
5 Reviews
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Worst film ever...
29 January 2004
(some plot content included, although there is no way to spoil this crap) Ok, here's the scene: Me and my friends are renting movies one night and we decide to rent this (thinking it would be funny, not a porn because of it's R rating). My, my, my, how we were wrong. There were probably 11 people total working on this movie. There are like 5 orcs in the whole movie, and they get killed and yet come back for the next scene. But the thing that had me tearing my hair out was the "comedy." Good lord! The jokes, if you can call them that, were so bad, oh so BAD. Seriously, it made me want to cry thinking that someone thought that some of these jokes would be funny. There was one part in the movie I thought was funny (I think at this point I would have found anything funny) was a scene where the bad wizard was killing Smirnoff the wizard by putting him under a blanket and then farting under the blanket. I believe he called it the "killer dutch oven." Another part an "orc" (which was a guy with blue make-up on) started p**sing on the "throbbits" that he was trying to catch. It was obvious that he would have seen them, but like the rest of this movie, it didn't make any sense at all. And despite what you may have read in other reviews, the girls in this movie are especially skankarific, and if you have any standards whatsoever with women, you would find MAYBE one remotely attractive. The dialogue is diabolical and the CG! I've never seen such crap. There were cut scenes to show where the throbbits were on their trek. The only thing was the AWFUL cg looked NOTHING like where they were. This movie is worth the rent to see just how bad this is! Another thing that absolutely baffles me is why this movie was made. It's not quite porn and it's the farthest thing from being a funny movie. Who provides funding for this crap? Only see this movie if you're looking for another reason not to live.
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Rollerball (2002)
Extremely confusing
27 January 2004
This movie... ugh... so bad. The cast actually is not that terrible, but the movie is amazingly terrible. This one of the worst movies I've ever seen and I'd die before I let a friend rent it. Do yourself a favor, if you haven't seen it, don't see it. If you have, I have set up a support group that meets MWF.
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Catchy tunes & funny jokes
27 January 2004
This movie is very funny. The first time I saw it I was just drunk but the second time I laughed very hard. Original jokes and the songs are funny, have good lyrics, and will stay in your head for weeks. I downloaded the songs and own the DVD. It is very funny and only gets better with each time you watch it.
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Mr. Nanny (1993)
This movie made me become a body builder/babysitter
27 January 2004
What does it take to make a winning movie? A winning combination in that movie. In Mr. Nanny, the combo was prowrestler and a babysitter. This movie should have one an Oscar for most unique concept, or perhaps the worst idea ever. I saw this flick when i was a kid and still thought it sucked. There were too many "what the hell?" moments in it to be good.
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The Mangler 2 (2002 Video)
By far, worst movie ever
26 January 2004
This movie was terrible. The special effects were a far cry from special, the plot was feces, and the acting was, like everything else in this movie, the worst i've ever seen. A word of caution to whoever sees this movie: it will make you want to kill someone.
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