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Want to know how to pad your movie to feature length? The only thing this movie is good for
30 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My GOODNESS this movie creeps along with all the haste of continental drift. You could outrun the titular mummy AND robot if you were hopping on one leg backwards, so the fight scene is about as exciting as watching paint dry. In 98% of the scenes, the actors also just shamble along. In the very rare moments where they walk at a normal pace, it actually surprises you. And when the way-overacting bad guy activates the robot? it takes about a quarter of the movie before it finally stands up. In the meantime, the actors are trying to maintain their astonishment for this interminable period. And the guy with the bow tie and glasses? WE GET IT ALREADY! He's a nerd stereotype! Stop driving the point home every chance you get by making him feign super-awkwardness.
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Curse of Bigfoot (1975 TV Movie)
Amount of footage showing an actual Bigfoot: grand total of three minutes
14 April 2020
"Curse of the Bigfoot: Or So You Want to Reconsider Becoming an Archaeologist" The Rifftrax comedians put it very succinctly: "This movie has more padding than a middle school locker room." The soundtrack has a very heavy responsibility, trying to create cinematic tension out of scenes of mind-numbing tedium; namely extended footage of people walking at a snail's pace, flatbed vehicles meandering through the countryside slower than a one-legged man hopping backwards, and people failing to make climbing rocks at a shallow incline look like a Herculean task. The only time anybody gets mauled in what is supposedly a horror movie, it all happens off-screen. This movie is punctuated by scenes of a teacher desperately trying to make cryptozoology sound fascinating to an uninterested high school class, and a guest speaker trying to pad his monotonous speech by using so many theatrical dramatic pauses, it would make William Shatner and Christopher Walken fall asleep. Also, it seems all B-rated monster movies portray experienced scientists as grizzled war veterans who snap at naive people like they have PTSD from their years gazing through microscopes and staring at mummies. Do all archaeologists carbon date the age of artifacts by simply looking at them, or just this dude? And the wooden acting? Rifftrax told it better here, too: "Sounds like a bunch of people being forced to act while their families are being held hostage." Oh, and there's an extended documentary of the logging industry for some barely-related reason. And was buying bottled soda back in the '50s seriously THAT complicated?
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It's like Charlie's Angels, but worse
26 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Some.people like Charlie's Angels. I don't. It claims to be empowering to women, and it may be right, but the cover positions are always demeaningly menial, like waitresses or cleaning ladies or strippers. End soap box. THIS movie is so rampagingly sexist, I couldn't continue watching. Yeah, I know it was a different time, but taking down a drug cartel based on the best laid plans of a substitute teacher, a nightclub chanteuse, and a model? The girls plan to steal guns and ammunition from a white supremacist gang at the exact same time bazookas are mounted on the girls' van? Even when the excellent Mystery Science Theater lampoons this, I can't watch it.
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Spoilers? No discernible story, therefore no shocking twists
27 January 2020
This movie is a classic example where Hollywood wants to make a hard-science movie but the director decides to put all the money into the movie without using some to consult any actual scientists. For instance, one character walks into an electrically-powered modern-day laboratory on an uncharted island, takes a look at ONE WHOLE GAUGE and basically says, "WOOOOOOOWWW!!! Your science is the most advanced science in the whole scientific history of sciencey science!!!" (What the guy actually said makes even less sense.) And at the beginning of the movie, he was just a hot-air balloon operator, but later on, he's spearheading the project like he pulled a Tony Stark and mastered it all overnight. And what's more visually sciencey than Jacob's Ladders and Tesla coils shooting electricity into the air for no discernible reason than to channel ridiculous old B-movies that wanted to be sciencey, but also didn't hire consulting scientists? And they invoke the OH SO PUBLIC DOMAIN names of Victor Frankenstein and the Van Helsing family to draw people in, even though all they do is just drop their names in one scene. Well, except for the titular monster, can't have a Frankenstein movie without him, and they make the actor portray the monster too energetically as if it were hopped up on amphetamines. (And the role is essentially a cameo.) And what is the deal with the hologram of an old man whinging on about some nebulous golden thread and some unspecified power, The Power, THE POWER!!! Is he a scientist or is he having a stroke? And, of course, can't have a movie this close to the '70s without hot chicks in leopard-print bikinis Baywatch-running around and distracting you from the movie not not having any plot, but also not having any comprehensible story at all. I don't think they even hired stuntmen, because what is supposed to be a huge fight scene just looks like so much ugly dad-dancing...
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Buffalo Rider (1976)
If you love animals, don't watch this movie. Actually, everybody stay away from this movie
11 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The ASPCA would probably certify that EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL was harmed in the making of this movie. Bears mauling each other, bobcats attacking raccoons, wolves being trampled by buffalo, unrepentant footage of hunters literally shooting bullets into buffalo. Not staged AT ALL.
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Where did the ending go?
8 February 2019
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The dialogue in this movie is so over-the-top morbid, you'd think you were watching The Addams Family without the laugh track. I mean seriously, the "party favors" are presented inside miniature coffins? Really? And the only time anything supernatural happens, only the two attractive and screamy women are involved. Nobody else. The only thing the rest of the cast is good for is walking around really slowly. When somebody scans a room for threats, the camera pans at glacial speed. Who's the murderer? The characters say that they should lock themselves in their rooms, and whomever is caught not doing that is totally admitting guilt. That'll hold up in court! And a movie with this premise is supposed to end with the survivors walking out of the house at dawn with relieved looks on their faces, BUT NO.
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Doing DaVinci (2009– )
Needs to be more documentary and less reality TV
20 April 2009
Let me start out by saying that Leonardo da Vinci is one of my heroes, and that I hate reality TV. I've only seen one episode(the siege ladder), and I'm not watching any more.

Reality TV always follows the same formula. Get a bunch of narcissistic type-A personalities together, give them a project, then while the project progresses, do one-on-one interviews with them to let them snipe at each other while they state the blindingly obvious. Every once in a while, throw in a curve ball, like in this case, a man named Flash who has done more drugs than Robert Downey Jr. and Keith Richards combined, has a counterproductive seat-of-the-pants ethic toward carpentry, and when he doesn't get his way, complains loudly and annoyingly. That is why I hate reality TV. Plus, this isn't even reality. In reality, Flash would have been fired within an hour.

Personally, I have no idea why this show has to be an hour long. I wish they would cut out the backbiting and just show the carpentry in 30 minutes. I also wish they'd show more of the history of da Vinci, because that's who the show is ultimately about, not a bunch of knuckleheads who need rehab and anger management.
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Transporter 2 (2005)
Granted, it's a popcorn movie, but don't insult my intelligence
22 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I SINCERELY hope Transporter 2 isn't paving the way for future movies that defy the laws of physics.

Getting rid of a bomb on your undercarriage by flipping the car upside down in mid-air and using a crane hook to knock it off? Then landing perfectly on your wheels? This is impossible. Trying to get to the bad guy on a jet going full speed by killing the plane crew? That's suicidal. Then fighting him while the jet is in a flat spin? You'd be stuck to the walls by centrifugal force. And THEN the plane nose-dives into the ocean? You'd be DEAD, plain and simple. You're lucky if you're not turned into something resembling chunky salsa in the process. This is becoming less of an action film and diving into the realm of fantasy.

Too add insult to injury, the female henchman wears skanky lingerie plus liberally applied and smeared makeup IN PUBLIC. There are less visual ways to get me to dislike a woman, people.

CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED. If you make a movie that defy the laws of physics, I will be advising people not to go to the movies anymore. Go in the direction of the likes of the Daredevil and Spiderman movies where situations and characters are PERFECTLY BELIEVABLE.
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