great lines. Story had more holes than a cheese grater.

Terrible green scene's where the effects look faker than the whole story put together....

And the story... jees, talk about starting incredibly slowly. Taking too long to make a point... No back story.... Continually time skip, without the viewer noticing, so random acts that change the feature.... just happen before your eyes.... leaves questions of, how did he get there.... MULTIPLE times

Is it worth a watch... for sure. Just save it for when there is nothing better!
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SEAL Team: Nine Ten (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
Much better than people think
25 February 2022
Keeping this short....

I too, started off wondering were this episode was going. Yes, it is a filler. The usual back stories you get, regarding the lives of the key members of the team. Their past, what made them.

However, as the story unfolded, it became clear it was a remembrance of the horrific events of 9 / 11.

It was done well, it was done with care. It was done because of those life changing events the world has come to know, and remembering those who were taken.

Give it a chance, work with the story. It's better than most people think.
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Just for fans.....
20 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So, you really have to be a super fan to get anything from this film...

It's good, but super fans have rated this film so high, real film fans ratings have been inflated! For me 7 from 10..... and here's why.

It's cringworthy in points, take the spiderman bromance for example.

Pointless in others. Take the ending, everyone is going to forget who spiderman is? Early in the film, spiderman was nowhere near the people spiderman was trying to get Dr Strange to add to the remember list - hense the idea of the film. But at the end, spiderman was standing next to the people he cared most about (that was left). Surely all he had to do was stand in front of them in his half spiderman suit....? Think they would have known who he was straight away... And that news caster, "I hate everything about spiderman" character... was just a waste of space.. I know this character is a big thing to spiderman fans... sorry. But it was soooo annoying, to the point of distraction. Utterly pointless.

This film missed a lot of Marvel humour. The action was there... the plotline, partially. Adding a lot of wasted, space filling sequences.

But then after all this, I suppose, who am I to cast a view, I'm not a fan.
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Chicago P.D.: Closure (2021)
Season 9, Episode 1
Glad it's back....
15 January 2022
Pd doing it so much better than Med.

Dick got this so right. Tense, skillful and deep..... can't wait to see how the story unfolds throughout the season. Could be the perfect story for the Captain?
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Not what it was....
14 January 2022
Excuse the phrase, but I love Dick.

However, I've watched Med since day one, so I've seen it at its very best. And now I fear for its pace, directorship and dare I say, acting.

Could it be a Covid reaction?

Story was good, just seemed to lack something. And when you compare it to other modern medical dramas such as The Resident or Good Doctor, it has been left behind.

Honestly speaking, if this was the first episode I had seen, I wouldn't be back. But, I know what Dick can do, so.... I will give it time.
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The Resident: Past, Present, Future (2021)
Season 4, Episode 14
Fake baby......
26 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't help love this series. But this finale was utterly ruined by the way it was turned in to something incredibly fake, with the use of an animatronic baby. It was lifelike..... but didn't move. Lost all the emotion from any scene involving the child, and turned this eppisode in to a cheap primary school, nativity scene. The bit where everyone crowds around the new born.

A doll, swathed in rags.....

This series is better than this.
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Just doesn't age.....
24 December 2021
Not sure what Khazie man is saying.

Clearly no comprehension of just how successful this production has been.

One of my childhood memories, played probably a million times!

Performed by some of the best voices in the music industry in the early 2000s. And Marty Pellow.

Not my most favourite version, but none the less, phenomenal.
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New Amsterdam: Death Begins in Radiology (2021)
Season 3, Episode 14
Very weak season end....
20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, the only thing I can say about this episode is WHY?

Snatchet of moments in lead characters lives. Newyork / London scenes (seriously why film in London, when they leave bits of New York in the shots - clearly not London) Bits of lives that just seem to be in the past.... but are now.

No cliff hanger.

It was just lie they were closing the show off.

Very disappointed.
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FBI: Most Wanted: The Line (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
Plot holes and unexplained actions
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not the finest hour for this episode. No real story, rushed and poorly executed. Everything this series hasn't been so far.

It felt that it moved so quickly, it was over before it covered parts that were used to character build... I mean, what was it about the milk? Crazy woman bathing in it.... which turned out wasn't crazy and made to appear perfectly sane.... really?

Hope this was just a blip....
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FBI: Most Wanted: Execute (2020)
Season 2, Episode 2
Use your imagination....
14 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Simply put, the events of this episode are so far off reality, it made it hard to watch.

However, once the story started to unfold, the more it became a little more believable, despite the inaccuracies surrounding the ability to hack moving vehicles. All I had to do was use my imagination.
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Rent (2005)
A show that will leave you firmly on the fence.
5 July 2021
I really don't know why there are so many high reviews.

I've tried to watch this twice..... and twice I've called it a day early.

