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A Truly Harrowing Film For Its Time
1 May 2024
I just rewatched this film in 2024 and it still hits me the same way as it did when I was younger in the 80's. Is it cheesy? Yes. Is it outdated? Yes. But, this is true terror from start to finish. We all see monster movies or ones with killers, but there is something so creepy and insidious as a bunch of spiders coming to get you and you are pretty powerless to defend yourself. William Shatner and the woman who was the lead were fantastic. They had great chemistry and you were really rooting for them. I think this could use a reboot but that may ruin its authentic terror. I have an intense fear of spiders of any kind, and much like Jaws, this movie stuck with me for decades. An entertaining watch!
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The Witmans (2020 TV Movie)
Devastating tragedy but parents who will never accept the truth
14 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a documentary. It's a movie which is completely biased about two parents who are in absolute denial of believing their son is capable of committing such a horrible act. They asked their son one time. Did you kill your brother and his "no" was good enough for them to believe he was innocent, despite overwhelming evidence that he actually did kill his brother. From an unbiased standpoint, the 911 call sounded so fake, the home movies that were shown showed the kid who was mean to his little brother and wouldn't stop bullying him despite the mother continually threatening "one more time and you're going to bed" yet he continued to disobey her . There was nothing that showed anyone else was involved and even though the parent say that their son loved his brother and they got along, on THIS day, he snapped and he did the unthinkable. It's sad that everyone sees it BUT his parents. I wish the kid would just be honest and give them a little closure and time to grieve. They are so Convinced their son is innocent, and are willing to stand up for him, but no one is standing up for the victim. A poor eighth grade boy, who is almost decapitated. I work in a high school and I see upper middle-class kids doing bad things and lying and their parents completely defending them and then having no accountability for their actions. It's just sad these days.
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Slow burn thriller
25 February 2024
To those giving sh- reviews - they must not get this movie.

This is a very entertaining movie with great acting portrayals and an interesting and unpredictable plot. It has tales of PTSD, trauma, and tells the story of the "final girl" AFTER the movie ends. It's an interpretive movie where you have to use your imagination to decifer what happens. If you'd pay attention everything gets wrapped up in the end but leaves you pondering as well. I love movies like this. Those saying this isn't a horror- This is literally horror. Just not a jump scare gore film. Enjoy the psychological ride it takes you on.
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It's not a love story - it's a story about love
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, this has to be one of my favorite movies of all time. I am one who is usually not into romcoms, but this one is such a different take on a love story and if you are going through a break up, this is a great movie to watch. It also brings into question who the villain really is. Is it summer or is it Tom? We have all been both of these characters at some point in our lives. Whether we had an unrequited crush on someone or we were being pursued when we really didn't have intentions of it lasting long term. Since it's told from the males perspective of course we are rooting for him to find love. Summer was extremely honest from the get-go and never believe in love because she's never felt it before. Tom, on the other hand was a hopeless romantic and wanted to change Summer into his version of a fairytale. Tom's manic personality is what a lot of people deal with in relationships finding a person to fill a void to make you happy instead of focusing on your job, your friends, your life, and then, when you least are expecting it, the right one does come. A great movie whether it's coming of age or you're in your 40s and you've experience dating.
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Plot holes I need answers to
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was creepy and haunting with a nice setting. Good acting too. It started off strong and was intriguing until halfway through when the tried to do a "big reveal", I think MOST of us found it obvious that Sarah had something to do with her sisters disappearance- so that was no surprise. Here are my unanswered questions in no particular order: 1. CHARACTER RELATIONSHIPS.

*Why was Sarah so estranged from her mom? Other than guilt- the plot had me thinking the mother was abusive to her or something but they never explained.

*Why did Sarah's father move out? Again could've been an easy explanation of maybe trauma but it was never elaborated on.

*Why didn't Sarah want mia to meet her mom?

*They never explained the relationship between the sisters. Was Sarah the evil one? Was the older sister abusive so she got back at her by locking her in the closest?

2. If Sarah pushed the sister off the cliff but said she'd run away, how did they never find the body? I'm sure you'd be searching for her especially there since small kids lived near the cliff. Couldnt Sarah just have lied and said she fell???

3.what was the point of the mask?

4. Did Sarah kill mia and her husband at the end?
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Muted (2023)
Entertaining but plot holes everywhere...
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love a slow burn drama/thriller and can be patient for a good reveal, but this story was simply ludicrous. The majority of the characters were completely unlikeable and the plot holes were gaping. I do have to say episode 1 started off good and had me captivated from the beginning.

