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Young Justice: Volatile (2021)
Season 4, Episode 3
Learning acceptance
10 March 2023
Not everyone is going to love the less action packed episodes that focus more on emotional and social struggles, but for me this episode was a treat!

Acceptance was the theme for the entire episode, and we got to see it in so many different forms being displayed from our A and B plots. I especially love a moment emphasizing the difference between acceptance and tolerance. It's a vital distinction that's often overlooked.

Again, not much in the way of action for this episode, so not going to be your cup of tea if you want big battle scenes. But if you enjoy seeing these characters overcoming other kinds of adversity, this is a good one!
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Utter magic. How do they do this?
24 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mixing together the original story of Harley meeting Joker from Batman the Animated Series AND Heath Ledger's version of The Joker from The Dark Knight?! On top of that, adding in a new origin of how Harley and Ivy met while keeping the same goofy tone this show has perfected?

This should not work, but these creators are using some kind of unreal magic to make all of this work in perfect unison. They manage to skirt the edge between parody, reboot, and homage, all while making something so unique.

This episode might be the best one I've seen yet, and I don't say that lightly. It both takes itself so seriously while not caring about being serious. I don't know how they do it, but I am adoring every second of it!
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Amphibia: The Hardest Thing (2022)
Season 3, Episode 18
Everything I could have wanted and more
12 February 2023
This finale was everything anyone could have wanted. The creators of this show did everything short of looking at the camera and say "look guys, you've gone with us this far, so we know you'll stick with us if we dial things up to 11....and then keep going." And boy where they right!

Animation/Action This series has always dipped its toes into the anime and 90s animation side of things, but this finale goes all out!! DBZ, Sailor Moon, PowerPuff Girls, and so many others. You can see it all, with Amphibia's own touch sprinkled all through. Not to mention the animation becomes so vivid and fun during the main climax! (And we didn't need to wait through 5 seasons of filler to get to it!!!)

Music Oh my frog the music! When it mattered most, the music will always add to the action and emotional scenes perfectly, and this was no different. We get such wonderful reprises of past songs and it never gets old.

Heart There has always been a heart to these characters and what they mean to one another. Nothing really showcases that better than seeing what happens when they have to say goodbye. As sad as it was to see (I was choking back tears through the whole last 5 minutes) there is a maturity on display you don't get to see very often in a finale.

This is a bittersweet ending that doesn't try to pave over the sadness of what's happened. Instead, it focuses on accepting that this end is just another beginning. A change. The thing Amphibia has always been about.

I write this review after binge watching all three seasons of Amphibia across a three week span. It's been my little haven from the world, which is quite ironic given this finale's message. With some luck and determination on my part, maybe I'll be able to add some change in my life, as Anne and her friends have all welcomed some into theirs.

Thank you Matt Braly and the whole Amphibia team. You created something utterly spectacular!!
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The cliffs just keep on hanging!
12 February 2023
I'll be honest, the only reason this isn't a 10 is because The Three Armies was a little long winded in its message of cooperation, and perhaps could have delved a bit more into the division between frogs, toads and newts in terms of history. But even so, they got the message across through character interactions.

But 10/10 for The Beginning of the End. I mean WOW did they pull out all the stops for this. Back into that crazy smooth animation for fight sequences, the music being pitch perfect from scene to scene, building up the conflict among the three girls. It's all so well done! I love how Andrius continues to be so (seemingly) fun loving whist being an antagonist. It would be so easy for him to be just menacing, but to do all this with such a goofy tone is amazing.

Also, Anne and Sasha are really showing off the creators' anime influences, and I'm living for it!
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Amphibia: Newts in Tights/Fight or Flight (2022)
Season 3, Episode 15
5 for NiT and 8.5 for FoF
12 February 2023
I wasn't the biggest fan of Newts in Tights, mainly caught I never cared too much for that one mustached newt who's name I can't be bothered to look up. Because of my lack of interest with him specifically the whole episode suffered. I did love Anne's speech about him being a lousy thief. Quick but very heartfelt.

Fight or Flight was much better. Still a bit of a filler, but in a fun way. Also nice to see a reconnect with a character we haven't seen since, I think, episode two. Cute and fun with the right amount of Spranne heart to it.

