
15 Reviews
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Possibly the most genuine and realistic film about love that you can find
14 August 2016
The summary isn't a lie, rarely do I find a movie that so much as touches on genuine portrayal of romance as this film does. A lot of people say this film is depressing, well they aren't exactly wrong but a lot of those people that say that seem to confuse that word with realistic. Hands down bar none this is the most genuine realistic romance film I've seen. It pulls no punches or sugar coats anything.

If you are a person who has truly felt love then this film will hit hard, within the span of minutes this film successfully and effectively portrays the peak and high point of what every couple wants and the moment that could be described as every couples nightmare. As a man whose parents divorced and endured heart wrenching failed relationships I can strongly say this film captures the dissolution of a once great relationship better than any other film I've seen (and I've seen a lot).

Is it depressing? I would describe it more as realistic because although it is sad at times it never feels as fiction or even the slightest bit contrived it feels extremely natural. The construction of this film and the execution feel incredibly realistic and genuine thanks to the excellent acting and of course the director and writer Derek Cianfrance. If you dig into the back story or behind the scenes of the film you'll quickly find how dedicated the people behind the movie were which led to the film being incredibly authentic.

I don't want to give anything away but in conclusion if you want a fairy tale happy ever after this isn't where you should look, regardless if you are a person who understands and has experienced the true feeling of love you definitely without hesitation TRULY need to see this movie, the feelings that will resonate can't be conjured from any other movie that comes to mind. I don't want to get too much into detail to avoid spoilers but if you know the true feeling of love watch it, if you don't understand love you would only waste your time watching this (sad but true). If you understand what I'm saying you know what to do. Thanks for reading this review and I genuinely hope you can experience the film the way I did.
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Green Room (2015)
Violence at its most chilling and effective!
1 May 2016
I have seen some crazy violent films from cannibal holocaust to a Serbian film but no other film that comes to mind executes violence as un settling as this. For me I mean this in a positive way for others the violence could be the very thing to turn them off to it and possibly ruin the movie. May this be a forewarning for some and a recommendation for those who might be interested.

To start with the usual things to look at as far as acting and writing I would say this film does an excellent job. The acting from all is believable and extremely convincing. The writing is good with some humor and plenty of good dialogue. What the film masters completely is tension. Jeremy has truly shown his talent as a director with this one. The tension and situations that spawn violence are all very believable and realistic only adding to the tension and overall tone. Speaking of tone they set it incredibly well with one of the first acts of violence which will stick with me for a long long time.

Funny thing about this movie is that it's considered a thriller. What I mean by funny is that as a thriller (which it really is) it is more chilling and horrifying than most if not all the other horror movies I've seen recently. There are jump scares but they're done properly. This isn't a scary due to monsters and ghouls though, it's scary because of how realistic and effective the violence is to where it really sticks with you.

As you probably already know this is a film best going in knowing little to nothing to get the full experience, personally I went in knowing more than I should have, however, it didn't matter. I was on the edge of my seat with sweaty palms due to how tense and unpredictable it is. There is a lot to talk about with this film but a lot of it cant be discussed without spoilers so all I can say is see it yourself. If you can't handle violence then I am strongly telling you to avoid this film. On the other hand this is among the best films I've seen this year no doubt. As a display of well executed violence and tension this film will definitely make a name for itself. I hope this is useful thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the movie.
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Great road movie that develops great characters with a great bond
16 January 2016
Once again the IMDb user rating fails to reflect the true quality of a movie and I have to side with the critics. So be it because I was surprised how much I liked Mississippi grind. The acting from the two leads was exceptional, particularly Ben Mendelsohn. The writing is very natural and realistic as well. As usual, I would normally side with users, but every once in a while (such as with the guest) the critics know what they're doing and quite frankly the users couldn't be any more wrong, with a rating of 6.4/10 I would call this film criminally underrated, just so you know I don't say that often.

To steer haters away I will tell you this movie can be quite depressing at times, it's writing and acting is so raw that the emotion and situations really get to you. I don't know about you but any weird feelings this film gave me were on a positive note (quality wise anyways). I love different movies, on first glance I was thinking this was just another gambling movie, you know what I was wrong. This film does things not many other films have done, such as the feelings it gave to me.

I love and I mean LOVE different movies, and this film is quite different, full of lots of bits that are left un said and yet if the viewer is immersed properly they will feel it and it works and it really worked for me. Yes the characters in the movie have a gambling problem and it can be quite un comfortable to see what they do themselves and others but you know what not every movie is going to have happy go lucky optimistic heroes, so if you don't like movies with characters that aren't picture perfect steer clear.

