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Faces (I) (1968)
Another Delayed Reaction
11 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I rented Faces about a week ago after reading a description of it and thought this might be interesting. I am always interested is watching a film whose theme has to do with marital issues since I don't have to deal with such things (I am single).

Well back to the point here. I was kind of surprised for a 1968 film this was in B&W. The print wasn't the greatest either. The first say 30 minutes was a struggle for me because I didn't know what the hell the two main characters (the husband and wife) were babbling about. I guess this was the set up but a poor attempt at one at best in my opinion.(they should have been throwing some pots and pans at each other in the kitchen to let you clearly know there was some marital strife going on !!!


Surpringly enough this movie did get interesting as soon as the husband makes a phone call in front of his wife to meet another woman (played by a young and semi hot looking Gena Rowlands). At this point i stopped yawning and began to focus on Faces.

Like another one of Cassavettes films, (Shadows also in B&W and even more horrendous print quality), i didn't realize what Mr. Cassavettes was aiming at until about a day later after i saw the film. i think he does an excellent job of portraying some lonely individuals in their meaningless and temporary bond with others thinking that it will forever distract them from their pathetic and dull lives.

I am guess that everybody has been through or knew somebody going through something like this at a down point in their life (not necessarily with a prostitute though), therefore i thought it was a very real story. Worth checking out but just fast forward past the the 30 minutes. the real story doesn't even begin until then in my opinion.
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Fond Memories of this Classic
20 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the first movies i saw on video when i bought my first VCR and it has always had a special place in my heart.

All it is a compilation of some of the goriest, violent images ever produced in motion pictures. What makes the film so entertaining other than the decapitations, dismemberments and extreme bloodletting (hey its all fake folks and i was a 21 year old testosterone filled young man when i first saw it) is the story line behind it that ads a clever and humorous if i may say so touch.


Cameron Mitchell plays an owner of a video store. Patrons come in and ask for a scary movie to rent. Something that is going to make their skin crawl because they claim they have never been scared before. Then the owner (Cameron Mitchell) shows them clips of movies they might like which you the view also see on your screen. The violent images escalate as the patrons range from a bookwormish nerd , construction worker, and female dominatrix who claims she has never been scared her entire life.

The film contains scenes from from little known B level horror flicks and a few of the more violent mainstream movies but your guaranteed to not ever see anything in it this film or like it anywhere.

A classic that should be brought back to DVD for halloween parties and the like but then again it just might be too violent for this day and time, who knows.
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Circle of Fear (1972–1973)
YUP !, I sure do remember this one
4 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this show when i was 10 years old. I'm positive it came on Friday nights right after Sanford and Son.

Some of the episodes were very scary and memorable. SPOILERS

the two that stick out in my mind was 1 a toy rocking horse that grew to gigantic proportions. 2 a kid (about my age at the time) gets sick or breaks his arm and has to say out of school. But then he had a evil twin or it was his alter ego or something that actually goes to the school (he is healthy) and pretends to be the kid home sick or something and tries to poison the teacher. Man that was great ! Does anybody remember that one ? My description may be off a little but folks, its been 32 years since i saw it !
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I think it was just good as the original (SPOILERS)
2 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I don't understand why folks gave this movie a bad IMDb review/ rating. This is probably the best movie I have seen all summer and is just as good as the original. Here's why:

I liked Denzel Washington's role as Marco better. He just seemed more pathetic, paranoid and on edge than Sinatra in the original role. This kept me disturbed during the whole movie (which i liked).

I liked the way they made the character plot a little different than the original so it was not an exact carbon copy of the film. I just couldn't not guess immediately how things were going to turn out (i.e. I wasn't 100% sure who Denzel was going to take out at the end at the presidential lection butthat scene kept me on the edge of my seat).

I liked the high tech and general updates (i.e the implants, the internet, gulf war syndrome) and in my opinion insinuation to the current presidential regime (heh heh ).

Leiv Schriber was very good. it was like watching Laurence Harvey all over again. Amazing.

Things I didn't like about it:

Brainwash sequences were disturbing but not as much as in the original. I will never erase the image in the original when the young smiling soldier gets shot in the head and blood splattering on the wall. The remake brainwashing sequence didn't even come close to that.

M. Streep was not as evil as Angela Lansbury in the original. but then again the current update mixing in the more blatant hint of incest startled me.

Unless i missed it, in the remake i don't remember any direct conversation Marco has with Shaw regarding breaking the brainwash. This might leave some people confused at the end. however it was explained quite nicely in the original so you know why laurence harvey (shaw) did what he did in the original.

overall i give the remake an 8 of 10. I enjoyed it.
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Straw Dogs (1971)
A Wimp Becomes Triumphant !!!
23 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie about a wimpish American mathematics professor (Dustin Hoffman) and his ever oh so hot wife (Susan George) who move to the English country side. Once they settle there they are accosted by neighborhood thugs whose only goal is to demean and humiliate them.