My first question is Why would the government waste money to follow a random guy that was lawfully released on probation? Who funded this elaborate surveillance room with at least 6-10 full time round the clock researchers. Isn't it illegal to secretly hide cameras in someone's home without their knowledge? Why did they care about his heart rate information? The fact that they have access to the entire city's CCTV system and are able to literally follow his every move LIVE seems so ridiculous. And for what?

How was Noa in the same city, with the same name and he never once ran into her nor could he locate her? How did the psychologist manage to adopt Noa and why would they allow her to monitor (stalk) her brother? What caused the obsession with him?

Now the characters: First we have the "man of God" who looks like a complete gangster from the get-go. What was the point of him in this series as his story had little to do with the larger plot. Next there is Marta. For some reason her character bothered me in this story. Too much unnecessary drama with the boyfriend and why did she write to him in the first place- and did she not know his sister still lived there as it turned out she used to watch her??

Ana was just creepy and psycho. Her colleagues would know of her obsession and yet they still let her sneak around in his home, connect with him let alone run this investigation? At the end of the day, there was no real "proof" of his mom drugging him, only the room with some vials but that could easily have been disputed. I could go on and on but there would be too much to criticize.
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Caveat (2020)
Wasted Potenital
3 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I love a good slow burn. I do not mind waiting for a good twist or creepy outcome. This movie seemed to lack direction even though it had sooooo much potential. It had everything right for the setting... a creepy, secluded, unmaintained house, a mentally ill person, a mystery, a dead woman in the basement, etc. I kept waiting for a big reveal or finale but none ever came. It was as if they revealed secrets too soon into the plot so it sort of just lingered. There were some creepy situations towards the end with the mother... but overall it lacked.

My logical side kept asking the following questions: 1. Who in their right mind would take this gig of 'babysitting' a mentally ill woman, on a dark, secluded creepy island?

2. Who would allow someone to then put a locked harness on with a chain... crazy!

3. Why did Isaac bring NOTHING with him on a days long stay at this home... I think 3-5 days was specified.

4. Why didn't Isaac call 911 when he had access to the phone? They may have been able to trace the landline.

5. How did Isaac get shot in the leg and continue to move with minimal pain.

6. Why did they kill the father? I fell like it was never explained. Also, why is the daughter still there? If she is such a burden, either move her or kill her too.

7. What was up with the rabbit other than being creepy and detecting ghosts?

8. Why didn't he release the girl?
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Obsession (2023)
Casting Matters...
25 April 2023
This series kept my attention and my husband and I binged in one night. My biggest criticism was the cast. I love love Indira Varma, so no complaints for her role. I felt Robert Armitage was a good cast as well, he does deliver the sexy, mysterious older man well, but the other actors were awful. Jay's character was so off. He was annoying to look at and did not pull of a handsome, mature adult- more like a teenage boy and he and Anna did not have an ounce of chemistry. The biggest flaw was who they chose as Anna. This actress should have been a sexy, seductive femme fatale (although I hate her, I think someone like Amber Heard vibes). This woman was neither sexy, interesting or seductive and it made me questions what the dad saw in her...the sex scenes were awkward and her story line was all over the place.
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Saint Maud (2019)
One of my favorite movies!
4 April 2023
I love this movie! I avoided watching it for some reason, but decided to give it a try. I'm a HUGE fan of slow burners and psychological thrillers. The worst type of slow burner is one where you feel no satisfaction in the end. This movie is NOT that. It is paced slow, however, it keeps your attention the entire time. The basis is a disturbed hospice nurse who becomes obsessed with religion and salvation. She "feels" god in her, almost orgasmically. The whole time you are thinking- well maybe this is the devil she's feeling. It explores the fine line of fanatical religion and mental health. Growing up catholic, I have seen where religion can be taken way too far. The ending was a shocker and it left me pondering the movie for days. Definately a good watch!
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Woman of the Dead (2022– )
Very Entertaining but not perfect
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love any show like the Killing, where there is a mystery that unravels regarding a family or small town. I love it more when they are foreign and dubbed in English- gorgeous views and I don't have to read subtitles. Reading the description of the show, it made it seem like there was a supernatural element to solving the case, but it was not at all like I would have expected. That part they could have done without, it added a 'campy' unhelpful piece to the story. The other annoying person in the show was the daughter. She added nothing as well except annoyance.

