
26 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Ok, I'm a huge fan of the original.
23 March 2024
I love this movie, Jake, who is a professional and absolutely a beast in this movie and also everyone involved did a hell of a job with the fight scenes and the action is well done, it's well choreographed fight scenes have me rooting for Dalton, even against the baddest of the bad.

However, having been a huge fan of the original I see similarities and also changes that I'm sure the producers thought would heighten the movie.

As soon as I saw a connection to the bookstore I knew it would go up in flames, I recognised the scene where the owner just looks down from her office to see the carnage below seeing that Dalton was there watching.

I saw Dalton take a good fighter bouncer under his wing and I knew he'd end up with the Doctor at the hospital.

The rest isn't what I thought it would be.

This isn't a remake it's a reimagined version and to take the name isn't fair to the original, it's a great movie in its own right and as Millennials never watch old movies anyway why bother?

I am just glad they didn't make the bar renamed the Double Deuce.
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I Am Rage (2023)
Ok, but seriously not great.
2 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I went in to this with some hope, British film makers can create awesome films but this one missed the mark.

I have read that filming locations in and around where they were filming had horrible weather but it doesn't make up for the fact this could have been brought indoors and still been good.

The fight scenes, meh, they were choppy and didn't really hit as a guy who likes fight scenes.

The acting in some parts are really wooden and the story is somewhat predictable, i.e. The character Sarah dying once she's found some strength to fight back.

All in all it's a fun, campy British film but will never be a blockbuster.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Way better than I thought it would be.
1 October 2022
Ok, I'm the first to hold up my hand and say that after Taken Liam Neeson keeps churning out movies that are so so and usually his movies recently have been straight to video movies that are light on story and action.

This one however took me by surprise and was great. The whole cast are invested in the film and take the work seriously and that portrays to the screen well, Guy Pierce is great as a grizzled FBI agent fiercely trying to reconcile his past as well as doing what's right within the law.

There were a few unanswered pieces that could have been answered but all in all a great movie and I'm glad this one was light on the shaky cam.
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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (2007 Video Game)
Always a Ten from me. This game introduced me back to playing video games.
21 January 2022
What's bad to say about this game, nothing!

Granted the sequel was better than this first outage (rare as they are) but geez.

This game revolutionised the FPS genre forever and ever game since.

Whether it be the new Battlefield to the new Call Of Duty they have way bigger shoes to fill compared to the first modern, awesome FPS game and they, to my understanding have not filled those shoes, since.

Even in 2022 there isn't one to eclipse it, though yes you can say Modern Warfare 2 but this first outing lit the fuse that every studio making FPS games have stride for ever since.

If you don't own this game go get it and realise that the future was actually buried in the past.
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Black Water (2018)
My god where do I start with this abomination to screen.
17 January 2022
I'll admit, I've been a fan or both Van Damme and Lundgren for over 30+ years but my god how far they have fallen to put out this garbage is beyond me.

Granted Dolph has very little screen time but Jean Claude must have needed the money for sure.

Hell he couldn't even simply park a damn car without using a stuntman for it at the 6 minute mark, geez dude.

Do yourself a favour and find anything on YouTube as it'll be more entertaining than this crap.

The stars of yesteryear should have stayed out of the spotlight, it's has dimmed everyone's view of them.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
My god this movie is hard to be entertained by.
31 December 2021
If Hollyweird believes this to be satire then they certainly have jumped the shark. It's boring and I'm on my second time trying to get through it even at 58 minutes. If an asteroid really was coming and this was the last film on before the power went out I'd gladly die to never be able to see it again.

It's not entertaining, it's not ever thought provoking, it's just bland tasteless trash that deserves to be only on Netflix.

Also, someone please tell the still overweight Jonah Hill that he's even less funny when he's just pretending to be an asshole as he is in this movie.