Once you get past the first number... one of the most famous, it takes you on a long and very windy road of rock and roll.... and other stuff!?

It's weird, most songs are un rememorable.

And it's not for me....

Clearly its for some.
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Chicago Fire: Don't Hang Up (2021)
Season 9, Episode 13
Weak.... why no crossover?
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good crossover and this could have been another. Instead, we have fire doing pd's job and Bowden telling a load of bangers there is a gas leak and makes them run.... like I'm fairly sure they would have told Bowden where to go.

Then for the girl who was rescued telling Stella that PD sorted the issue out... the department she said that she didn't want involved! Talk about a 360 turn.

Rest was OK.... but could Casey actually sort the love affair out for the love of god.... hmm.
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SEAL Team: Limits of Loyalty (2021)
Season 4, Episode 11
Could have been better.... Still good
22 April 2021
This eppisode could have been given to us in the same way as Tom Cruise went for the truth in "A Few Good Men". Instead, the emotional drama that Jason Heys was going through was not sold to us, it was more of a "here's the trial and don't worry your innocent" feeling.

Key bits of evidence were presented at the right times, providing that twist.... but they were not seen to be discussed. Even the closing statement focused on hypothetical emotions of the jurors which asked them to focus on how they felt about Jason's past service. Not once did they focus on the Key facts of the lack, or weakness of the prosecution's evidence.

I was very disappointed in this side of the personal "Jason" battle to remain innocent.

It just made this eppisode average.. and could have been better.
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Unforgiven (1992)
I just can't see what all the fuss is about
16 April 2021
Firstly. I admit I couldn't watch all of this two hour feature, I had to stop with about 30 mins left.

I found this slow, stilted and the story just wasn't making sense.

The sound quality was poor. The acting was like watching cardboard cut outs. And the plot was stuck together with glue.... loosly.

Maybe it's because I'm not an overall western fan... But I am a fan of a story. Something gripping. Something with humour or pace. Unfortunately this was being sold with none of this.

Goes to show you can't always judge a film by its rating.
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Grey's Anatomy: Crash Into Me: Part 1 (2007)
Season 4, Episode 9
Tepid for this series
12 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure what to say. Usually, this series is quite true to life. Researchers do their stuff and write the stories accordingly. This time, we have a severe accident that everyone stops to watch, with Grey and the chief waiting for a guy die without even attempting to help, except call for the guys wife. The Xray technician arrives to say goodbye to her other half, then we find him still hanging there alive. Felt like nothing was going on. Even the fire brigade, who were called to retrieve the guys stuck in the ambulance, just gently tapped wooden pegs under the upturned vehicle, then stood to watch. No real feel to this at all.....

Not the best episode, but still a good story.

However, if this was the first episode, I wouldn't watch any further.
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Chicago Med: When Did We Begin to Change (2020)
Season 6, Episode 1
Unfortunate use of a backdrop
12 February 2021
Whilst Chicago Med used to be so real to the eye, even though you know its a set, the use of dodgy backdrops and virtual candles spoilt the authenticity of this episode. Everytime you saw a video caller on screen in this episode, you can see the backdrop wasn't real which is a real let down as Wolf could have used his imagination and recorded these callers using the technology we have to bring in the realism. Help with your belief.

Also, the plot was in your face. We watch this for the drama and something to take you in to their Chicago world. This was brought it back to reality.... so much so, I found it hard to watch. Not for a good reason. Further to this..... it jumped right in, with very few ties to last season. Should have eased in, like the real pandemic..... could have been a good story of how it started to where we are now. Just a shame it was more of a punch in the face.
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Transplant: Pilot (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
Jury out....
8 February 2021
This has potential, however the intensity of the first 10 minutes didnt flow through the rest of the episode. Will certainly watch this for another couple, but the show needs to concentrate on a single narrative, rather than racism, terrorism, hospital drama, personal drama and off other off shot story lines. Also... a certain Scottish / Canadian accent from a famous actor who appears..... it's really not that great.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
So promising yet so so so disappointing
1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A film that brings the feature title in to the 21st century. Rather than it being the human who goes invisible, it is a suit that makes the purfect disguise.

However, though the original idea was reinvented with a technical twist, the writing of the story was left lagging in its wake.

I feel there are more holes in this story than there is plot, which starts from the very beginning where Cecilia runs for her life with no explanation.

Whilst you can excuse the introduction as a director allowing your imagination to fill in the gaps, there was no back story of the characters for you to engage in. This continued throughout the next for scenes as the story unfolded new characters to the fold.

Whilst the film leaves you to consider the girl is a little unhinged, the almost poltergeist endeavours begin which is where the totally unbelievable events start.

