
3 Reviews
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The Equalizer (1985–1989)
I liked it
11 January 2004
I thought it was a damn decent show for its time. I wish it had run longer. I can think of thousands of shows that sucked worse than this, so I don't know why people would pick on it the way some here have. Woodward was believable to me as a tough, smart lifelong secret agent who knew all the tricks and could always get the job done. I like revenge type shows and movies such as this, Dirty Harry type actioner's where the revenge taker is a believable hero.
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Poor Devil (1973 TV Movie)
I knew I'd seen this!
11 January 2004
Several times in the past 25 years I have asked myself and others the question, "Didn't I see a movie once where Sammy Davis Jr. played a devil?". No one had ever been able to confirm this to me, and I'd wondered whether I'd imagined the whole thing all these years. (This is a common problem of many from the 70's generation).

Well doesn't it beat all that I'm browsing through the IMDb and I find it! This is, without a doubt, the best database of Movies and TV in existence.

All I can tell you about this movie is that it exists, I saw it, and that it did have a few funny moments.
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The Horror at 37,000 Feet (1973 TV Movie)
I watched this on TV when it first aired
11 January 2004
I was only interested because Kirk (William Shatner) and The Professor (Russell Johnson) were in it. I remember that it was pretty cheesy and that at one point there was a strange special effect of having some kind of weird gooey slop bubbling up out of the floor. I saw it a couple times too, and to tell you the truth, they were not fulfilling experiences. Yet, after all these years, like another who pointed this out, I still remember it. It just goes to show you what the '70's did to the minds of bright, innocent young kids.
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