I apologize for my rather vague review, I am coming right off of my initial viewing so keep that in mind but don't think of this as a review but more as a recommendation. I'm not saying this is the best movie ever but for those such as myself in search of something different I would highly recommend this film and I would put this up with some of the greatest gambling movies EVER. Initially I give this a 10/10 but as I said I'm fresh out of the viewing so I have to give this movie some time to absorb to give a more proper assessment, but no doubt Mississippi Grind is worth a viewing. Thanks for reading my recommendation and hopefully you'll enjoy this hidden gem.
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Fargo: The Castle (2015)
Season 2, Episode 9
Almost speechless
7 December 2015
Just so you know this first paragraph is gonna be personal, if you wish to skip begin on second paragraph. What I'm gonna do is give perspective on my enjoyment of this show because oddly enough I can't think of words to describe it. To be honest I've been in tough times lately, not only personally but even the world as a whole, every week I don't think I can put that stuff out of my mind, and you know what, every week Fargo proves me wrong. Each week I tune in, each week my expectations are blown out of the water and my mind gets immersed into this show, that is how good this show is for me. I can put all of those depressing thoughts out of my head and enjoy this show. That was before this week, and I was loving this show from the very first episode, if I loved it then then what is this incredible episode to me now that is leaving me darn near completely speechless.

Honestly, I don't think I am capable of writing a synopsis while coming of the aftershocks of this episode so don't expect one. By the end of last weeks episode I could see the general idea of what was coming but it didn't matter, my awareness of what was to come gave me this great sense of impending doom and the strongest tension I have experienced this entire season, and by the end the greatest pay off of the season thus far. Let's not forget the bright lights that hovered above the motel, as absurd and nonsensical as it was it worked very well (at least for me). To be very straight forward I still cannot comprehend the absolute craziness that I witnessed and I loved every freaking second of it (aside from the abundance of ads provided by FX).

To sum it up, I have not been captivated by a TV show like this since the final season of Breaking Bad (sorry game of thrones), and the craziest thing of all is that there is one episode left and I am clueless as of what to expect but couldn't be more excited. As far as my concern goes for this episode 10.0/10.0 no doubts what so ever. I hope your on for the ride because it isn't slowing down, as I've said before tune in and I hope you aren't disappointed and that you experience this show to the extent I did. Thanks for reading and I hope this provides some use.
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Fargo: Loplop (2015)
Season 2, Episode 8
Once again I score a 10 out of 10
30 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I know, I'm a poet and I didn't know it. Man oh man I know I may be a bit repetitive now but I've got to say it, I love this show. This episode we got the perspective of Ed and Peggy after Peggy zapped Dodd with his prod (ooh that's 3 rhymes now). It fills in all the gaps of what we missed while we were following the other characters in episode 7 and goes even further. This episode sports plenty of humorous scenes such as Peggy poking fun with Dodd and teaching him manners. We also see how nutty Peggy can be.

There was quite a bit of character development with the mysterious Hanzee, he doesn't take kindly to prejudice, we got that message loud and clear when he goes to a bar and towards the end of the episode in one of the most shocking developments yet, plus he had a scene reminiscent of No country for old men. The ending of this episode got my heart pumping to say the least and let's not forget that Mike Milligan is on his way to Sioux Falls. Only 2 episodes left to wrap things up and I hope they pull it off well because this is one of the best seasons of television I've seen this year and in quite a while. I hope this provides use and enjoy the show.
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Fargo: Did You Do This? No, You Did It! (2015)
Season 2, Episode 7
I fu**ing love this show!
24 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Pardon my French, I'm still coming off the fumes from the episode so stay with me here, from opening frame to last I was loving this hour (or hour and a half because of commercials) of television. Its opening montage had me as soon as Jethro Tull's locomotive breath came through the speakers on the t.v., this particular music choice smacked a grin on my face. I just love it when a movie or show knows how to utilize good music such as Fargo, this is something they have already established many times this year and episode alone.

As if I wasn't having a good enough time with this opening montage they laid to rest one of the ambiguous notes from last weeks episode, old Otto Gerhardt is gone. Simone pays her price for sleeping with the enemy (whose fate is left to some ambiguity), and the undertaker makes an appearance. Outside of the synopsis I have to say that this episode just furthers my admiration for this terrific season of Fargo. In last weeks review that I wrote I mentioned that I hope this weeks episode is another home run and I am glad to say that this episode knocks it out of the park.

