
31 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
6/10 For the fight choreography
23 March 2024
Wow, having read some of the critic reviews prior to the release of this movie, I was expecting better. What planet are these people on suggesting Conor McGregors performance was some kind of acting masterclass. More like an acting disaster class.

Whilst the story worked in 1989, bringing it forward with the quite frankly ridiculous changes they've made to 2024 just doesn't work.

The script and casting is also highly questionable, unlike in the original, here there are some really poor supporting cast choices. Jake Gyllenhaal brings it as our lead and I will admit, the fight scene choreography is pretty good.

As many have said before me, if you haven't seen the original, do give it a go. As it kicks a*** compared to this insipid offering.
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Lift (I) (2024)
Watching this film has made me realise I need to get a l8fe
13 January 2024
It's time to be honest with ourselves, time to make a stand, time to say no more!

Just how many movies like this nonentity of a movie have we subjected ourselves to over the years? Yes that's right too many. Seriously, the story is one we've seen a gazillion times before and very rarely done worse that this banal offering. No cast chemistry, no tense nerve jangling moments, no super cool action sequences.

I'm writing this review 60 minutes into the film as I've completely lost interest, but yet again for some unknown reason I feel like I have to watch until the end. Why, oh why do we do this to ourselves, surely there must be more to life than sitting in front of the TV subjecting ourselves to this torture.

Everything about this movie is so average. Now Kevin Hart's character is kissing the Interpol lady on a plane with all the passion of someone kissing their 90 year old grandmother. Where is the sexual chemistry, where is the humour, where is my shotgun. I need to end this NOW!

That's it, I've quit. My New Year's resolution is to never again subject myself to garbage shows or movies. You have already stolen enough of my life. From this day forward, you either entertain me, or die.
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Spare me the platitudes
9 December 2023
A film for conspiracy theorists or those who see themselves as intellectuals. For the rest of us, this film is nothing more than a series of cliches wrapped up in a mystery that just serves as a backdrop for the banal social commentary the characters espouse.

When the credits finally rolled, I sat emotionless with not a thought in my mind. It's as though watching this film had somehow completely lobotomized me.

There is nothing memorable about this film, other than maybe the scene with all the white Tesla cars, which was at least kind of artistic.

When I wake up tomorrow, I will not give this film a seconds thought. It literally has no meaning whatsoever.

Many seem to see this film as food for thought, for me it had more of laxative effect.
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Obliterated (2023)
Fricking awesome
30 November 2023
This show is pure entertainment, with scenes the like of I've never seen before. It's absolutely unique. Our crack team of dysfunctional professionals are hilarious, it's like an A-Team set up but with even more ridiculous characters.

I love the sheer energy of it all. The banter between the main characters is comedy gold. Anyone taking this show seriously, needs to take a chill pill and just accept that it's supposed to be pure farcical entertainment.

I've not laughed as much watching a show for ages. Forget the main storyline, it's all about the outrageous situations our team of heroes find themselves in.

I seriously hope they make a second season of thus show, as there is nothing like it around at the moment.
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Mask Girl (2023– )
Not enough mask for my liking
17 November 2023
What a super fun, quirky and entertaining first episode, definitely a 9/10 for me. The facial expressions of our original (and by far best) Mask Girl were hilarious.

Starting with the scene of her performing as a child, then through the ages were great to watch. The emotions of this episode could ring true for many of us I'm sure. Growing up with dreams of being famous, only to one day wake up to find yourself stuck in a boring unrewarding job. Fantasising about a colleague that we know is out of your reach.

Then there's the hilarious but actually quite sexy, online dance routines. These are really well done, although compared to things you can see online these days, extremely mild in comparison.

The first episode of this series is brilliant, as a standalone episode I loved it. Such a shame, the lead actress was changed from episode 2. I like what they tried to do with this show, however episode 1 aside, the rest of the series is lacklustre, totally preposterous and towards the end, you are just waiting for it to end.

Original Mask Girl, you were awesome, thank you for the one great episode you were in.
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The Killer (2023)
Anatomy of a Killer
12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film misses the mark in more ways than one for me. It's a real slog to get through, the constant monologue being delivered by our lead is draining to listen to. Yes we get the whole stay on the mission, be proactive not reactive, all witnesses must die, blah, blah, blah.

So after having botched a hit, a scene which was done really well. Our hitman doesn't even have the presence of thought to call his partner to warn her she might be in danger. For someone so organised, this is a bit of a basic oversight.

Returning home, surprise, surprise, associates of his employers have paid him a visit. Finding his partner at home, they logically tortured her for information. However, illogically out of the kindness of their hearts they decided not to kill her.

