
3 Reviews
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7 February 2005
People are so critical. Yeah, it reeks of Blair Witch but so what? I actually thought it was a real documentary until about 3/4 of the way through. I had heard nothing about this film and picked it up on a whim. Try to remove yourself from any political bias and try to enjoy it for what it is... a nice piece of entertainment on a low budget that does not have the standard Hollywood trappings.

I noticed one user commented that this film was the worst he had seen in a year. That is the most ridiculous statement I have ever heard. How about The Grudge? Make some sense out of that mess.

At least this film is topical and gives some insight into a part of the world most people would just as soon forget about.
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Uh, What?
7 March 2004
I've seen some bad movies in my day, but this one ranks right up there with the worst of them. Several other posters noticed the same thing in the opening credits, the film was CHOPPED by Rodriguez. That credit is the understatement of the century. It takes a really bad movie for me to be unhappy about it...I hated this film. The story was hard to follow, the action scenes were so bad they were laughable, and the great cast was wasted on this wretched project. Johnny Depp is the sole bright spot in this movie, too bad the story didn't evolve around him. In the end, even he was relegated to a completely rediculous role. Who did Rodriguez think Depp was...Daredevil? Ugh. I wouldn't watch this again if you paid me $20.
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The Cooler (2003)
Excellent movie
6 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
***Possible spoilers***

I've visited this site many times and have read the user's reviews but this is my first time commenting on a movie. 1st of all, it never ceases to amaze me how some people nitpick movies. I wonder if they ever get any enjoyment out of ANY of the films they see.

I really loved this movie. Alec Baldwin deserves all the praise he has garnered for his performance, it was brilliant. William H. Macy is so good that I think his performances are often overlooked because we expect him to be great every time. Another great performance here as well.

I am usually very disappointed with these types of movies because the filmaker's intention for the viewer to root for the underdog usually fails because the underdog is simply not likeable. Bernie Lootz, played by Macy is such a sad sack that you can't help but feel sorry for the poor guy. I really found myself hoping for a good ending.

Shelly Kaplow, played by Baldwin is a much more complex character than some of the other commenter's give him credit for. I really wanted to hate him, but I grudgingly had to respect his undeviating view of how he thought the casino (and for that matter Vegas) should be run.

There are a lot of people who were disappointed with the ending. While watching this movie I kept telling myself that things were going to end badly for Bernie. I was pleasantly surprised when they didn't.

If you want to see an artsy "important" film, go somewhere else. If you want to see a movie that has good character developement, humor, drama, and great chemistry between the love interests- You can't do much better than The Cooler.
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