Of course I have yet to mention my favorite aspect of this weeks episode.They answered another ambiguous hanger from episode 6 at the end, Peggy and Ed have kidnapped Dodd and are headed towards Sioux Falls. That's right folks, they have set forth the actions that will lead to the massacre in Sioux Falls.

Overall I'm glad this season has managed to not just masterfully sustain tension but also pay it off quite well. Believe me there's many other bits I could talk about but I hope this is still useful. Enjoy the show and tune in for these final 3 episodes of the season and of this story for they are most likely going to knock the ball further out of the park than this and previous episodes had. Thanks for reading and enjoy the show.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Another story of transformation, from Jimmy McGill to Saul Goodman, and it works
17 November 2015
I can't properly express how pleased I am that this show turned out as well as it did. It's is extremely well shot, well written, and well acted. The show may disappoint some due to it not being as eventful as breaking bad, but, this show has retained a lot of the quality of breaking bad and it manages to work well as a stand alone and separate series. The first season alone gave us great incite and further development of the already great character Mike, set up the basis for the transformation of Jimmy McGill.

I loved this show even in its un eventful somewhat filler moments, such as in the beginning of the 5th episode, Jimmy goes from house to house to get new clients and it offers some hilarious moments (personal favorite tony the toilet buddy). Even in its un eventful slower moments the show still managed to keep me interested. The show hasn't quite made Jimmy's full transformation to criminal lawyer Saul but it's set up the characters track to it. Not everyone will he as captivated or pleased as I am, however, if you still have the void left by Breaking Bad better call Saul fills it thanks to the great performances by the cast (Bob Odenkirk, Johnathan Banks, Michael Mckean, and more), the great writing (by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould), and the cinematography is a standout as well.

In conclusion I hope this show continues to grow in further seasons. Some may have been disappointed by the season finale but I've grown to like it personally. Personally I love the show, it may not be on BrBa's level (yet) but it is still easily one of the best shows I've seen on TV currently. I hope this is useful, thanks for reading and enjoy the show.
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Fargo: Rhinoceros (2015)
Season 2, Episode 6
3 stand offs and Nick Offerman
17 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This show just gets better and better. The tension is at an all time high and the writing gets better and better. This episode we had 3 standoffs, one at the Blomquist home, one at the state police station, and one at the Gerhardts household. 2 of these standoffs haven't quite been concluded but that's what next week is for. The standoff at the police station was brought to a close by one of my favorite characters this year, Karl Weathers. A drunk and hilarious Nick Offermnan stole the episode for me. Although there were 2 standoffs without a resolution quite yet this episode has kept the tone consistent and the show continues to grow.

This is most likely the best show on TV right now and for the year. Can't wait to tune in next week for another home run of an episode, I hope. Watch the show and enjoy.
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Wild Tales (2014)
Brilliant dark comedy
17 August 2015
The film is basically an anthology of 6 different stories involving revenge. You don't need to know anything other than that if even that when going to see this film. Throughout the film there's 6 very clever stories that unfold in a brilliant and darkly comical way. If your a fan of dark comedies then I highly recommend this one to you, I for one love dark comedies and I found myself laughing out loud at a couple times. One of my favorite parts was the beginning because it perfectly sets the tone for the rest of the film, I also like it because of how quick it sets itself up. If you don't get into the film within the first scene than I don't know if you will enjoy the film.

It surprises me how low this has flown below the radar even as a Oscar nominee, if I hadn't seen this film at redbox I don't know when I would have watched it. If somehow you come across this review then I highly recommend you watch this film if it sounds interesting to you. If I had seen this in 2014 it probably would of been in my top 10. Very glad I got see this may even buy it. I hope you enjoy the movie thanks for reading my review.
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Whiplash (2014)
Wow just wow. Easily one of the greatest films of the year
6 January 2015
There is so many excellent great things to say about this film. To start off I will say it may be slow and to different for some to enjoy and so that I warn you. Now I will say that I can not express the idea enough of how surprising this film is. Jk Simmons does an outstanding performance as the highly unpredictable hair trigger tempered teacher Fletcher, Miles Teller an actor who I've only seen in mediocre comedies also shines in a breakthrough performance as the ambitious drummer Andrew. The performance are outstanding and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

My favorite thing about this film is how it has created it's own one of a kind spot in the music genre of film, it's atmosphere is unlike any other as well. The idea that this film is one of a kind can't be stressed enough, I guarantee you cannot find another film out there like this. This film expresses a shockingly high intensity for a music film. I believe that Jk Simmons acting is what fueled a lot of the intensity. When you watch this film even though it's pace will seem slow to most it's intensity is impossible to miss.

