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Slumber Party 2: The Bitter Disappointment
31 October 2013
Okay I went into this film with high expectations, from the freaking awesome trailer and poster etc. Then has I starting watching the film, it actually was pretty good for most part, characters was likable, setting up the camera around the house and outside, having guns ready and some creepy stuff going on in the behind like "The Lost Coast Tapes" style. Then after 20mins it all went south, with just random paranormal stuff then huge dog like creature, a hidden cave, it only brief connections all this random stuff and it gets more confusing later on, with idea government is watching for one scene then never to seen again, a character gets thrown across the field and actually smart enough to leave, while another character become dicks for no real reason…for tension!? The film is house of cards then just falls down at the end, leave you with no answers and only annoying disappointed. The only positive I can say is that the camera set up was great, C.G.I was very good and I liked the hidden tape within film but saying that it should be used within "VHS 3" not this film. 5/10
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Evidence (2013)
Tension Thriller with Horror Elements!
6 July 2013
Evidence is very well done film, it gets straight to point with whole watching found footage and I especially enjoyed how they changed back and forward from to "reality" with the detectives finding clues, trying figured out who the killer is. This edge of your seat tension thriller with some "Horror" elements, the horror side of the film was very disappointing with some one or two nasty deaths however it wasn't strong enough and the fact it's already happened, we'll watching it with the detectives, it takes away some of that creepy atmosphere and who might survivor the night but saying that, if was just that only. The film would have sucked but because it's got that race against time feel, it adds more plus with the shocking smart ending you will be glad stick with the film and it definitely pays off.

Being that it's from the director of "The Fourth Kind" another type of film like this one, I believe his improved hugely with imagine and using the actors to show they can actor. It's surprising right! I would recommend this film for sure 7/10
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Exam (2009)
"Saw" psychological edge without the violence!
24 June 2013
Brief storyline of the film, eight talented candidates have reached the final stage of selection to join the ranks of a mysterious and powerful corporation. Entering a windowless room, an Invigilator gives those eighty minutes to answer one simple question. He outlines three rules they must obey or be disqualified: don't talk to him or the armed guard by the door, don't spoil their papers and don't leave the room.

Well one thing I really like about this film, Is that it's a well-made British Psychological thriller and the director/writer as chosen nine brilliant actors and actress to deliver tension, exciting film. Exam is a dialogue-heavy piece, so if you like you're thriller films with some action you wouldn't find it here but don't let that put you off at the end of the day, it's still an exciting and interesting piece from start to finish and work brilliantly as a play. It's very intriguing but I can't go into more detail about the film because it would give it all away and the whole point of watching is seeing how the candidates deal with their situation. And how! Most of the cast get a fair crack of the whip in the script and there are dark times ahead as the work through every possible permutation to get to the answer.

One of the most impressive things is how the Director Stuart Hazeldine gives the audience more info on every character with great detail through the process of the film. Being that there nine main character, that not easy task to achieve especially character that you want to win or lose. I really like the fact, there was a "reservoir dogs" type moment with Luke Mably's character giving out codenames like blonde, brunette, white, black, brown, Chinese, Dark and deaf….just basic around their descriptors. And top marks goes to writer/director Stuart Hazeldine for his directorial debut, since this is the type of film where anyone could easily paint themselves into a corner and not know how to get out of it, but not only does he manage that, he also comes up with, what I can only describe as, the perfect ending.

Overall the film is a great Psychological thriller, which given us some brilliant actors/actress also had one of my favourite ending to a film. I would highly recommend it 8/10
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The Ref (1994)
Kevin Spacey & Denis Leary = Black Comedy Gold!!
24 June 2013
Brief storyline of the film, the plot idea is relatively simple; Denis Leary plays Gus a professional burglar who after a foiled robbery seeks to make good his escape by taking married couple Lloyd and Caroline Chasseur hostage. Lloyd (played by Kevin Spacey) and Caroline (played by Judy Davis) are however going through something of a marriage crisis and poor old Gus ends up playing referee between the two warring factions of this married couple. Add in a delinquent son, a mother-in-law of humongous bitchy proportions and a drunken Santa Claus and let the mayhem begin! I have to say that the interplay between Learn, Spacey and Davis is simply fantastic with the machinegun like dialogue whizzing back and forth between them, my favourite quote from the film is Leary's character and he said "From now on, the only person who gets to yell is me. Why? Because I have a gun. People with guns get to do whatever they want. Married people without guns - for instance - you - DO NOT get to yell. Why? NO GUNS! No guns, no yelling. See? Simple little equation." The black humour of the film is just brilliant and it's actually what you would expect from Kevin Spacey and Denis Leary film with past films like "Swimming with Sharks" With likewise the stingingly cruel comments from the mother-in-law from hell are a real hoot, as is the bumbling capers of the town's less than competent police force. What makes the film work on another level though is that the arguments and disagreements that have the family at each other's throats are not contrived or unbelievable. Both husband and wife put forward extremely credible points of view that I'm sure having cropped up in the minds of most viewers. This gives the film a lovely poignancy and all that more enjoyable.

Overall, I found this a very funny movie. Judy Davis and Kevin Spacey bounce off each other hilariously, and I found Denis Leary's character just brilliant (and is now one of my favourite comedian) The script is original, the humour is dry, sarcastic and 'laugh out loud' good for a black-comedy so Great stuff!
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"R" rating sequel after PG-13 film, AVP 2 is better than you might think!
23 June 2013
Okay first off, I want to get straight to the point and say I enjoyed this sequel, for a number of good reasons. I feel that first one was very good with its production quality with set design, costume and make up, followed by some well-done C.G.I effects but it was trying too hard capture that Ripley, survivor girl. Sanaa Lathan (The Cleveland Show) was bad ass woman, which not bad thing but it's already been done with excellent Sc-fi Action flick "Aliens" but what AVP lost was that "R" rating tone, with creepy hallway shots, violence and just feels too friendly with Predator helping our survivor girl and it's like going from80's Predator to that…is huge!

But to AVP 2: Requiem, there was lot of time and effort put this project, with watching the extras on special edition, I actually enjoyed the film a lot more every time with knowledge there was fans of both franchise wants to make a "R" rating film and give best of both worlds. The creature designs with the Predator's face to redesign Aliens, which is not C.G.I is awesome and the main Hybrid was interesting design from head to toe and pretty scary within key scenes. I can understand where people are coming from, when didn't enjoy this film. It's got the cheap slasher horror film feel with teens running the town, but lot of them just there to be kill off in very nasty ways, unlike first film…where the most was just off screens kills. But the fact it was everyday life with the cops, teens and other characters in the film, and it's like what the hell is going? From there point of view…people are going missing, weird things are happening throughout the film, it's avenge easy storyline YES! But with a bad ass hit-man Predator and Hybrid more than makes up for it.

Overall the film is great in showing two of the best species going against one another, with very entertaining action scenes and especially the finale fight sequence, I feel was awesome. So if your fan of darker tone AVP film then give a chance, if not then stick first film (or best the original films).
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