
5 Reviews
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The movie Se7en, but for millennials... here's your 3 1/2... bland and inoffensive.
30 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was so excited going into this... and what a bland serving it is. It's not the worst movie in the world but it's not good. With illusions and ambition towards Fincher's best, it so clearly demonstrates what is, and is not, Fincher. Maybe Fincher could have done it better, but the plot is so bland, it's doubtful. True to the current tread to disavow ambiguity, the good are good, and the bad are bad... millennials love this, no thinking required. Hampered by bad direction and odd editing, the story jerks and stops it's way though a tale that ultimately is devoid of interest and has little point. The actors are fine, and Leto is good and reasonably creepy, but plods along with a pair of cops that do just about everything that would never actually transpire in a real investigation. It ends after plodding scene to scene for two hours with a conclusion that is neither satisfying nor as interesting as it believes. They even alluded to Seven at one point when Leto references Maleks family in a disturbing way, leading me to think we may end up with a head wrapped in kale... but no, just another pointless tidbit, like the opening scenes which also make little sense and even out of character for the killer, if it's really him. I originally rated it 5 for just not being a great movie, but the more I thought about what it wanted to be, and the talent within, and the total blandness of the effort, I became more annoyed and dropped it to a 4. Fincher pretensions in a lifeless inert offering for our current delicate sensibilities.
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Not for everybody... maybe not for anybody but a few....
24 January 2021
Start by blaming Netflix... our friendly streamer makes it look like a tight little thriller, with well known stars.... and that it's not.

James Tobak believes he is an auteur perhaps somewhere between Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese. I somehow watched a documentary on his work, believing I had missed out on a cinematic genius. The documentary was not convincing... Basically you have a work here that is a series of dialog sessions that are not bad if you are into that kind of thing. The acting is good, and as small short drama scenes, they are quite engrossing. However, a coherent narrative to thrill the populace... it is not.

The cinematography is quite good, accentuating warm colors and a rather appealing apartment. The art referenced is one piece by Hieronymus Bosch and not several, as some reviewers mentioned. The painting - "The Garden of Earthly Delights" is a dense work and the film, in the credits, credits did a decent job of showcasing its variety and madness.

This movie is not the worst thing ever filmed... but it's wildly miss-marketed. If viewed as a talky drama... it's reasonably interesting and watchable as well as mercifully short.
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City Hall (2020)
Like a Monday morning at the office - pre-pandemic
1 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Remember those meetings you had to attend, because it's part of your job, and they ran too long with people bringing up and debating endlessly things you could not care less about, and you just can't wait for it to be over? When you are finally released, you assess 10% was useful and the rest of the 4.5 hrs was an interminable time drain?

That is this movie....

"Fly on the wall is interesting" and not having an opinion or agenda jammed down your throat is, perhaps, somewhat refreshing... but good lord... endless scenes of bored people in meeting rooms punctuated by the occasional "character" fighting a parking ticket or lesbian wedding does not juice up a interminable Monday "all hands" without end.

Respect to the idea... and style... but Editors win academy awards for a reason, and this long days journey into the night, needs one badly.
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Fargo (2014–2024)
Season 4 - 2 stars, season 1-3 - 9 stars
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe they got tired of doing it?

Decided to make a season so bad nobody would ever return? Seasons 1-3 are great and season 4 is a long boring slog with a bunch of characters you don't care about after the writers decided to go "woke."

Many have already said the aforementioned in many reviews here.... but I am a completist and struggling through, while really disliking it. Reason I write this is to warn others... it gets worse. After enduring 7 tortured episodes to date, episode 8 is actually not bad, although they choose to get rid of the only interesting characters.... so I am thinking, maybe a strong finish? NO!

Episode 9 takes any interest built in episode 8, and throws it out the window with some weird black and white flashback for the entire episode, with new characters we couldn't care less about. It's almost as if they said, "how can we lose anybody remaining.... let's do an unconnected, all B&W hour with a new story". What's next? Maybe an entire episode in claymation spoken in Italian, with subtitles?

Think the creators are done and want to make sure the former audience never asks for more....
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Worth It for the End Credits
23 October 2019
Watched this movie on a flight on my iPad. It was ideal for a flight as it is fairly amusing inconsequential story not requiring a lot of thought while half paying attention to flight attendants and their various services and announcements.

I had a smile on my face most of the film and the interviews were vaguely amusing. I was about to switch it off at what I thought was the end, but noticed an additional 7 minutes to play remaining.

Letting it run... the bloopers accompanying the credits are the best part of the entire movie. Laughing out-loud on the plane for the first time in the experience, the interview out-takes were by far the funniest part. Not completely sure if it was a result of watching the full movie or if they would be as funny going direct... but the casual candor and genuinely funny exchanges between ZG and his stars is hysterical.

The movie is watchable, but if you are tempted to turn it off, jump to the last 5 minutes for some genuine laughs.
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