I can see how a lot of certain people may find this film hard to enjoy but for me this film as slow as it is couldn't have been more intense. The mere fact that a music film shows some strong intensity like this one did is mind blowing to me. I don't know how many of you had this same experience or something similar then you already know what I'm talking about. I have a good feeling and I'm hopeful this film rakes in some acting Oscars because this film deserves at least one. I haven't read anything on this films page and I'm sure others have expressed similar opinions and all I can say is listen and trust me. I'm praying you enjoy this film and experience it's one of a kind intensity just as I did. Thanks for reading my review and enjoy.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
A nostalgic masterpiece for others a waste of time
24 December 2014
For some people including myself you tend to be able to relate to a lot of the events in Masons life as he continues to age. The nostalgia that these relations create can bring both good and bad memories up and impacts like no other film can. I have to say a lot of the tough situations mason had to endure (drunk stepfathers) I can really relate to and I could feel the strong intensity in some of those moments. However not everyone has these same experiences and thus not having that nostalgic effect.

So basically your enjoyment of the film is really all a matter of how much you can relate to it. Heck at one point in the film Masons journey took a different turn than what mine did thus ending the ability to relate and from there I could see why some people hated it but the way I looked at it to enjoy it was that either way I was watching the life of this person and being given the opportunity to see this new perspective.

When I lost the ability to relate with Mason on his journey i started to almost dislike him for certain things for some reason. When I watched this film I didn't feel like I was watching a movie I felt like I was going through life with Mason. Others may not be able to do that but I was fortunate enough to experience it like this.

In conclusion this is a really love it or hate it type movie. If you can relate to some experiences it can be very enjoyable but for others it can seem very boring and pointless. I can really see both sides but I definitely enjoyed the film and In those final credits I nearly teared up because I just realized what I had experienced. This is hard to explain but if you understand then you obviously get what I'm saying. I hope you don't waste 165 minutes of your life I hope you experience this film the same way I did if not more so. I hope what I said is helpful thanks for reading my review.
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Breaking Bad: Felina (2013)
Season 5, Episode 16
So hard to say goodbye
29 September 2013
All the funny moments all the sad moments and all the characters we all became so attached to make it so hard to say goodbye. Episode by episode it was ending and I didn't realize it till now zero hour the end of the only TV show that I have truly attached to.

During this episode from start to finish I was completely still, heart racing as I inched towards the end. Closure is done, the episode ends the series how I wanted and almost all the fans wanted it to end. The ricin the M-60 all is explained and in my mind and heart this is the best episode of the series. All I'm gonna say is that you won't be disappointed. No exaggeration this show is the greatest thing to ever hit any screen now the moment that I wished would never come has arrived the time to say goodbye to Breaking Bad.
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Breaking Bad: Granite State (2013)
Season 5, Episode 15
How is it going to end
22 September 2013
In this episode there is more shock of course not as shocking as the previous episode but this episode shows that this last episode is going to be legendary. There is so much to be concluded. This episode is easily described with one word heartbreaking. Jesses life is at an all time low I won't say what all happens but it is all showing how great this last episode is going to be.

I'm just hoping to god that this last episode has complete closure. It's been a long journey and it saddens me that it is going to end only a week from now, may everyone know this is the greatest television show of all time and will remain in my heart and mind for the rest of my life. Thank you for reading my review.
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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
Shock after shock to the fullest excess
15 September 2013
If you thought the previous episode was a shock you have seen nothing yet. This episode has at least 3 shockers each more shocking than the next. This episode is beyond un believable.

This show as I stated before has reached new heights and isn't coming back down but only going higher I couldn't have been more right. It has launched so high that the meth users on the show aren't as high.

This episode is legendary and is going to be very high when it comes to ratings. Watch this episode only after watching the episodes previous. And you will be just as shocked as me and everyone else who has watched this episode. Literally so shocking it could put you into tears.
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Breaking Bad: To'hajiilee (2013)
Season 5, Episode 13
Shocking intense awesome I'm still shaking
8 September 2013
This episode was intense and in believable. So far this episode has the best ending in the series yet this episode shows that these last episodes are going to be legendary. Keep watching and remember that this is the best show in the history of the universe.

Just wait til next week for only god knows what is going to happen the twist was no joke so shocking I'm shaking. I won't spoil anything to make sure you experience this the same way I did. This episode should be rated higher than 10/10 this episodes ending is 10 times more shocking than any of the other endings in breaking bad history. Believe me you will not be disappointed it is going to be burned into my brain for the next however many years.

All I can say is Breaking bad is at a new height for the series and it isn't coming back down its only going higher.
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