I'm damn well sure if this garbage was in the cinema then it'd compete for the most Razzies given for a single movie and make a complete sum of around $6000 gross.
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The 2nd (2020)
I usually read other user reviews before reviewing but......
1 January 2021
I wish I'd have done more reading. My god this is a horrible movie from start to finish and staying until the end with the tv still on was only helped with beer and whiskey. From the horrible acting, choppy editing from day to nighttime, the cheesy cliched lines we've all seen in films that had no known stars in them. Casper, yeah he makes on OK bad guy, apart from he just doesn't look menacing enough and seems as though he took inspiration from Dolph Lundgren school of acting. The fight scenes were horribly choreographed with no real punch to them though I do have to give credit for the son of the "hero" being able and willing to kick ass, something quite unexpected in a crap movie. So, that brings us to Ryan, oh how far you have fallen. Don't get me wrong I thought when you first started acting you were just another pretty boy acting tough but after becoming hooked on Shooter you changed my mind, I just wish it had ran longer. However with this movie I'm thinking you probably starred in this hack fest to possibly pay a mortgage, taxes or your agent but then you also threw your name in as producer as well. Come on dude, you're better than this.
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Wolf Creek 2 (2013)
I love the movie series, including the show on Stan, but.......
16 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong by the wording of the title to this review. I truly do love all the films and the show on Stan. I even have seen John (Mick Taylor) at a convention but didn't want to disturb him. My biggest beef with this and pretty much any horror movie, especially one that is based on real life are the various stupid and illogical decisions that the victims make. The German girl at the start watching her BF be slaughtered by Mick, no, move your arse quietly and keep out of sight. Even the boyfriend hitting Mick once on the shoulders with a tree branch, no hit him until he can no longer breathe and then stab him in the back of his head with his own knife, FFS. Same with the horse scene in the field, go where the horse won't go, go left or right, no, where does the guy run? Straight on, duh Also most importantly don't run on a track where a vehicle can go, duh The list goes on and on with most horror movies and I t's really starting to get redundant with every one that comes out. But, Wolf Creek is an awesome horror even for the flaws of the genre and has practical gore and effects as well as a great acted story. Though if you're former military you'll just laugh.
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This is truly bad, bad even by a movie fan standard.
23 November 2020
I truly do love all movies, they all have something to offer and I've seen a huge amount. There are however three movies I've stopped watching after about 30mins, first was sliding doors with Gwyneth Paltrow, jungle 2 jungle with Tim Allen and now this piece of rehashed crap that was given a green light by the production company, why is anyone's complete guess. Don't get me wrong I do love Michael Jay White in anything because the guy can act and most importantly fight well but it has to one, have a story worth telling and two, be original. The description puts this as a "sequel" to the original with Jean Claude Van Damme but no, it's a complete rip off of the story, the scenes are nearly play by play and just adding African Americans to the story does not make it new. Hence, go woke, go broke. That and Michael Eckland (whoever the F he is) is by no means near the ruthless bad guy that the late Powers Boothe was able to bring to screen. To be honest, do yourself a favour. Do not spend money and more importantly time watching this. I watched Range 15 yesterday and would rather watch that on repeat for a week straight than sit through the rest of this crap and Range 15 was cheaper to rent.
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The Babysitter (I) (2017)
What's not to love?
23 October 2020