Also, as an aside, I can't get over how AMAZING Sasha looks in her new outfit. Seriously, every time she's on screen I just think "damn she is fierce!!" Whoever made her season 3 character design is brilliant!
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Amphibia: True Colors (2021)
Season 2, Episode 20
THIS is how you do a season finale!
8 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gravity Falls: "Not What He Seems." Standford Pine stepping out of the portal, with Grungle Stan saying "He's the author of the brother."

The Owl House: "King's Tide" Luz and the gang on Camilla's doorstep, with the line "Hey mom. I'm back."

Amphibia's "True Colors" joins the ranks of these major moments by absolute GUT PUNCHING us over and over again. This episode was able to not only follow through with set ups from before, but just be a contained epic itself. The music, the smoother animated fight scenes, the tension and of course the ending that is nothing but tears.

I admit I knew about Marcy well before seeing this episode, but I was still heart broken when it happened. I can't imagine what it would have been like to see that and wait the better part of a year to see what was next.

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Amphibia: Toad Tax/Prison Break (2019)
Season 1, Episode 10
Best episodes so far
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seeing Anne becoming friends with the entire town by doing the right thing is a simple but oh so wonderful to see! And it's made all the better by adding some intense battle sequences. We're starting to see the more intense side of this show.

Speaking of which, instantly love Sasha! First we meet of her, and she's breaking the princess in distress formula by being bffs with all her guards and instantly becoming a military leader by virtue of her cheerleading background? Brilliant!

This is the kind of thing I've always wanted to see a show do, and it's just making me wanting to keep on binging faster!
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The Owl House: For the Future (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
Bittersweet but full of what I wanted to see
22 January 2023
I am so sad that the show is coming to a close, but once again Dana and her crew are bringing their A game. While I like "Thanks to Them" more, "For the Future" is still fantastic! It moves much faster, so there will certainly be many a rewatch to see all I missed.

We get character interactions I was hoping for more of, retouching on "old wounds" that we didn't see fully heal, call backs to past episode in the best way, and a few straight up GUT punches. Also, Luz and Camila share a moment that had me full on in tears. It's no spoiler that this mother-daughter duo is the best!

Add all of this with a doozy of a cliffhanger, and I am both excited and terrified to see where this show goes in the end. This will forever be one of the best shows I've seen in recent years. Thank you team Owl House!!

Oh!! Most importantly we find out what happened to François!!
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I'm having fun and want to see more
2 September 2022
There are clearly some heated feelings aimed at this show. For me, I am having fun. And this was the best episode yet. It lavishes in the light hearted comedy vibe they are going for that was built up in the first two episodes.

They predicted the backlash She-Hulk was going to bring about in such a meta way. The one judge from the B plot was a low key star.

Look, if you don't care for this show, that's perfectly fine. But I don't see how this is pushing any kind of "men=bad and women=good" agenda. It's having fun in a way I have not gotten to see often, and I am loving it for that.

At the end of the day, this is a silly comic book story that is just having a fun time while also giving us some vantages that don't always get the spotlight. That's awesome!
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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: Superhuman Law (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
A solid building off ep1
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what else to say except I am having a good time. This show doesn't take itself too seriously, but it's also not steering away from a solid issue like, say, a woman being a "token hire" for reasons having nothing to do with her skills.

The forth wall breaks are few, but for me that works because they don't get exhausting or constantly pull from what's going on.

And seeing Blonksi again is fantastic! A little iffy on him at first, but once I got a feel for the direction they're going with him, I'm sold.

Also cute nod to Bruce going through a literal change from his previous self XD

It's not action packed, and frankly I'm GOOD with that. It's fun, and I'm enjoying it.
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This was what I wanted to see!
23 August 2022
I was honestly SO sceptical going into this. I've been feeling Marvel burn out creeping in. With movies and shows of being good to meh. Nothing bad, but not the most inspiring.

This was some of the most fun I've had with an MCU D+ show. The humor is just the right amount without being absurd. The family dynamic between Jen and Bruce is just what I wanted. Tatiana Maslany is KILLING it as She-Hulk. I already want to see more of her just doing her thing.

