
11 Reviews
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15 December 2022
I grew up enjoying Alfred Hitchcock films and this movie had the pacing, the moodiness, the characters, and the twists that would feel right at home in a Spanish version of his catalog. Even if you think you might know what's going on, there's still the thought at the back of your mind that says maybe you're wrong. I, for one, enjoy the not knowing, the back and forth of suspicion and the ultimate resolution that is well-executed if not entirely satisfying. Like others have said, I think it is also an interesting look at the treatment of the mentally ill, and I hope we have a come a long way in forty years in improving their care.
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Somehow it works
10 October 2022
To call this low-budget would be generous as it has the production value of a high school film project. The writing is awful and the acting is worse, but sometimes it's just so silly that you can't help but laugh. It definitely doesn't take itself too seriously, so that's a plus. Apparently the name comes from an actual haunted house attraction, not anything to do with the Bates Motel franchise, and that's an interesting location for a horror movie, because no one suspects the murders are real when all the blood is supposed to be fake. It's for sure not the worst horror movie I've seen, and some of those were so bad I didn't make it past the first 15 minutes.
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One of Us (II) (2017)
NOT a horror movie
20 September 2022
How in world did this bland snooze fest get labeled as a horror movie? It's barely even a psychological thriller. I've seen Disney channel originals with more tension and better acting. By the time it was over I was past caring what happened. I kept thinking that any minute something exciting would happen, but I was sorely disappointed. I mean, if your grandma came over and you wanted something tame to watch, this could work. I have a feeling that all of the good reviews for this movie are from people who made it. Save yourself the time and watch a Lifetime movie, where at least they're aware that the movie they're making is ridiculous.
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Boring and slow
29 May 2022
It never grabbed my attention, and I actually fell asleep through part of it, not that I was sad about it. There were a lot of big-name actors in this movie, but it felt like their talent was wasted. Pine & Newton had no chemistry. Fishburne should've had a bigger role. I guess the ending was good, but honestly by then I still didn't care and was just ready for it to be over.
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The Wolf Hour (2019)
Boring and mischaracterized
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so tired of movies being called "Hitchcockian" just because a character can't leave their home. In a Hitchcock movie, there's a certain tension, and things actually happen. The character is in danger. This was a movie where nothing happened and then it was over. No suspense, no thriller, certainly no horror. Events outside the apartment had no bearing on events inside the apartment. This was just watching a woman be stressed out for an hour and a half.
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Slaxx (2020)
Fresh idea!
27 April 2022
Remember, this is a horror comedy! They took a thoroughly absurd concept and executed it brilliantly. Yes there is some unexpected social commentary thrown in, but it's been a while since a movie has made me laugh out loud as much as this one. It is completely ridiculous and one of my new favorite movies.
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The Guilty (2021)
Not quite as good
3 October 2021
Having seen the original, I can't give this more than a 6. Maybe if I hadn't seen it, this one would've done better. I felt there were too many scenes that dragged on too long, and the added "drama" of the fires was unnecessary. I don't know why Emily had to be so breathy; like, she's in peril, not picking up a date. It took away from the tension. Also, we get it - you know each other's names. I have never heard a person use someone's name so many times in a conversation. Again, distracting. It just felt like they took out the parts of the film that made it suspenseful and added parts that made it kind of boring and ordinary. Just watch the original.
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Wonderfully bad
18 April 2021
The acting is awful, the sets are ridiculous, and the whole thing was just silly. I doubt they spent more than $50 on the entire budget. In short, this was the best movie ever and my new favorite! I laughed more than I ever have during a big-budget film.
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Antebellum (2020)
Not what I expected
4 December 2020
I had a very vague idea of what this movie was about, but it still ended up surprising me. I enjoyed it, especially the middle part that explained more of the characters, but the end had me on the edge of my seat. Although parts were challenging to watch, I don't feel like the story felt forced at all, and I appreciated being shown a different perspective than what I'm used to seeing. Yes, I guess you could call it preachy, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Don't listen to the bad reviews; watch it and decide for yourself.
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Laugh out loud
29 April 2020
Not many comedies make me need to pause the show because I'm laughing so hard, but this show is hilarious! The humor is so clever and often surprising. The casting is perfect, and the guest stars are delightful. I finally watched the movie, and didn't enjoy it half as much as the show, which feels like they took the essence of the movie and made it better.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
12 October 2018
This was the most boring "scary" movie I've ever seen. There was so much hype around it, and it was supposed to be intense and terrifying. I fell asleep 3 times. Should've stayed asleep.
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