I haven't finished entirely, still 2 more episodes to go, but I have a feeling it is pretty predictable. There are cheesy things like when the cops are solving this crime, they dont even hold onto the evidence (bike, phone, personal items) to investigate!!! Normally police will hold on to this stuff for years or until it is solved, instead, they rebuild the bike and give the wife every piece of evidence. After saying she hasn't ridden the bike in ages, she hops on and flies around for the rest of the series. It's nuts how nonchalant the lead is about committing murder without even concealing evidence. None of this made me want to turn it off though so It is a good show to binge.
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Smile (V) (2022)
It was giving Fallen
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The scariest part of the movie are all of the jumpscares. Gets annoying. This movie was pretty good. Reminded me of the later 90s film Fallen with Denzel but slightly unique. In this case Instead of a demon being spread through touch, a person will witness a suicide and begin experiencing hallucinations and creepy situations until they ultimately perish in the same way, and so it goes on and on. Overall pretty original but I kept asking myself why she didnt do Denzels plan and just go into the isolated woods to end it. I thought Sosie was fantastic in this role and hope to see more of her in The future!
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
You think you know... but then it twists
24 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm shocked at the hate it got ... but then again I'm a huge fan of M.nights work and many hate him. First off I LOVE Florence! She's gorgeous in this and her acting is superb. Like many others.. I went into it thinking it was like - stepford wives meets the village - this is modern day but I figured something like the people hated modern day life so they drugged or brainwashed the women to live decades earlier in eutopia. The final twist was very unexpected. Then my daughters and I kept putting the pieces together of details we had overlooked and it all made sense. I love it when movies have you thinking for hours or so after.

Of course some questions were unanswered but in the end my only complaint was harry styles cast in this. He seemed wrong for the part but no biggie.
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Dead to Me (2019–2022)
Binged but am torn
21 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off- love Christina applegate and James Marsden. There were a few funny parts but that's about it. The comedic part comes in the complete dis function, poor choices, and terrible situations these people get themselves into. There are few likable characters. Jen is always angry and biting peoples heads off, but the friend Judy is a terrible person. Her character is written like a child who is completely naive. She's toxic and makes bad choices and the biggest one of all is not knowing when to keep her f£*+++ng mouth shut. The amount of "confessing" these characters need to do is crazy. Season one was great but season two they just keep digging themselves into deeper crap which becomes frustrating. It's an enjoyable binge if you're doing nothing but prob should have stopped at 2 seasons.
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Memento (2000)
Probably the only one who wasn't impressed
21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie even though it's been out for 2 decades. I absolutely love thrillers and movies with twists and this movie has been raved about for 20 years. I finally got to watch it and I'm just let down. For the amount of clout it had coming in I had great expectations of a killer twist (aka Oldboy or that type) but it fell short of the surprise. Maybe back then it was shocking but after the fight clubs and other "it was me" type movies I left feeling confused and u satisfied.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
Predictably frustrating
26 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love thrillers and this one entertained my husband and I on a boring Saturday night. We knew like 5 mins in what the twist was and thought maybe we'd be surprised and misled. Sadly it's that basic and been done like 100 times (gothika and many others) The worst part of this movie was the wife. She's beautiful but her acting was not good enough to carry this movie at all. She looked pathetic at all times and made TERRIBLE decisions.

You'll find yourself SCREAMING at the tv while face palming yourself and almost hoping she gets what she deserves for being so dumb. It's one of those movies you're like "wait til he's not home you idiot... turn the lights off... don't drop the gun...close that damn door" etccccccc.
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Angel (1983)
A Classic 80s Movie I never get sick of
20 September 2021
I am a true 80s movie fan...I grew up on these 'thrillers' and love when they come on TV. This is one of those forgotten gems that I love to rewatch. The poster has 'honor student by day, hooker by night' which sounds so exploitive but in actuality this is a PRETTY CLEAN movie. Our joke is 'shes a hooker who never really has sex'. ....But that is part of my accolades of this movie, it doesn't need to show super unnecessary sex scenes or violent murder simply implies everything and it really works! I sometimes wish I could go back in time to that day in history .. the 80s so simple yet provocative era. Quite possibly the best part of this movie are the characters...often we are introduced to characters we don't care about. You will love each one of these street runners. From the old cowboy to the trans woman Mae, to the creepy punk landlord and the magic peddler.
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Aftermath (IV) (2021)
When you have nothing to do... it works
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had absolutely nothing to watch last night so I picked this. It's fine if you don't go into it with super high expectations. It kept me interested and was entertaining but HIGHLY cliche, predictable and the 'twist' was great the first time I saw it in "Housebound" (2014) but I've seen it overdone since then. The other issue are the enormous things plot holes. Examples.....