I LOVED the bathroom scene with all the gals. Perfect! XD.
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Cruella (2021)
The Devil Wears Prada meets The Count of Monté Cristo
24 October 2021
That's really the best way to describe the movie without spoilers. Every actor is putting in their A+ game, the soundtrack is just the right amount of jarring when it needs to be, the costumes are FABULOUS, and these sets are breathtaking. I can't think of a negative for this movie.

This is how a live-action "remake" by Disney should be. NOT trying to redo the original, but take ideas and make a unique alternate version. A "variant" you might say XD

Seriously, this is very worth watching! Also, no dog murder! In fact many of the on-screen dogs are rescues <3.
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The Owl House: Yesterday's Lie (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
It just keeps getting better
15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode cements the fact that Dana and her team had a plan right from the beginning. This is a payoff that I did not see coming, but fits perfectly with the world and characters we've come to know and love.

Having the baddie of this episode being a conspiracy nut was a work of utter brilliance! Too often someone like that will be played up as "the only one knowing the truth," which can be..... problematic in many ways. Knowing one fact and then going WAAAAY off track with it is such a perfect lesson to highlight, especially in the modern era.

Best of all, we get more of Luz's mom!! When she brandishes a sandal and delivers that one line in response to "I'm the good guy," I literally screamed with excitement!

This show is a work of art that needs to be studied and held up as the gold standard of animated shows!
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The Owl House: Eclipse Lake (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Just what I was hoping for!
8 August 2021
While mainly focusing on Amity and the Golden Guard, this episode gives most of the main cast some time to shine. On top of that we are given another beautifully animated fight sequence! I adore when the extra effort is put into those scenes. The entire animation department is putting in their A-game. This continues to be one of my favorite shows, period.

Minor spoiler: the scene with Emperor Belos is his most terrifying to date and it is stunning!
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Continues to amaze
3 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Every time I think The Owl House is gonna lose steam, they continue to make absolute gold like this. Not only do we get some more of Hooties over-the-top friendliness, but we get to expand on King, Eda, Luz and Amity's developments in their respective arches.

King learning another clue about who he is was simple but inspired, Eda's nightmare sequence was one of the best things I've yet to see in this show, and the artists can put so much character into Amity's expressions.

LUMITY FOREVER! <3 I like that we can have the chance of seeing these two as a couple going forward!

I will say that the pacing can be feel rushed at times, but given we only have one more abbreviated season, that's kind of inevitable. Also it would have been nice to acknowledge Hooty needing to respect boundaries more, success or not in this case. But those are nitpicks. This is one of my favorite episodes of the series, which I seem to say after every new episode comes out, so Dana and company are doing a stellar job!

Also, Eda's new "harpie" form is TOTALLY based off of Disney's Gargoyles series from the 90s. I. Love. That. So. Much!!
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Best episode yet
12 July 2021
Honestly this is as close to perfect as this show has gotten, which I don't say lightly with how great it's been already. The two story lines are perfectly balanced for time and interest, and it's so great to spend some solo time with Gus!

As for Luz and Amity, I was shifting between having a giant smile on my face and laughing with delight at how sweet and authentic their interactions were. What can I say, this episode proves how much TLC is being put in behind the scenes. Fantastic work!
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Kelly is a dear!
11 June 2021
Out of Business was a fun little goofy episode, but Kelly's World has to be one of my favorite episodes yet! I've liked Kelly ever since we met her, and to finally see her home dimension and get to spend time with her was the best! They put some much world building into such a short episode, and the time Kelly and Marco spend together is so genuine and sweet.

It always amazes me how many mature life lessons are in this silly show!
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Surprisingly mature
7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Both of these episodes show an amazing amount of maturity for having a crying, disembodied unicorn head in the first one.

Tom acknowledging and working to better himself is some of the best self-help imagery I've ever seen on screen, let alone in a kids show.

And then Jackie. Oh my goodness, Jackie! She is such a mature, supportive character until any I've ever seen. Her and Marco having a young love relationship split apparent because it's clear they can't be fully happy together is just....astounding! When I began binging this series, I was not expecting to get a life lesson on how it's okay to not end up with your childhood sweetheart.

Color me impressed!
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