Incensed by this predictable (not to our hitman though) outrage, he decides retribution is on the cards. And so he starts working his way up the food chain.

What ensues is par for the course, with some excellent action but super slow pacing in-between. All acceptable enough, if not exactly inspiring, or to be honest that interesting.

Then we get to the scene with The Expert. Dear lord, what was the message she was trying to convey with that ridiculous parable about the hunter and the bear.

So a hunter goes hunting a bear with a pistol, shoots the bear. The bear turns to the hunter and says, is that all you got little man.

Incensed by such impudence, the hunter returns the next day with a shotgun or was it a rifle, not really sure it matters either way. The hunter takes another potshot at the bear. The bear getting a little peeved that this rather annoying chap didn't get the message yesterday, pushes him to ground and precedes to dry hump him for several minutes.

Obviously having enjoyed this experience, the hunter returns the following day with a Bazooka. Boom, the hunter fires at the bear. Seriously, again says the bear? At which point he pulls the Hunters trousers down and, well I'll leave you to fill in the rest.

Seriously, I would have shot her there and then just for spouting such drivel.

Then we get to meet the client..... The End.
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Simply awful
19 October 2023
Well I'm late to the party on this one. After having watched the first 3 episodes, I wish I'd stayed at home. Why did people rate this boring, below average, slow paced, clichéd show so highly. I'm guessing 2018 was a poor year for horror. Honestly the so called scares are laughable, there's absolutely nothing original about anything in this show. The pacing is so slow it's sleep inducing. The dialogue is excruciating, it's so melodramatic it borders on daytime TV soap opera level. None of the characters are in the least bit interesting, the story of the family is as dull as dishwater. I'm truly baffled by the positive reviews for this turgid show.
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Reptile (2023)
Film Noir more like film No
4 October 2023
I can see why some people may like this film. Certainly if you are a Benicio Del Toro fan, you will have your fill of him brooding through many a scene. For me, this was far too slow paced. Which would have been fine, if I was really bothered about finding out who killed our extremely dull realtor. The set up and murder itself was so uninspiring, that it left me totally nonplussed about what was to follow. I stuck with it for 60 minutes, but found myself yawning repeatedly due to total boredom. I have given it 5/10 as the quality of the acting was good, it was just the story that didn't grip me.
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I'll be ghosting the rest of this series
24 September 2023
I'm not sure what people are seeing in this series that I'm not, but 3 episodes in and I'm just so underwhelmed that I can't watch any more. The first episode jumps here there and everywhere at a rate of knots, the story set up is too rushed . The dialogue is weak, the quality of acting is soap opera level, the ghosts do like a good scream. Which is a good thing, as they wake me up when I'm just about to drift off to sleep. I'm guessing as I'm over 16 years of age, this series isn't really made with me in mind anyway. I do like a good ghost hunter story, this unfortunately is just not very good on any level.
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An Easy Watch
30 August 2023
Hats off to Jennifer Lawrence for starring in this refreshing (in a retro sense) comedy. We need more films like this, films that don't take themselves seriously, films with no forced diversity, political bias or in your face female empowerment message. Not that I object to any of the afore mentioned, it's just that they are now becoming tiresome in their predictability. Jennifer Lawrence is certainly versatile in regard to the type of character she can play, I've never seen her give a bad performance. Whilst this offering isn't laugh out loud funny, it has enough snigger inducing moments and silly scenarios to make it an enjoyable watch. Towards the end it gets predictably schmaltzy, but I can forgive that as it still left me with a smile on my face. Please Hollywood make more comedies like this, we need them.
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Well (2016)
A story well told
28 August 2023
