
31 Reviews
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Imitation of starwars
30 December 2023
This movie from the beginning appears like an imitation of Star Wars. It starts exactly like star wars then it develops into guardians of the galaxy. But in guardian of the galaxy there was good acting, good music and a cool story. Here it's just special effects and action.

It seems the makers of this movie just combined a few movies together and made something for Netflix.

There is no great acting or amazing story. Just a good film to kill some time. Not more than that. It seems that movies today have become so boring. The only interesting things to watch are documentaries.

You can't replace a good story with action and except people to eat it.
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Oslo (2021 TV Movie)
It's not bad but full of Cliche's and exaggerated acting
27 September 2023
The movie gives a pretty ok Hollywood picture of the history.

Growing up and living these times as an Israeli I know most of the characters involved and the acting seems exaggerated and not very close to the truth.

Uri Savir didn't talk or look like the guy in the movie. He was a diplomat but they made him look like a bad ass tough guy in the movie.

The character portraying Abu Allah is a good actor though also seems like exaggerated acting.

Isaac Cohen playing Yossi Beilin is always a great actor and does a good job.

Overall, I don't know what exactly went inside those rooms back in 1993 but it's an interesting perspective.

On a personal note, I was one of the biggest supporters of the Oslo Agreements but sadly history has proven that they were a complete disaster. Happy to see Israel is doing peace with Egypt, Jordan, UAE and soon Morocco, KSA and Bahrain. This is such a blessing. With the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza I am sadly less optimistic for a resolution.
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Golda (2023)
Helen Mirren is the only good thing in this movie
24 September 2023
As an Israeli I grew up on the legacy of Golda. We all know that Moshe Dayan and Eli Zeira were the screw ups of the Yom Kippur war but the Israeli actors who portrayed them did a really bad job. Very bad acting and unconvincing.

The only one who gave an amazing performance in this film is Helen Mirren.

Guy Native should have chosen better actors. This film reminds me of the Israeli films from the 80s and 90s and that's not a compliment.

Please look at Fauda if you want an example of an outstanding Israeli show. That's in a different league already.

The scene of Dayan in the helicopter was very badly made. Such bad acting.

The character of Eli Zeira played by Dvir Bendek reminded me of his comedy/parody character in the comedy The Mossad. For a moment I thought he would do the nonsense jokes he did I that comedy. That's how bad his acting was here.
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Backtrace (2018)
Worst Stallone movie of all times
20 February 2023
Honestly I love Sylvester Stallone. My childhood hero. Rambo, Rocky. My childhood would never have been the same.

But what the *ell is this?

Bad acting Bad story Bad effects Bad everything.

Stallone is only in less than half the film. Honestly I don't know why someone of his caliber would shame himself with such a movie. But I guess for money even legends will sell their souls.

I loved Mathew Modine in full metal jacket so I know he's also capable of so much more than this. Really bad acting on his part in this film. I guess he also wanted to make some cash and didn't care how bad this movie will be.
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Fauda (2015–2022)
Intense and politically balanced! Ignore the haters!
9 February 2023
First of all this show is fantastic on every aspect.

I'm reading a lot of hate comments from all kinds of pro Palestinian supporters but the truth of the matter is this show is well balanced politically. It shows the suffering of all sides. It shows the price of war from both angles and it doesn't take sides.

The action here is top notch cinema action. The actors are good and reliable.

The story is full of unexpected turns and there is really no happy end for anyone. Nothing typical in this show.

They manage to bring new innovation with every season. The adrenaline rush with this show is on max.
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Broken Arrow (1996)
Classic 90s movie. Travolta good as usual.
5 September 2022
Classic 90s movie. Travolta good as usual.

Obviously this is not an Oscar movie but definitely one of the memorable 90s movie.

Love John Travolta here he's actually very good at playing smart arrogant villains. I wish he made more movies.

Cool stealth shots and a lot of action all throughout the movie.

Christian Slater is also doing a good job here as the underdog character against Travolta . The ending is kinda obvious but overall fun movie and somewhat inspirational.

There are so many bad movies these days that it makes you want to watch reruns of old movies like this instead of the boring new ones.
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Elvis (2022)
Austin Butler was amazing but the movie just ok
24 August 2022
I can't place my finger on it but the movie was not eye catching enough for me. The production looks expensive but something there was not enticing.

Austin Butler was great but Tom Hanks my idol was somewhat annoying with that weird accent. I suppose the character is annoying in life but this was played by Hanks.

Nevertheless the movie was ok and revealed a lot of information on Elvis which I didn't know.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2022)
Speechless. I haven't cried so much on TV in my life
19 August 2022
I just finished season 1 and I'm writing this review with tears still dripping.

This in my opinion is the best hospital show ever made. I honestly can understand any ratings below 9.

The cast is fantastic.

The stories are incredible and realistic.

The music is amazing.

I haven't cried so much since Ricky Schroder was yelling at Jon Voight "wake up champ" In 1979.

Super love this show. Im still emotionally processing the last episode of season 1. Wow! Wow! Wow!
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The Gray Man (2022)
Great movie. Ignore the haters.
25 July 2022
This is a combination of Jason Bourne, mission impossible and James Bond.

The acting was great.

The action was fantastic.

The story was ok.

Overall this movie was very entertaining. Don't listen to the haters. Great movie.
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The Staircase (2004–2018)
13 episodes should have been 3 tops.
23 May 2022
God knows why they stretched this story into 13 episodes. This should have been 3-4 episodes tops. I'm actually doing other stuff while watching it to pass the time which seems to be endless in this show.
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Colony (2016–2018)
OMG- This show has everything
10 April 2022
Wow. I don't know where to begin.