This movie is self aware, funny and totally fun to watch. It's a horror movie that's not a horror at its heart. It's a coming of age story with a horror overtone and to watch Samara Weaving in the role is a sight to behold, she steals all the scenes she's in.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Slick action and a great story.....
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I went in to this movie not expecting much but am always surprised when a movie comes up that is original and stylish as this is. Charlize Theron is awesome in the role as leader of this group of immortals. Their role is a simple one, do bad things to bad people and once a new immortal is discovered in the Middle East the leader goes in search of the newest member of their team. From there they face tough opposition from a Billionaire focussed on harnessing their immortality for his own gain. Excellent fight and combat sequences that you'd believe the cast had been doing for years from handing others weapons and ammo to fighting hand to hand. I tip my hat to the fight choreographer. All in all an excellent movie worth a watch.
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This could have been called "T last days of good Netflix movies"
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know years ago when movies are so long that the cinema would stop the movie halfway through so the viewers could take a break? This is how I approached this movie, but split in to two days. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad movie in the sense of some but it could have been a lot shorter Than the 2hrs 29mins runtime and tightened up by adding a character who programmes the API (American Peace Initiative) In the first place and showing the ground work of it. As for the whole scene at the start of Bricke torching a guy in a bathtub only served to show him as a bad ass and nothing more. The acting is ok, not great but sometimes a little over the top by supporting actors. The two shining lights I believe are the always excellent Sharlto Copley and not a bad performance by Anna Brewster (the fight between her and Copley in the API building is brutal). The action is good though a little far fetched in places (no one can take a shotgun blast to the stomach And survive that long) The effects are good but without the story and pacing being better they don't mean much. All in all it's an ok movie for a Sunday when you're just tidying the house or cooking, just watch the good bits.
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So much more could have been had from this premise.
5 June 2020
Where do you start? It's like a car crash that you know is going to end badly but you watch anyway. The acting is ok but the premise and story are horrendous, it's hard to follow at times, what's with the black seeping out of the extras and who's go to those lengths to get revenge? Just doesn't make sense.
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The Kitchen (2019)
Why all the hate? Because it's a female led cast?
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this last night and was intrigued to see Melissa McCarthy play another role than the comedic type comedies she's known for and I was not disappointed. Yes, I know people are saying get woke, go broke but this isn't a story that has been changed to go with the narrative that that phrase represents. This is a story of three women who are abandoned by the "family" and have to make decisions to feed their families without the men in their lives. Whilst the first act is a little of a slow burn the rest of the movie is awesome. The acting is top notch and the twist of Commons character being on both sides is awesome and something I actually didn't see coming. The cast is stellar and you really do feel for Elizabeth Moss' character coming from an abusive relationship to becoming able and willing to stick up for herself, something I wish more women did because abusive relationships should never happen to either partner be it male or female. So yes, give this one a viewing and you won't be disappointed.
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The Irishman (2019)
Meh, another gangster movie. Woohoo not
27 November 2019
This is just another gangster movie, nothing different from anyone from De Niro to Scorsese. It's an ok movie if you like De Niro doing a ton of voice over to keep you interested instead of the actual acting.