If you're going into this film expecting the usual low budget slasher type affair, then you'll be pleasantly surprised by the quality of this offering. The acting is excellent, the story won't be what you are expecting, as I'm guessing like me you'll be waiting for someone to suddenly go pyscho. However, this film goes much deeper into the human psyche, the characters thanks to the quality of the script, which at times is almost poetic sets this apart from 90% of similarly plotted films. I would highly recommend watching this film, you won't regret it, the ending is also nicely done. I would have loved to watch this without the dubbing, although even with voices that you know don't fit the actors, it's still a great watch.
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My Name Is Earl (2005– )
Absolutely hilarious
4 June 2023
I'm clearly late to the party, but boy am I glad I came. This series is truly hilarious, the characters are crazy as hell and the madcap stories are relentlessly funny. Who thinks of this stuff? Such a great premise, a man on a mission to make up for his sins, and Earl certainly has a lot to make up for. The supporting ensemble are all perfectly cast, especially Jaime Pressly as Joy, she's one crazy but relentlessly entertaining character. She steals every scene she is in. There are not many shows that are guaranteed to make you laugh out at least a dozen times each episode, this easily achieves that. Every episode is just stuffed with farcicle scenarios. The witty dialogue is so clever, the writers must have had a blast scripting this. Definitely makes my top 5 of all time funny shows. Earl you are a comedic genius, even your facial expressions are hilarious.
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Poker Face (2023– )
More Scooby Doo than Columbo
3 June 2023
So we have a lead character who is able to read people, without any origin story or explanation as to how she acquired such abilities. The Poker Playing back story sounded interesting, which begs the question why they didn't do a couple of flashback scenes. The opening episode is actually quite good, although I'm not sure why the casino boss didn't make our lead disappear once it was blindingly obvious she had him bang to rights halfway through this episode. Unfortunately, from episode 2 onwards, the stories are quite dull, the characters within these stories are equally as dull. The detective work is like watching a child join the numbered dots whilst drawing a picture of a square. I've given this series 5 episodes, that's more than enough for me.
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Marvelous indeed
29 May 2023
I can certainly see why this series divides opinion, you really do need to like fast dialogue and Jewish stereotypes. Personally, I'm a fan of both, so am revelling in every last bit of this show. Rachel Brosnahan has such great screen presence, she looks stunning and delivers her lines with gusto. In agreement with many, this is not a laugh out loud type of show, to me it has a feel good vibe, with a lot of smirk inducing moments. I personally found the stand up scenes excellent. The 50s was a great time for fashion, though not so great for equality. Which this show deal with in a lighthearted, non preachy way.
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Will Trent (2023– )
Just plain boring
19 May 2023
I knew nothing about the character of Will Trent coming into this series, so had no expectations that needed meeting. The first 15 minutes of the opening episode, were fantastic, my expectations at that point went sky high. In fact the first episode was worthy of an 8 in my book. Unfortunately, this series peaked early, each subsequent episode has been less and less interesting. Even Will himself does not really intrigue or entertain in the way a lead character should. The only character I find enjoyable to watch is Angie Polaski, played by Erika Christensen, she at least has some depth and screen presence. The story lines are not interesting enough to keep me entertained. I've given this series 5 episodes, that's more than enough for me.
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Clock (2023)
A complete waste of time
29 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first 15 minutes of this film offered much. A creepy opening scene. Followed by what I thought was the set up for a really interesting concept piece on the pressure's on women to have babies before the inevitability of the menopause. Unfortunately, the next 80 minutes was absolute drivel.

