
2 Reviews
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we are fighting for our unfreedom as if it was our freedom
16 June 2020
In the greek edition of yasko guy's manga capital, in the introduction i read a quote from Ken Loach "look at a mouse in a wheel, running without stop, cant escape from the wheel no matter how fast it runs. The problem isnt the mouse, its the wheel". And then there is a quote from Deleuze "The fundamental problem of political philosophy is still precisely the one that Spinoza saw so clearly (and that Wilhelm Reich rediscovered): Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were their salvation?" The movie reminded me those two quotes. How accurate they describe reality and the fact that the most important task of theory (and also art) is the grasping of reality exactly as it is. And reality is exactly this capitalist mousetrap
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How about the film crew?
6 November 2017
When you see a footage of someone struggling alone against nature, don't you always wonder... is the person holding the camera also in danger? Why can't they help each other? Watching this film I had the same confusion i have with all the reality TV shows. Was it (1) a spontaneous shooting with the actors doing real life and just trying to ignore the massive presence of a movie crew. Or (2) was it just a theatrical reenactment of things that had happened in recent past? Or was it (3) pure acting based on a script? The creator of a documentary had always the power of montage, but when you get to decide how people will live and talk in real live is another level of deception. The suspicion of this deception destroys the true content of the artwork and you are left with just travel advertising no matter how beautiful and inspiring it looks.
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