A big no from me, just nothing new.
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I have the first two on Blu Ray, this is no different and I will buy it!
23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie just sums up but surpasses the last two. Mike Banning is a soldier, able to fight till his last breath and then some and in both the first and second movies he has done so in spectacular fashion with brute strength and will to win. Falsely accused of the attempted murder of the president he sets out to bring whomever is the cause to answer for their sins. He does so in brutal action and awesome effects, while somewhat could have been better but given the budget that would have been difficult. Wish they had more faith in the movie. Awesome ride and very emotional story with Nick Norte cast as his dad.

Totally recommend this movie.
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Anthem (2019 Video Game)
Not A Bad Game At All.
5 September 2019
I'd heard all the bad reviews about this game and when I picked it up for $19 I wasn't expecting much. That said I've grown to love it. The gameplay is a little repetitive but the graphics, scenery and playability is pretty good even though a little repetitive. I'm sure it has its flaws but as a whole it was well worth the price of the game.
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Slasher (2016–2023)
Awesome original show with awesome stories.
5 June 2019
The stories for the show have so many twists and turns that you'll be guessing until near the end to figure out who the killer is. The effects for the kills are gruesome, original and well filmed whilst being practical and realistic, anyone who's squeamish may want to hide behind the couch. The cast is great and some of the cast return in other seasons but as different characters and their acting prowess really shows. Can't wait for season 14, yes I'd wait and still watch until then.
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Robin Hood (2018)
Not an awesome movie but still entertaining and fun.
27 March 2019
I'm a big fan of Taron Egerton as we are both from the North of England and this was an enjoyable movie to watch. Forget all the Robin Hood stories of old and watch it for what it's worth, an escape from reality and a great way to spend 2hrs. Taron and Jamie Foxx bring humour, excellent archery skills and a great dose of action to the movie that sold it for me. Personally, I wouldn't have called it Robin Hood as it is only loosely based on the character and instead made it as a movie about injustice and greed that not happened back then but still happens today.
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The Chase Australia (2015– )
Great show but Andrew O'Keefe needs to go.
15 January 2019
My reason for the low rating is Andrew O'Keefe. My god he's annoying and difficult to watch in anything, even in his stint during weekend Sunrise had me turn off. Of the 20+ million people in Australia he's picked for TV? He cannot talk without his hands, waving those things wildly with every word he utters and his far left views are not what is needed on TV, at all. Apart from that, when contestants on the Chase are trying to answer questions his delivery and inability to control his monkey spankers I'm sure makes it hard for them to answer correctly.
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Standoff (I) (2016)
A great story of loss and redemption
5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to watch this movie as a parent who's lost a son (albeit mine was through pregnancy but the thoughts still stay the same). Thomas Jane plays a father who after the loss of his son and the leaving of his wife had slipped into depression, drinking and suicidal thoughts. One day a young girl comes to his house looking for help and sanctuary from a contract killer she had witnessed killing the somewhat apparent widow and bodyguard of one of his employers employees. This in turn sets of a cat and mouse game between Jane at the top of the stairs and fishbourne in the lower floor. The acting is great from everyone and the little girl (bird) is truly believable and her acting is remarkable for her age. I recommend this movie to anyone, very surprised and very glad I picked it.
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Accident Man (2018)
Great Scott Adkins flick for his true fans.
14 June 2018
I went into this movie with an open view. Being a big Scott Adkins fan as we are both from the UK and we both ride Triumphs, him in the movie and me in real life. I've been a long tome fan and have been admiring his work both in the Asian film market and the Undisputed franchise though I'm torn with this movie. Yes it could have shown his athleticism and acting prowess more than it did as I know for a fact he is capable of more and I would have loved to have seen his fight with Michael Jai White expanded more and felt that Michael was holding back through his scenes against Scott as to not show his own skills as much as he could have. That said it was an entertaining film with some good acting and Ray Stevenson brought an awesome character who I actually liked to the screen though I'd have loved to see a final fight with him in it. Overall I liked this movie, yes it has flaws but as a whole I'd be totally stoked to add it to my collection. I won't lie, Scott Adkins when given the chance can act well and can kick ass with the best of them, truely a way underrated actor in Hollywood and worthy of a shot of fame way larger than he has now.
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Darc (2018)
Wow, glad I watched this.
1 May 2018
So, I watched this movie after getting a text from Netflix to say it was up for viewing and boy am I glad I watched it. Set in America where the Yakuza have taken somewhat of a hold it has a vengeance story but with characters who are pivatol to the plot. There's the romance subplot as well as revenge and honour and the acting is really well done given that it seems like a less than blockbuster budget has been given for the movie. The star is believable and acts well and I would not like to come up against him in a fight. My only gripe is that the effects could have a little better but overall it's a great action movie with some great fights and worthy of the watching time.
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Yes, the acting wasn't best, however.......
21 April 2018
I watched this movie expecting monsters galore and soldiers all up in arms trying to stop them. However the movie really isn't about that, it's about loss and the feeling of really losing soldiers you were entrusted to protect as a leader. The "monsters" seem to be the humans in this movie and the actual "monsters" are just innocent creatures moving across the landscape which poses the question as to are we the monsters?
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Ryse: Son of Rome (2013 Video Game)
Awesome game and not worth its low rating.
12 April 2018
I personally love this game. The graphics are 5yrs old now but I dare you to tell the difference from a game made today, yes Forza 5,6 or Forza horizons 2,3 do come close but wow this game still stands the rest of time. The shading, the backgrounds and the attention to detail of the characters and voice movements is an easy point as to the intention to make this a stand out game for the Xbox One when it released. Yes, the gameplay is lacking and the hack and slice use of the controller buttons does get boring and repetitive but is equally replaced with the gory dispatching of foes in your wake. The story is well done and the mystical element gives it a different angle to most Roman stories. Apart from the story being a little segmented at times but it does hold your thought and sometimes just feels like a movie that you're part of playing instead of just a game. I know that these days the game can be picked up for next to nothing but yet I still don't have an qualms about having paid full price for it. Basically if you see it at a great price pick it up, you won't be disappointed.
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