So our strong willed lead decides after a conversation with her father to seek help from an experimental therapy centre. Whilst there she takes some pills, then paricipates in some hackneyed psychology card game, starts seeing spiders everywhere, along with a rather comical tall supposedly scary lady. Oh and let us not forget the piece of metal she willingly submitted to having inserted into her.

She then returns home, eats raw eggs, freezes eggs, then licks them, starts seeing spiders everywhere, goes to see her father, smashes his grandfather clock (yeh like we didn't all guess the twist at this point), paints spiders on the nursery wall of her friends house, has sex with her husband who wait for it, had a bag with the same infinity sign used to promote the therapy centre she went to.

Point here, if her husband was involved, why did he have sex with her knowing he would be exposed to the pointy piece of metal.

She runs back to the therapy centre, removes the piece of metal with pliers. Gets chased by the police, has a conversation with her husband on the phone (the not so big reveal). Then gets handcuffed, jumps of a cliff, and thankfully finally, is seen lying face down on a rock at the waters edge (no handcuffs) watching a creature slowly climbing up the rock.

I do love the way some people try to interpret or see deep and meaningful messages in films such as this.

For me and I suspect most people who watched this film, the only message I got was...... YOU WERE AN IDIOT FOR WATCHING THIS FILM TO THE END.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Emotional torture
23 April 2023
If you are one of those people who enjoy talking about your emotions all the time, then this is definitely the show for you. Personally I thought the set up could have been done a lot better, the opening episode for me kind of rushed the disappearing element of the story. Every subsequent scene is full of people who are either angry or completely broken, which I guess is the point of the show. How would people react to such an event. I gave this a few episodes (4) before deciding it really was too much of a hard watch, I didn't really buy into a lot of the story and got tired of all the overblown emotion, way too exhausting for me.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Immense action
3 April 2023
Like many of the characters in the show itself literally are, I'm blown away by the sheer amount and quality of the action. I don't think I've ever seen in a TV series such amazing fight scenes choreography or extreme levels of violence. The storyline is as old as gang culture itself, the difference here is the quality of the production values and actors. Every episode is a brooding masterpiece, with top notch dialogue and character interactions. I'm 5 episodes in and completely spellbound by this awesome show. I can't wait to see where this goes and of course find out who arranged the hit on Finn Wallace.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Distinctly average
11 February 2023
As someone who has never played the game this show is based on, I can only rate it on the quality of the show itself. Unlike many who seem to have decided it was worthy of a 9 or 10 before they'd even seen it, I'm updating my review (down to a 5 from a 6) after 8.5 episodes (the point I decided to quit watching). To say this series is completely underwhelming would be an understatement. The first 20 minutes of the first episode were great, setting the scene for the unfolding pandemic. Everything after this, besides episode 5 which was the only noteworthy episode (definitely worth a 9/10) is by the numbers, slow paced, seen it all before but done better. Bella Ramsey's character Ellie, was instantly and continues to be dislikeable, with no redeeming features. Pedro Pascal as Joel is excellent but he is the only positive in this achingly tedious show. In episode 4 we were introduced to Kathleen played by the totally miscast Melanie Lynskey. The person responsible for casting in this show is clearly a poor judge of character. Even the action scenes are lacking tension or excitement. I stuck with it hoping for another episode as good as the fifth, but alas the next 3 episodes have left me bored stiff. So I'm I'm baffled by the high scores and positive reviews given to this show.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
Not be taken seriously
28 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Four episodes in and I'm hooked, yes it's total hokum but boy is it fun to watch. The end of episode one was a pleasant surprise, didn't see that coming. Trooper Legarski is a riot, seriously off his trolley and totally OTT. The story is not exactly original but is interesting enough to keep you watching. Not sure why there is so much hate for this, as it's an easy watch, and I for one like the totally illogical interactions between some of the characters and even more so their illogical actions. Keeps you guessing, as nothing is off the table. I will keep watching, as I want to see where this goes. Only thing I would say is, unlike with most shows involving people being abducted, in this case I wouldn't shed a tear if any or all three of ladies being held met a grizzly end.
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A fitting ending
13 October 2022
I finally get it, this whole series was an experiment used to try out new ideas. After 4 episodes, I actually thought it might be going somewhere interesting. How wrong I was, other than episode 8, an episode saved by the inclusion of Daredevil. This whole series was a complete mess. The need to make all male characters, especially white men appear weak and insecure became quite boring towards the end. This final episode was a classic example, with the She Hulk hating mens club scenario. Then we had the ridiculous stop the show segment, this has been done to good comic effect previously in other shows, however you need to have a show with strong comedic characters to pull this off. Unfortunately whilst Tatiana Maslany is a brilliant actress with real screen presence, the script let her down all the way through. If they do make a second season I for one will not be watching. This final episode in my opinion was a fittingly awful end to this ridiculous series. It certainly killed off my interest.
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Improves with each episode
13 September 2022
Like many, I was not a big fan of the first episode. However, now on episode four, I really like where they are going with this. It's so over the top with the way in which it portrays misogynistic white men, that anyone taking offence, needs to seriously take a chill pill. It's supposed to be a comedy, they are caricatures so take them as such.

Its portrayal of men aside, I think it has a lot of growth potential in regards to the type of cases Ms Walters takes on. It also opens up the possibility of bringing in more Marvel characters for amusing cameo roles, like Wong in episodes three and four.

The script is also getting stronger with each episode, and Jennifer is becoming more and more likeable, after coming accross as super arrogant and condescending in the first few episodes.

I'm guessing a lot of people based their rating on the first episode alone. My advice, give it to episode 4, you may well find like me this show grows on you. My only hope is that due to the low ratings they don't cancel this show after one season.
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Dune (2021)
Simply Stunning
17 July 2022
Visually stunning with a great musical score this is what cinema should be all about. A story as old as time itself (biblical in many ways) the casting was also spot on. The young lead is exceptional as was Rebecca Ferguson as his mother. I would put this up there with the first time I watched Star Wars as a 10 year old. Truly epic, can't wait for the second installment.
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27 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well there can be no sitting on the fence with this film, you are either going to love it or loath it. As you can tell by my rating, I'm in the latter category. I'm a big fan of possesion films, but this one misses the mark for me. The demonic presense comes out of nowhere, is not scary and the possesion is immediate. No interesting build up or backstory to explain why the demonic presence chose to manifest itself or why it chose to possess the person it does. No amount of extreme violence thrown in near the end can make up for a poor story. Even the exorcism is boring and uninspired. There is nothing wrong with the acting but when the script is uninspired, good acting alone can't save a movie. This film quite frankly is complete garbage, with a fittingly bad ending.
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The Furies (2019)
27 March 2022
If only for the lead actress, quality of some of the kills and psychological mind games between Kayla and Rose at the end. I quite enjoyed this movie. Don't get me wrong, it's nothing we haven't seen before but it delivered what I was hoping for. Also the ending was satisfactory in my opinion.
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