
2 Reviews
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Excellent, with the exception of a few cheesy moments.
12 April 2005
I gave this such a high rating because it really surpassed my expectations. Since we had free passes, I went in with the mindset of "I'm getting in for free. It must be terrible." Honestly, this is one of the scariest movies I've seen. Granted the musical crescendos were overused, the red balloon thing was kind of silly, the use of a small child as a scare tactic is overdone, and the CG flies were badly done. But what movie doesn't have a bit of cheese sprinkled on top? Ryan Reynolds also has surpassed my expectations (in more ways than one.) He's quite excellent. ;-) One thing that makes me EXTREMELY happy is that the movie doesn't have the obligatory shot of a woman's bare chest. (You do, however see a short sex scene with nothing more than a bare back.) Being a girl, I really don't want to see that. It's totally stupid and unnecessary anyway. No boobies=A+ ... I'm not any sort of movie buff, but I know that this film scared the bejeezus out of me and the people I went with. I thought it was great. You don't have to trust my opinion. It's all relative anyway.
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A Weak Premise in a World of Weak Premises
8 April 2004

It bugs me to see these half-wits with so much success and money. MTV, as well as the rest of the television and film industry, needs to shape up. Nobody can come up with a unique and groundbreaking concept any more. It's all reality shows, sequels, and remakes. MTV has successfully put on the worst Super Bowl show ever, and has shown me how sleazy and worthless young adults can be. Real World has just become a collection of promiscuous, alcoholic kids. Real World/Road Rules challenge is the most worn out show I have ever seen. "Reality" shows need to be done with. MTV execs need to be shot.

Newlyweds is a Saturday afternoon kind of show. There are a million better things to do than sit around and watch dumb rich kids make more money. It's like watching chimps play house.
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