SPOILERS- My interpretation of the movie is that it shows the metamorphasis of a meek little man into warrior who uses his high intelligence coupled with rage to just wipe out all the thugs. I love the ending after he just kicks everybodys butt and then walks out on his wife (who never seemed to appreciate him anyway), YET, shows compassion for that neighborhood idiot he hit with his car.

The beginning of this flick is a little slow but gets interesting slowly but surely. Hoffman was perfect for the role.
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Monster (2003)
Surprisingly Good but Theron is Too Attractive.
15 March 2004
Lurid but extremely interesting story about a man hating street hooker with lesbian tendencies who befriends a young woman and falls in love with her. The hooker also has a tendency toward murdering her "johns" and you will see why early on in the film.

This movie is supposed to be about a real life prostitute/serial killer Aileen Wournos portrayed by Charize Theron. I think it succeeds in being a very gripping drama and providing a psychological profile of this woman. I was not disinterested at anypoint in the film.

The film's only flaw in my opinion is that despite the fact Ms. Theron won an Oscar for this film, she is so attractive in real life, the make up she used in the film to make her "ugly" did not succeed all the way.

A disturbing and compelling film. Leave the kids at home. I give it an A.
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Vertigo (1958)
Obsessive and Compulsive !
17 February 2004
Ingenious Hitchcock plot involving a San Francisco detective (Jimmy Stewart) who is hired to trail a man's wife (Kim Novak).

A work of art that has to be interpreted. Mine, without giving any details away, is that Stewart is fighting one obsession while relaxing into another. Things get sticky when the two obsessions get intertwined. The story I thought was so good, it was always making me think. For example, at one moment I'm thinking one scenario is impossible but then realize it is possible given the circumstances the characters find themselves in.

The first hour kind of drags. A basic set up of characters. However in the middle of the movie, that is when the plot thickens, then its just fun all the way to the finish wondering what is going to happen.

You have to really focus in on this film to know what is going on and appreciate its plot. If you leave to go to the bathroom or get a snack while it is still playing at a crucial moment, you may find yourself lost for the rest of the movie.

Virtually flawless filmaking.

Look for the famous Hitchcock cameo in the beginning.
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The Intruder (1962)
Ageless, Yet Cannot Find It's Time !!
9 February 2004
William Shatner is very good in this film portraying a charismatic white supremacist who drifts into a small southern town to preach hate at the time the local high school is beginning to be integrated.

Extremely bold and brutally honest portrayal of race relations in the South in the early 60's when the film was made. By viewing it I can see it must have been way too inflammatory for its time. Yet, some parts of this flim made me kind of tense/uncomfortable. Therefore, I don't see it getting wide acceptance in today's politically correct world either.

Despite this, the film's theme and moral messages are ageless. The script is so intelligently written coupled with Shatner's convincing performance, I was not given impression that this is considered a "B" movie. OK, well maybe there are a few scenes that may indicate that but they are outnumbered by the compelling drama throughout the film. The final 5 to 10 minutes are particularly tense which may actually be hard to watch.

A commendable effort, I had no regrets in plucking down a few bucks to buy this flick.
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Deep Stuff for a 1964 Flick
6 February 2004
My take on "The Naked Kiss" is that it is about a prostitute who decides to change her ways and live a life of more moral character. Once she drops her "world's oldest profession", she moves into a small town, rents an apartment or house (not sure what that building was) and finds a job caring for crippled children in a hospital. As if things are still not going good enough, she falls in love with the town's dashing aristocrat who wants to marry her. However, she is brought back to reality from this fairy tale romance when she finds out this guy has a SERIOUS character flaw.

The film is watchable and kept my interest. Scenes are quick and to the point as the drama unfolds pretty rapidly. I just wish she took a job as a waitress or a supermarket clerk or something (I'll assume an ex prostitute does not have the education to become an accountant or working in a hospital lab analyzing tissue and cell samples). I say this because the crippled children made me a little sad and depressed. I guess that was added to make the film more dramatic ? In any event, as so many people have already commented, that song she sings with the kids made me want to buy a bottle of anti-depressants at my local drug store.

As i say in my title, some of the themes presented in the film are deeper than finding whale dung (think about it and it will come to you at some point).

B Movie quality but worth a look. Dont neglect it if you come across it.
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Crazy, Wierd, and I Love It
6 February 2004
Saw this film on TV as a kid for the first time ( The 4:30 Movie on Channel 7 for you New Yorkers old enough to remember that) and it definately startled me and I never forgot it.

The basic tale is about this rich old woman (Olivia DeHavilland)who gets stuck in her elevator which resembles a bird cage in the middle of her living room. A power failure is responsible for her predicament. Three thugs (which includes James Caan as lead thug !) take advantage of the situation and terrorize the crap out this helpless woman (or is she helpless????????).