1. Apparently the previous owners wife had an affair and moved the dude in the house to live in the walls(???). Why would he agree to that. Did no one ever look for him?? Why just stay there day in/out??

2. Why did he killed his lover and her husband. Why didn't he just leave if she stopped paying attention to him?

3. After said killing why would he stay there and terrorize the next people??

4. Why would the husband agree to build secret rooms behind walls? Did he never check in them after that?

5. Why did he take her sister? And she went missing and NO one was concerned or looked for her??

6. The subplots did nothing for the story. Why the investment in the class he was taking with his project partner? Why so much effort put in her business meetings.

7. How did the dude manage to be caught on camera all those times except one.

8. Why was he so feral after like a year behind walls?

There's probably more but that's all I have. Watch it but don't expect much.
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Old (2021)
Great movie....
25 July 2021
Everyone is tripping who are giving bad reviews. Is this the best movie ever? No but it's extremely entertaining. People have become so demanding and unappreciative of fiction and they are so sensitive a d take things personally (from reviews I have read on here). I am a huge M Night fan and this didn't disappoint. It's extremely thought provoking and thrilling. It will keep your attention the entire time. It's definitely worth a watch and will have you talking about it hours after the end. I just love movies like this where you're trying to figure out what the hell is going on!
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Shrill (2019–2021)
A self centered fat girl
10 May 2021
It was HARD to root for this character. She is a self centered fat girl who demanded respect and acceptance but offered none to anyone else. She acted like she deserved the world but in one episode for example treated a heavyset date like she was wayyyy to good for him and was mean. She like casual sex but if a guy tried to do it to her it was another story. I'm just not buying what she's selling.
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Tusk (I) (2014)
Great... except for the Johnny Depp character
9 May 2021
I love this movie. It's creepy yet comedy and extremely ick. Very creative and entertaining. Obviously it's far fetched so don't go into it expecting an Oscar winning film. Long and the older man were amazing but it could have been better without the Depp inspector character. His French stereotype (along with an overdone French accent, beret and typical Parisian accordion music when he's on screen) is ridiculous and annoying. Other than that it's entertaining.
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Starts off good but then...
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Warning spoilers: Pros: Good acting Eve Hewson is phenomenal to watch Intriguing story (at first)

Cons: -zero chemistry between David and Louise Louise seemed completely miscast -Too long abs drawn out. Several times I almost gave up and stopped watching
  • story started good but became ridiculous

Questions: Wasn't Rob in love with Adele? If so why not change places with David instead of killing her?
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A Teacher (2020)
Started off well but finished terribly
27 January 2021
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Ok I was really into this show the first 4 episodes or so. The story was intriguing and believable but then it went downhill the second half of the series. The first few episodes take their time building this illicit affair but then once caught, it just skips over all of the aftermath drama. You would think after being found out, they'd spend more time on "what happened next".. the trial, the anguish in the community, the anxiety Clare goes through during all of this... but no. It literally jumps 5 years when she gets out of prison, then the next episode is 10 years or so later. It's so disjointed I was like... wait, is he in college now!?? Wait... are those her kids???? I felt they wrapped up the ending too quickly to where I went to view the next episode but there were none... it was over and nothing productive came out of it.
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Great entertainment
28 December 2020
I don't get all the bad reviews. This is a superhero movie... it's not supposed to be realistic. I loved Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. They did a great job in this. If you go into this expecting a fun comic movie then you're going to enjoy it. If you're expecting super realistic fight scenes and other stuff you may hate it. I enjoyed.
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Jack's Back (1988)
A great throwback campy horror movie
27 December 2020
I have to admit I obsessed over James spader as a kid. Although I was only 7 when this came out it takes me back to a time in the 90s where the USA channel played horror movies on Saturday's. I remember watching this one and it stuck with me. Fast forward 25 yrs and I caught it again. Yes it's cheesy and a fun watch and is exactly what you think... 80s entertainment that you can't take too seriously. After Spader normally played bullies and d bags he's the good guy in this one.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
I REALLLY wanted to like this
8 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw previews for Big Sky and I really got excited. I love everything Ryan Phillipe and this was so hyped up I though ...yes! A new thriller mystery show! After episode 1 after he was killed off immediately.. I was flabbergasted. Wait.. did that really happen!? Isn't he the star?? I literally was going to watch for him. Then I decided to give it another chance but the story line is just not good enough to keep me. It is cheesy, bad acting and just not good.
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