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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As a person who enjoys good TV shows this is one! I don't enjoy the "sex" aspect of tv nowadays. I want to be intrigued by the storyline. The telling of how it started, why we are where we are, how we got to where we are. So many shows today start with a story then add sex thinking some viewers only enjoy the story when people are getting naked. No thank you.

Now we start where the movie ended. 14 years earlier a war happened. Picard tried to help only to be stripped of his title. Androids started the war and therefore wiped out. Data was deconstructed, but his "daughter" survived. The Ramulens sneaky people have a secret group lurking around and try to destroy the "copy".

Picard makes it his mission to help his dead friends daughter survive.

If you hate the "sex" aspect of shows, yet enjoy a good watch. Try it on.
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Chicago Med: Leave the Choice to Solomon (2020)
Season 5, Episode 12
I'm soooo OVER Natalie!!
25 January 2020
I'm am so tired of hearing Natalie talk. I can't even watch her parts. STOP already. Please either get rid of her or give her a come to Jes*s moment because she's getting on my nerves!!! Blach..... she leaves an awful taste in my mouth.

Please don't let Halsted go down that rabbit hole. I don't want him to go.

I enjoyed getting to know the new Dr a little more. Seems like his past is coming to light.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Beer Bad (1999)
Season 4, Episode 5
I enjoy this for a different reason.
14 January 2020
I understand fans thinking that this episode is one of the worst in Buffy history, however I love it for a different reason.

Think of young woman out there being treated like they are special to someone, and then that someone uses them to get exactly what they want (sex) and then being thrown to the side so they can move on to the next one. Unfortunately this happens way to often in our society. We lack intimacy all the time. Every new show out there is so full of sex and violence that women and men have no idea what's real and what isn't. They rely on porn to full their void and the expect their relationship or lack there of to have the same type of meaning.

This episode shows us that Parker wants his ego stoked because my guess is in High School woman ignored him so in College he's using them. Buffy on the other hand only knows Angel and that when he truly loves her he turns evil. Buffy can't understand why Parker used her and Parker can't understand why she became attached. Add the comping mechanisms that we as humans do; drinking, sex, drugs and we get beer bad. Not to mention Buffy hitting Parker over the head with a stick. That part ruled! Yet she still saved his life.

Look at this episode as a marker for woman who give their heart to someone and men who believe their owed something from previous women. It's a shoulder shrug for sure. I like it!
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Angel: A Hole in the World (2004)
Season 5, Episode 15
Favorite episode and yet least favorite..
15 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted so bad for Wesley and Fred to finally have the love that they deserve.

The boys try so hard to save her and yet, the un-succeed. It's a shame because I absolutely adored her.

However the thing that she becomes is even more impressive. I do wish they had a sixth season to see her truest potential arise. Alas she somewhat progressed in the coming comics.
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Chicago Fire: Best Friend Magic (2019)
Season 8, Episode 9
Mid Season Final.. snooze
22 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so over Gabby and Casey! Please stop putting them together, they don't match. There's no spark no sizzle only snooze! If your setting them up for a dramatic season finale (she's pregnant) just don't.

I'm happy that it worked out with Kidd, she's one of those that deserves more!

What's with the chick working with Severide? Her hair cut is awful, she looks like a boy. Last episode she asked about Casey being single only to place dreamy eyes on Kelley. He's with Kidd back off!

LOVED seeing Otis! I wish he didn't want to leave the show. He was an amazing asset to the Fire Team and I teared up watching up.

