
4 Reviews
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Magellan (2017)
Proper SciFi Movie
18 June 2017
I write very few reviews for IMDb but this film deserves a positive one. Firstly it was broadcast on SciFi channel so was expecting the usual "Space Lobster v Mega Puffin" script, direction and acting. How wrong I was.

This is a proper SciFi film with an intriguing plot, great script, excellent acting, great direction, above average (for the low budget) and intelligently realised special effects and a proper well written score. I would love to have seen what the director would have done with an additional $250,000 costume and set building budget.

As one reviewer has already stated, let's hope there is a sequel but this time with a bigger budget so that the director Rob York has less to hold him back.
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Young Adult (2011)
A sharp intelligent comedy
9 February 2012
Young Adult is a very un-Hollywood comedy and a good thing it is too. I won't detail the plot as you can read this elsewhere but just to say that the writing is sharp and intelligent, the comedy nice and dark, the direction unfussy (so you don't notice it) and the running time just long enough so the movie doesn't run out of steam. There is no cute fluffiness (is that a word?) in this movie.

Charlize Theron is quite brilliant (as she usually is) playing a very self centred character who is borderline stalker. Co-star Patton Oswalt is very good as the guy who had a bad break when younger who has had to learn to live with the life changing consequences. The rest of the supporting cast are great playing a mix of small town America characters.

I seem to have a habit of watching movies in packed cinemas, no exception here as it was almost standing room only. This always helps with a comedy because once the laughing starts it spreads and continues throughout the whole movie. Highly recommended.
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The Artist (I) (2011)
A pleasant surprise
5 January 2012
What a pleasant surprise The Artist is. I was expecting something pretentious but what I got was a charming and entertaining romantic comedy. The fact that it is shot in black and white is silent (it has a very good accompanying original orchestral score with a slice of Bernard Hermann thrown in for good measure) and framed in a non wide screen academy format only adds to the movie.   The cast are universally excellent especially the two leads Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Miller excelling in their roles with James Cromwell and John Goodman  giving  great performances. The direction is spot on and really does portray the style of movies form the late 20's early 30's and using authentic locations really helps.   I watched the movie in an almost full cinema on a very large screen. The audience laughed and gasped throughout the screening and there was a spontaneous round of applause at the end. I would recommend seeing the movie in a cinema with an audience to get the full impact. Highly recommended.
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Miss Bala (2011)
A gritty and realistic thriller.
3 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This review may contain subtle spoilers.

Although the review below does not contain any specific spoilers, the gist of it could allow the reader to guess the movies final outcome, especially the penultimate paragraph.

Miss Baha is a film that is almost great but not quite there hence my 7/10 rating. It's the story of Laura, a 23 year old working class Mexican girl who with her friend is trying to get a rung up the ladder by entering a beauty contest. Miss Congeniality this is not. Through a series of unlucky breaks and circumstances, Laura falls into a spiral of ever more perilous situations. Every decision she makes pushes her further away from her previous normal existence as she becomes ever more entwined in Mexico's de facto civil war between the US backed authorities and the Mexican drug cartels.


The film despite being almost 2 hours long never loses your attention as the plot unfolds at quite a pace. The lead actress Stephanie Sigman gives an excellent performance as a normal person having to cope with ever more dangerous circumstances.


Noe Hernandez playing the besieged leader of the drugs cartel portrays a man who seems to know that even though things are looking bleak for him, he somehow instinctively knows that he'll probably survive. He portrays the characters evil and violent deeds in a very matter of fact way as though he is so used to the violence that it's just another day in the office for him. A very good performance.


The film has scenes of real menace when you just don't know how Laura is going to escape her latest predicament and has very well handled action scenes. There's a good sense of realism and a big pat on the back should go to the sound crew who have created an excellent sound mix with very realistic and naturalistic sound effects punctuated by ear shattering gun shots and explosions.  The desaturated photography adds to the gritty realism and use of mostly close up and medium shots add to the claustrophobic situation that Laura finds her self in.


Now for the problem. Having thought about the movie over night, it ends up being a procession of ever more dangerous episodes for Laura rather than being what was probably intended as an expose of the chaotic Mexican drug war. For Laura to be in the situations she is in. she must have bought a number 13 raffle ticket, walked under a ladder while tripping over a black cat and breaking her fall by smashing into a mirror. However as the film progresses it does clearly show the corruption in Mexican society and the futility in trying to do the right thing.


Recommended to see in a cinema because of the 2.35:1 wide screen photography and the excellent sound or just rent the Blu-ray if you've got a big TV and good surround sound.
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