In my opinion, this film still packs a helluva wallop today despite its age. It has its brutality at points both physically and psychologically. The ending is very violent and still leaves me stunned (my hair is standing up as I write this just thinking about it again). There is one line uttered by James Caan in this movie which had to be considered so offensive back then (about the old lady's son), I still consider it pretty low yet strangely classic as part of the film.

As of this writing, this film comes on AMC once in a blue moon. Catch it if you can. A commendable effort for a 1964 film that i think successfully conveyed that innocent times in America have been forever lost.

Check out the bit part by none other than the bowlegged Scatman Crothers !!!!!!
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Not particularly funny....but interesting
22 January 2004
I found this film at a video store and immediately rented it out of curiosity. It stars Robert Culp, Natalie Wood, Elliot Gould, and Dyan Cannon as the namesakes respectively. I remember when I was a kid this film came out in 1969 so I really did not know anything about it other than it was supposed to be some kind of "sex comedy".

Well being an adult now and renting it, I found that it basically deals with 2 married couples, the ages of which suggest upper 30's to me. They decide to experimentally partake of the late 60's climate of free love, drugs, etc. I think that is where the film is supposed to derive its humor from.

Instead, the film plays like prolonged unfunny sketches on "Saturday Night Live" which they save for the end of the broadcast. However, I was compelled to keep watching the film to see what would be the result of their "experiment" The film did have some funny moments such as Elliot Gould fantasizing about a marital affair and Dyan Cannon at the shrink.

I give the film credit since I could not figure out what the ending would be like and was somewhat surprised by it when it happened. There is a second part of the ending right before the credits roll which still has me confused though. Overall, an OK film in my opinion.

Side Note: Natalie Wood and Dyan Cannon look pretty hot in this movie so if your a male like myself and always found these woman attractive, its a must rental !
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Sanford and Son (1972–1978)
One of the Funniest Ever
21 January 2004
Very funny TV comedy series about the situations a Los Angeles junk dealer,Fred Sanford (Redd Foxx) and his son/business partner Lamont(Demond Wilson) find themselves in.

In my opinion, the impeccable timing of hilarious lines delivered by Mr. Foxx made this show a classic. I think the humor was probably cutting edge for its time also, often referencing the racial and sociopolitical climate (a la All in the Family). Though ageless with respect to humor, some of the lines are not politically correct anymore as evidenced by TV Land (that currently shows reruns as of this writing) cutting out any reference to the "N" word said by Fred Sanford as I remember being in more than a couple of episodes when they first aired on NBC.

A whole host of other characters added to the shows hysterical but stereotypical flavor such as the religiously fanatical Aunt Esther, the dimwitted Grady and neighbor Julio. No ethnic group or race was spared a ribbing on this show.

Two of my all time favorite episodes are 1. The Sanfords being promised $10,000 if Lamont marries Fred's cousin's overweight stepdaughter and 2. Fred and Lamont's plane ride to St. Louis to attend the reading of a will of a relative that recently passed.

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N.Y.P.D. (1967–1969)
I cant believe most people cant remember this great show
31 December 2003
I sat through many episodes of NYPD 1967 when I was a kid which kept me riveted and in suspense. I just thought it was so exciting to look at and I can clearly remember talking about it the next day after it aired with my 3rd Grade schoolmates who were watching also. As i remember, the show was basically about 3 NYPD detectives cracking interesting cases in NYPD. Each show was 30 minutes which made them brisk and right to the point !

Some of the episodes i remember clearly remember which were great was one with Jon Voight as a mad bomber. Then there was one when Detective Corso posed as a bum to entrap some muggers. There was another one with the guy who was on Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (I think the actor's name was Graham Jarvis) who was troubled (i forget why) but decides to take his aggression out on a rooftop with a high powered rifle. This was suspenseful stuff.

The opening of the show with the theme song and camera close up of the the flashing red siren and the announcer saying " color) is classic 60's nostalgia.
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The Outer Limits (1963– )
Ugliest Creatures Ever !!!
7 December 2003
I can remember this show when i was a kid and within the last few years i found myself renting them and enjoying them more. One thing i really liked about the show was it produced some of the ugliest looking creatures I have ever seen. I think that was the show's strong point ! Did you see "Architects of Fear" ? From what I heard when this episode was originally broadcast, some ABC affilitates actually blocked out the face of the creature (as in the digital scrambling they do today to block out nudity) because it was thought some viewers mightfind it too hideous. I think I would have to agree with what they did because if i saw that face as a kid i think i would have nightmares for weeks.

The "Zanti Misfits" were kinda creepy also. I'm getting the chills right now just writing about it. How about the one where this guy's head is enormous and had an I Q of about 3 trillion ? Seriously though, a classic sci fi series that is worth checking out.
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