Watch until the end! You'll be...
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The Town Christmas Forgot (2010 TV Movie)
Nowhere Colorado Haha
9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really enjoy this movie! Yes it's super corny and the plot is somewhat predictable, it has a feel good ending. The daughter is a spoiled latte, phone in hand and where are all the cute boys. The son is friendly and just wants what's best for the family. They get stranded on a drive to a hotel, in Nowhere Colorado. I'm from Colorado and wish this town existed. I'd rent a place and stay all December, well maybe the last two weeks of the year. Overall they understand that money and things aren't what counts. I applaud this.
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Chicago Fire: What Went Wrong (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
I miss Otis!!!
2 November 2019
The new guy is great and all, but I miss Otis. I feel like he and Herman are the heart of Chicago Fire. I love Kelly please don't allow him to leave.
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Chicago Med: It's All in the Family (2019)
Season 5, Episode 6
I'm done!!
1 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the season premiere I tried to see if this season would get better?!? NOPE!! I mean really Natalie LOCKS herself in a patient room and gives medicine to him without parental consent and the parents STAY at the hospital? If it were me I'd have taken my child to another hospital all together. Not mention the ethical standards to treat patients. She should have been fired and sent home at that point! Will makes unethical decisions to a patient and again nothing happens. The cancer storyline for the head nurse is horrible and I HATE it. The new "cowboy" Dr is a joke! This whole Chicago (all) PD, Med, and Fire are ridiculous I'm over all the Chicago's and most of this one of MED I'm done. Thanks but nope!!
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Chicago P.D.: Familia (2019)
Season 7, Episode 3
Oh Yay another officer..
11 October 2019
I'm not sure I like the new woman officer. I wish they wouldn't change things up so much. I miss Lindsey and now another newbie. Ugh I miss Antonio.
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Chicago Med: In the Valley of the Shadows (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
Natalie, Natalie, Natalie... UGH!
11 October 2019
I've watched this show since it started, with it's crossover from Fire and P.D. I usually have good things to say. Not today.. I'm getting really tired of the Natalie/Halsted merry go round. He's stubborn and can't get over her. She's annoying and tiring to listen too. I'm over it. I wish I wasn't as I'm a big fan of all the Chicago shows, but this is becoming political (Natalies rant on gun control last season) and too bigheaded among the characters. Ugh enough already!!
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Practically Perfect... In almost.. Every way..
12 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In order to under to understand this movie, you'd have to have read or have an understanding of the books. The original author P. L Travers wrote Mary Poppins to be in fact a little pompous and harsh. She's a perfect person, from her beauty to her magic. Who wouldn't be pompous. The original movie (to which I absolutely LOVE) made Mary Poppins "cheery" which lead people to love her. As did I, however the author hated and I can't stress that enough hated the movie.. I think she felt that her character had been; in lack of a better term, dumbed down. Mary Poppins isn't a mother she's a nanny with a mission to help the Banks children through a tough time. Not to be mistaken as a fill in mother. Her harsh tone, and no take nonsense attitude is in fact what some children need, not all! But yes gasp some!

Emily Blunt (in my opinion) did a phenomenal I repeat phenomenal job at the character that P.L. Travers wrote. Right down to the facial expressions. While I agree with others some of the movie was plain and reminded a lot of the first movie. Father had children needing looking after, mother is working for women's rights (YES!!!) in come Mary Poppins, this movie follows the first. In the original I do wish the mother hadn't given up working for women's rights to take care of her children, but I don't have kids so I guess that says something. In this movie Michael (original boy grown up) has kids and his wife has passed away. This rendition follows the original; however instead of tidying up the nursery, they take a bath in order to clean themselves up and end up under the ocean with a musical number I've already forgotten. Instead of popping into a painting they end up strolling in a porcelain bowl with a horse and carriage on it with yet again a musical number that holds no candle to supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! No "go to sleep", yet something about remembering their mother musical number was pretty nice way to some up that mother is with them in spirit. I think the roof top number will always be my favorite in the original however the lamp lighter number was fun and it made me remember why I do love Mary Poppins. The end was ok, it was nice to see Dick Van Dyke strut his stuff and let us all know he's still got it! Bonus to the captain and his cheery "time" cannon!

All in all, I did not hate this movie. I have to think P.L Travers would have loved Emily Blunts version of Mary Poppins.
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