Example.... Cecilia sits down with another girl, the daughter of the cop she is staying with. The other girl gets slapped in the face, which is suggested Cecilia did. Yet the girl was clearly sitting in front of her, sees she made no move.... yet blamed her by not saying anything to her dad.....

She didnt question the fact she was hit by an invisible force. She didnt acknowledge Cecilia didnt touch her. It went undiscussed. The daughter may have been in shock, but really....?

After this she drives all the way to the house where the story started. This is some miles away over the Golden Gate bridge.

She does to the suit "which is hanging up'. Takes it, and proceeds to hide it whilst the invisible man has managed to follow her, undetected, to the house. Did he fly? How did he know she was going there? And why, when she was being chased around the house, did she hide the suit..... surely you would put it on to leave the building undetected? Further more, nobody believed she was telling the truth about the invisible man.... So she said in the following scenes she had something to show them.... another hole.... why didnt she just take it to show them? Bonkers.....

Then there was the restaurant scene. A huge knife which cant be hidden inside a skin tight suit that can only be taken off from the back, appears in front of Cecilia and her sister which proceeds to slice the sisters throat and placed in to Cecilia's hand. Like Cecilia would have sat there and watched it happen.... let alone have the knife placed in to her hand.

I could go on..... but I wont. The film has sapped my energy.

If you see this on your TV planner, please choose a different channel and save 2 hours of your life.
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More research needed....
25 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The acting and research needs to improve with this series...

Personally, I find Lincoln is like a robot. No real sound and emotion to his voice. Where all the others seem to provide depth, which adds to the story telling.

Then in this episode, a girl is kidnapped and has been gone for 5 years. Then when she is found in a dark and dingy setting, she immediately runs and hugs her rescuers and immediately embraces her parents.

I'm no psychologist, but I know the emotional distress caused from that kind of absence and being locked in solitary for that long, would leave her in such a state she wouldn't be able to recognise her family. Let alone have any impulse to run and hug them, along with her rescuers that she doesn't even know.

This series has a long way to go to get me hooked.
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Strike Back: Retribution: Part 10 (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Boys are back for a bit part....
15 May 2020
This series has been poor compared to the others and the finale seems to be the worst episode from them all. Full of plot holes that leave you wondering just how it happened and it will leave you wondering just why the boys were back. I just hope that the remaining series make for better stories and less miracles.
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One for the older generation... and everyone else too!
11 May 2020
What a film..... honestly thought it was going to be one for the older generation.

Well it is... but for everyone else too.

It has great sound, fun and a feel good factor. It has it's sad moments to reflect on and demonstrates the dangerous that the sea possesses along with the bravery that lifeboat men show every time they go on a shout.

This film will make you laugh, cry and will uplift your soul. And for those who wish to rate this film with a low score.... I suggest they generally have no heart.

Best English film since four weddings. And that is saying something. Imo
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Us (II) (2019)
3 stars for the twist at the end
1 May 2020
This is a movie for the art lovers and those who like original stories. However, for those more regular movie lovers it is more of a farcical barrel of laughes regarding the scenarios you face to get to that 3 star twist.

There is a family of four made up of a bloke that has less fight in him than an earth worm, despite being heavily built like a pro american footballer. A woman, who would seem to be about 16 years old and barely old enough to be the mother of the children. And the two children who quite possibly had some of the better scenes and action which says it all.

The plot is original. But, you question yourself constantly regarding the characters hopeless decisions and hapless fights, along with their actual intentions of getting away.

Lastly, there is the small plot of the bad guys. The story makes you wait until the last 15 mins to explain what they are about which left a lot of empty feelings surrounding the "big reveal" at the end.

If you like a film where you could discard the pointless hour and a half Introduction and love the short to the point ending. This one could be for you.

Imo.... This could have been so much better....
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Final Score (2018)
Such a shame
7 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I held more hope that this would produce something a whole world better than this, but it fell short of being even classed as mediocre. Bautista did a reasonable job with the script that was written. Some of the ideas were good. It just was put together so poorly you could only laugh at some of the more serious parts. For example when the bomb goes off and destroys everything in the area, the digital screen is still working with cracks in it, despite the power being lost in the stadium. And cracks. You dont get cracks in screens like that. Further more, a European cup final is being played throughout everything going off and doesnt stop. People care more about phones losing signal and complain to the steward whilst the game is playing? Masses of people gathered by the bars and out of thier seats while the game is being played, being shot at in some cases, then still no panic in the stadium until the 90th minute. Who says as a leading police commander "call the S.A.S." as an order to his force. The list of ridiculous senarios can go on and on, but I guess the director thought that poetic licence would go unnoticed. Terrible film. 4 stars is generous. 1 star for Bautista. 1 star for the story. 1 star for it featuring West Ham (my team) and 1 star for a lasting memory of Upton Park, albeit a sad one as the film could have been much much better.
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