
9 Reviews
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Really good film sadly spoilt at the end!
6 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I know it's Hollywood, I know all the ott that comes with that but up until the last 20mins this film was on a 10. Then the ridiculous 50 Taliban against 3 men gun fight comes out the bag . It got worse & worse...... Ahmed & John & lorry driver shoot loads of them, while also running away from them with their backs & bodies completely exposed, surprise surprise, not 1 bullet hits the hero's. Why not just have 1 vehicle of Taliban chasing them & making it realistic. A really good film spoiled because the end was just simply unbelievable........ I can overlook the perfect timing of the rescuers arriving bang on empty bullets. But all the rest was just plain ridiculous & impossible.
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The power to send you to utter boredom
11 April 2022
What a pile of plop, utterly boring, the film just does not start! Total waste of talent and resources. How the heck anyone involved can sit and honestly be positive About this pile of plop is beyond me.. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!
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An absolute pile of excrement that all involved in should be ashamed of.
1 January 2021
This is one serious pile of crap, it started off well but then the they shoot a thousand times & miss then the star shoots once & kills. I'm really disappointed to see some well regarded actors in excrement like this. Shame on them. I respect them no more.
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Toff Trash Tv
3 October 2020
To sum up some Richio toffs have been given some money by their parents to travel around and make TV shows and then we are unfortunately sold this trash to watch.
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It started off good.
3 October 2020
It started off good but then it just became ridiculously silly & unbelievable. Spoilt What could have been a good film.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Poorly written & played out
28 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I started to go off the film at the first beating he took, I know it's a film but it was just poorly thought out, no way would those kids have carried on with that sign that far, they'd have just dumped it. His kick in only resulted in one big bruise on a shoulder, nobody would run up a back street alley on their own against a group of lads who had already demonstrated they were trouble. Then he gets chased by those 2 cops, he runs fast, no way would fat cop keep up, the stairs up to the metro alone would have put him way behind joker! Then his dad coming out the show with wife & child. Who killed them? It didn't make sense. They came out alone & walked up a dodgy alley, someone of that status would have his own chauffeur waiting at the stage door. Then the activists in the ambulance ramming joker in the police car, totally ridiculous how did they coordinate that? Then he's knocked unconscious & the Cops are left for dead, they pull joker out, I assume as some kind of mascot, then he miraculously comes back to life & starts dancing around, no cuts, broken limbs etc. Just plain ridiculous...... but by this time I already disliked the film. Fiction it is but it's got to have some kind of realism to it & on that it failed majorly!

In Batman, I loved Joker I'll stick to watching him in that because alone he is pants!
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Joker (I) (2019)
Utter pointless drivel
27 November 2019
Do not waste a penny on this utter pile of plop, seriously it is one of the worst films I have seen for a long long time!
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Lockout (2012)
Unbelievably poor
11 October 2019
One time you open the door with a crowbar the next time he uses his hands are use guns pump action shot guns and Mrs 50 years in the future!

Really disappointed that guy Pearce load himself to this kind of trash
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Waste of an evening.
15 May 2018
Two words, utter crap! The title has no relevance to the film at all!
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