2 Reviews
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Great film, True to life...well, at least mine.
3 January 2015
This film didn't turn out to be what I thought it was going to be...it was better.

As an old fart it took me a short while to adjust to the style of the film making. It's truly wonderful how affordable and accessible film making has become these days....Thanks Apple. Just start watching and let it all wash over you. Be patient.

The young actors were superb. I had seen Tanner Cohen in Were The World Mine. He was very good in that as well. Mathew Camp seems to have made his debut in this film. Very competent and naturalistic in his performance. Amazing in his complete, complex character portrayal. Who knows? Maybe he is so similar to and comfortable in his characters skin. I don't really care. He was just a pleasure to watch as was Tanner.

I believed both of those boys characters.

The arc was just as it should have been. Realism to the core.

Don't know if the dialogue was improvised or loosely scripted. It seemed so spontaneous and natural that either those two boys are extraordinary actors or the writing is excellent or all of the above.

That's what I liked about the film....believability and accurate portrayal of those two individual's humanity. Served to show that love, especially young and fresh love, never changes. It's a blissful state of insanity. I have experienced the situations and feelings of both these characters back in the days of innocence, youthful optimism and raging testosterone.

This film reflected all of that.

I have been vague with details of the film because discovering it as one goes along is an important part of the pleasure.

Here's how much I was impressed, mesmerized, entertained and stimulated....I just bought the film from Wolfe Video.

It's available on NetflixStreaming, clips on YouTube, VOD from Wolfe Video.

I'm in love with both of those boys.

Great job.
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Love Life (2006)
Sucks big time...not in a good way.
16 February 2012
I really disagree with the other reviews. We all have opinions but can respectfully have different views.

This movie was so bad it just smelled. The story is very soap opera, simplistic and very poorly acted.

The two women are the worst. If the men didn't look so good this movie wouldn't have been watchable at all. Don't get your hopes up for seeing any genitalia. One breast (female) and very, very quick glimpses of one man's flaccid penis. The shooting of the sex scenes was ridiculous. Not sensual, enticing or erotic. Dialogue is juvenile. Camera work is sloppy. Seemed to be very little attention to continuity.

The filmmakers did use a clever idea for set decoration. The story was placed in a home undergoing renovation so they just covered every wall with sheets of plastic. The only clever thing about the movie.

Don't waste your time.
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