
4 Reviews
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A Better Life (2011)
Equally designed well
25 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
That movie was better than i thought. Movie contains different kind of characters. Surprisingly that movie is not like action movie at all. Kind of stable movie. Tells about migrants. Tells about the past of the one migrant which is not colorful. The movie is so fluent so it finishes in the twinkling of an eye so when the movie ended i wished there had no end of the movie because i started to watch and like a one minute later the movie ended. I couldn't realize the time. I felt little bit sad it touched my heart in some ways. There is good example to exemplify the relation between father and son additionally good example how to get over from all the difficulties of life. After all it deserves to be watched. At the beginning of the movie i thought it was just a wastage of time but just after it begun i realized that it was worth to be watched.
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50/50 (2011)
Well balanced remarkable and pragmatical drama and comedy
14 May 2012
At first view, in the beginning of the movie i thought that i was going to be bored on the whole movie time. But when the subjects were getting excited, minutes started to pass like a second. Eventually, i started to be more interested.

There are emotional and sad parts in the movie but friendship shows how to get rid of that. 50/50 can make you cry and simultaneously laugh. Subject seems so plain and ordinary but general view of the movie and roles that actors have are so naturally settled. People can have different kind of experiences from this movie. Death is part of our life and we should all agree that so 50/50 shows that this situation is nothing to make exaggerate. I was so surprised when i faced with the sadness in the movie. I did not expect something like that. I thought it was a fun movie. Subject suddenly turns to drama surprisingly. Finally this movie deserves to be seen and should be watched again and over again.
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2:37 (2006)
one of the most heartbreaking and eyes wetting movie...
4 January 2012
When the movie started i felt the perfection.For teenager education parents should watch this movie.The movie shows the reality of life and gives examples what students face each day in the school.

Really touchy movie and and catchy story that i never forget in my life.

To be honest mostly people think life is colorful and worths to live after the movie there is obvious message that life is not that such colorful.The love, tears, laughter and many feelings i had when i was watching this movie.It shows somehow the pointless ways of life and the tragic coincidences of life.
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Cloverfield (2008)
One of the must seen monster movie
21 October 2011
The point of the movie is actually what i am interested in.It shows how life can change or collapse in a second,how everything suddenly can turn into trouble .And also i am so surprised about the backward hidden message.Sound gave me goose-bumps.Just for that i watched the movie twice. In my opinion this is not the kind of movie that you can watch,understand and enjoy the first time it is watched.The intrepid young guy is trying to record all the extraordinary situations.I had a different kind of experience watching the second time.There are different kinds of recording techniques in the movie that i saw first time in my life. I guess the main topic is not the creature or having fun or something mortal but the main topic is how life is empty.Money,fun,friends,alcohols,relationships...all are temporary.Especially at the end of the movie where there is another part remaining ,i think that part explains everything.So i voted 9 out of 10 and it deserves that.
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