
3 Reviews
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Undone (2019–2022)
Absolutely beautiful
7 May 2022
This is the most unimaginably beautiful story about healing the past having parallels with real life and the ability we all have but rarely use to bring light into our past and reknow events that have happened in a more conscious way with a deeper understanding of all the surrounding circumstances. Just so inspiring to see a show that has the ability to describe something indescribable. Well done to all involved in this - an absolute triumph and one of the most enlightened productions I have ever seen. Beautiful.
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Is It Cake? (2022– )
This show is FUN!
13 April 2022
I loved this show - so inspiring to see such creative people at work and I loved the host - he was genuinely funny and warm towards all the contestants. So good to see a show about real people and their talents. Keep producing this heart warming awesomeness Netflix.
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Really very funny!
3 June 2019
Wow I don't know what all the bad reviews are for - maybe they saw a different film. I watched this and it was so funny - I was on a plane and I was crying with laughter. I watched it a second time on the way back to make sure I hadn't been in some weird mood that made me find it funny and still found it hilarious. Maybe it's because I'm English and seeing those guys doing an unbelievably good job of taking off English accents and mannerisms. I just love John c reillys self deprecating manner and will ferrells overconfidence. I LOVED IT!
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