I'm obsessed with this show. I wake up in the morning watch a few episodes and go to bed with it watching a few more. During the day I think about it, the story, the characters.

As a Jew I can't but compare the situation there to WWII, Nazi Germany and the holocaust. So many similarities even if we're taking about science fiction and aliens.

The acting is excellent. The story is fascinating. They don't sugarcoat. There is a lot of paint and death in the show. It's now a typical happy ending American action movie. It's very realistic.

I think the rating score is too low. Should definitely be between 8 to 9 but that's my humble opinion.

These are one of those shows I OD on must watch 3-4 episodes straight.
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Waterworld (1995)
Reviews are too harsh. It's a fun movie!
24 January 2022
Honestly I've never seen a bad movie with Kevin Costner. He really a great actor.

Sure, there are scenes in the movie that are unrealistic but that's Holywood.

It's really hard to find good movies on Netflix these days and I find these old reruns from 25 years ago much more entertaining and fun than all those superhero boring movies.

Dennis hopper is also a great villain. You just love to hate him.

It's not an Oscar movie but I really enjoyed watching it again after so many years. I can't understand all the bad ratings and reviews.
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I usually love Rami Malek but..
19 January 2022
I usually love the performances of Rami Malek but in this movie he was just mediocre. He one of the most unscary vilain of all James Bond movies and he had they weird accent that sounded forced.

Daniel Craig is great as always.

Overall the movie is just ok. Nothing to write home about.
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Squid Game (2021–2025)
Nothing like you've seen before
10 October 2021
I've just finished watching this and I still need to process what is just went through. This show is very different than anything on TV these days.

The script is very extreme and the story makes you think how would you act in such situations.

I loved the characters.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
Surprisingly a good movie
1 October 2021
Starts like a classic husband abusing wife thriller. After a while it looks like it's going to be a dumb movie but surprisingly "the plot thickens" and it I was glued to the screen until the end.
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Cry Macho (2021)
If it wasn't a Clint Eastwood movie I'd quit after 20 minutes
30 September 2021
The recent Clint Eastwood movies usually have a very good story and this one also has an interesting story but the acting is so bad I had to stop so many times for a coffee break. Clint Eastwood himself is always a good actor. I love him and it doesn't matter what movie it is- you can always see a blink of Dirty Harry in his eyes and it's ok I love that.

The main problem in the movie are the child (Rafo) and his biological dad in the film portrayed by Dwight Yoakam who is a very good singer but should really stay away from acting.

If better actors would have been casted I'd give the movie a 7. If Clint Eastwood wasnt in it I'd give it a 5 but with Clint Eastwood i rated it a 6. I'm a huge fan of Clint Eastwood but he's done much better work in his career.
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Babel (I) (2006)
Intense and depressing
28 September 2021
3 stories. All made me sad and depressed. Good movie. Now I need a good shoulder to cry on.
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Taking Lives (2004)
Acting is not bad but the story is so jot credable
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can believe the mother didn't have a picture of her both kids to show the police. Super not credible story but hey Angelina Jolie is always cool so not a complete waist of time. Good movie to kill time.
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Noah (2014)
Big Expectations- Even bigger disappointment
6 September 2021
Russell Crow and Anthony Hopkins are two of my favorite actors in Hollywood. I don't know however what they were looking for in this weird movie.

I lost interest completely when it started to remind me of the transformers movie.

The story is boring. The acting is weird. It is not clear what they wanted to accomplish with this film but definitely it's one big messy weird movie.
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Turned out to be a pretty good movie
19 May 2021
I was sceptic at first but the movie is good. Acting is good. Plot is interesting. Russell Crow almost never disappoints. The movie shows you extreme dilemmas life can get you into and how we all react.

Very good movie.
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Hard Kill (2020)
Quite bad. I agree with the others.
10 May 2021
If you watched everything on tv and this is the last movie you haven't watched then go for it. I only watched it because I'm in quarantine and have plenty of time to kill.
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Deadpool (2016)
Wittiest character I ever encountered
2 March 2021
Superhero movies to me are usually a little boring. They all have more or less a similar plot just different super powers. Deadpool is the parody of superheroes but he's the funniest and wittiest of all. This is one of the few movies that can keep me away from my phone. It's so entertaining and the filming methods are fantastic. All the slow motion parts and the zoom. Simply incredible. Great acting. Great music. One of my all time favorite movies.
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World on Fire (2019–2023)
Really great show. I honestly don't understand all the bad reviews.
22 December 2020
This show tells the story of a few people in WWII. The acting is great. The stories are realistic. The production is amazing. I honestly don't understand the bad reviews. I cried so many times during this show. There is everything in this show: love, war, action, death, sadness and happiness. Relationships, dilemmas, mental issues, gay issues. Everything is here. My only complaint is that I have to wait so long now for season 2. This is really a great show. I think some people feel good writing bad reviews.
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I lost it after 20 minutes
9 October 2020
First 20 minutes were a little amusing after that it became too weird but weird in a boring way. The accent he does is annoying. Overall not one of Sandler's greatest creations. I stopped half way and closed the tv.
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Fun movie
17 September 2020
This movie is very good. I'm puzzled why the relatively low score here on IMDb. Personally I think the story was good, acting was not Oscar material but still good and the jokes are awesome. Some unique black humor you don't see often. I highly recommend.
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