
11 Reviews
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One of the best Christmas movies ever
28 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A Christmas Story is a classic in my book even though it's made in 1983. I've watched it almost every Christmas season and laughed every time at the HO HO HOs and the sticking of the tongue to the flag pole. That is what makes it a classic and great movie.

A Christmas Story tells the story of Ralphie Parker and one Christmas season. All he wants is one Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas. One great aspect of the movie is that we relate to it. We have always wanted that one toy or something for Christmas(or Hanukkah). We didn't know if we were going to get it until that morning especially for Ralphie. But getting that gun isn't the only thing this movie is about. It's about being a kid and the daily trials that kids go through. Bullies, dares, teachers, fake radio clubs that are only advertisements. There's another way we can relate to this movie. Most of us have had bullies, dares, teachers you've tried to impress, and so on. The list goes on and on(I'm still thinking of some right now). Of course Palphie will go long distances to get that BB gun pulling every trick in the book. Along the way we meet an array of characters and we are introduced to many stories that again, we can relate to. The characters are all ones that you might have had in your life. The only one missing is the crush of Ralphie. We have the mans man dad, the forgiving yet unforgiving mom and the weird little brother that you make fun of. Then you have Ralphie's best friends which played a small role length wise but still are memorable. The narration by Jean Sheppard is one of the strong parts of the movie. The way he describes some of the situations can produce some laughs if you listen closely to it. Now to my favorite part of the movie. Christmas morning. If it's December and i'm not in the Christmas mood, this movie will but me right in it after seeing this scene. It has to be the perfect depiction of Christmas morning i've seen. Nothing else comes close to the elation and chaos of this rare moment, and of course the moment when he gets the BB gun. It puts a smile to my face every time. Memories pour into your head of Christmas' past. Of good presents and the bad ones, and just being together with your family being happy. What a great moment.

In conclusion, this is a must see Christmas classic that you will see every year and will always relate to it 10/10
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a great short film
16 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
My Blind Brother is a great short that touches a lot of the human emotions. It's very easy to get into, and you wont be bored with it. You will feel with the main character every single emotion he feels because we are the main character. Almost every one has felt jealous of somebody for getting more attention just like the main character. The story is about two brothers, one blind, and one not. The blind one is going to swim across a sound to show that blind people can do what ever they want or is it to get attention. This feat can't be done without the help of his jealous brother. This movie is a lot like "Knife in the Water" because most of the action is on the water and limited to three characters, or two characters in this movie(unless you want to dig deeper). Everything is great except the ending music. The director could have found some thing better than what she picked.

Great movie. Find it on ifc every now and then. 9/10
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Batman Begins (2005)
Good movie but there are problems
16 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Batman Begins tells the story of a young Bruce Wayne. How he started to fear bats and how he over came that fear to become Batman. Christian Bale plays the lead character with Michael Caine, Katie Holmes, and Cillian Murphy among others playing a back-up roles. Most of the story is fine but one part I don't like.(SPOILERS) Bruce going to China and learning samurai techniques is that part.(END SPOILERS) Everything else is text book comic book hero story. Bad guy tries to harm the city. Batman tries to save city while trying to save girl. Now for the action. I thought it was done pretty good, but every now and then it would become muddled and you didn't know who punched who. Also some of the dialogue is pretty cheesy and some of the humor didn't make me laugh.

So if your a fan of Batman you'll probably like it and if your a fan of action movies you'll like it, too 7/10
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Around the Horn (2002– )
a good show on espn not as good as PTI
23 May 2005
Around the Horn is a pretty good show on espn. It pits four newspaper writers to try to get as many points as they can by giving good comments about the subject. Bad comments mean they lose points. Good concept but I would rather watch four reporters stay for the whole show, but on this show they get voted off if they don't have enough points. This I don't like. I want to hear their opinions for the whole show. Other than that it's not that bad. The reporters all have their different views and express them different ways. Some are calm and collective and some are yellers and screamers. Another problem I have with this show is that they talk about the same things as Pardon the Interruption does. I would rather watch PTI so when I happen to flip over to Around the Horn I'm spoiled with the headlines.

So in conclusion it's a good show but PTI is still much better
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One of the greatest movies of the 90's. It will have you thinking for a long time
17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
American History X has to be one of the greatest films ever. It deals with big problems and it will have thinking about yourself for a long time American History X has to do with change. Edward Norton plays a reformed skin head that tries to change his brother after he gets out of jail and starts to examine both of their lives. He is put into jail because he killed two black people. His hatred for the Afican Americans started when his father was killed by one. He turns into a Neo-Nazi and his brother follows suit. While in jail his perception changes when he becomes friends with and African American and some Nazis in the jail treat him bad(don't want to get in to much detail).

The movie jumps from black and white to color flawlessly and Edward Norton gives his best performance ever. If you think you can handle it you will be rewarded with one of the best movies that make you examine yourself. WATCH IT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
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Rififi (1955)
an overlooked french film that is almost perfect
17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Rififi is a great film that is overlooked. It's a crime drama where a man gets out of jail and plans another job. It's an over used story but this one is different from the others. They round up the usual suspects for the job. This film takes a look at how the family gets torn apart as time goes on. The actual heist scene is one of the best I have ever seen. Instead of a suspenseful soundtrack the director decided to go with silence, around thirty minutes of silence. This fits the mood perfectly and is often copied these days. Of course things get out of hand and people die and it ends in a great ending that builds up in suspense.

So if you're looking for a great film noir that not a lot of people talk about this is a great pick up.
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Good Eats (1999–2012)
the best cooking show on TV right now watch it if you hate all the other ones
22 January 2005
This show has to be the best thirty minutes you can spend learning about food. This not your average cooking show and there's nothing like it right now. Alton Brown is the host and after couple shows you'll begin to like him. He's just a normal guy who likes food. He'll show you the science behind the recipe and what happens when a normal chef messes it up. He'll show you what kind of equipment you'll need for every recipe. Some of the shows have some kind of special way they show it to you. One episode is about garlic and it's from a vampire's point of view. The vampire goes to Alton to get help on not being scare of the food. Every episode is a fun to watch and very informative. I say this is the best cooking show I've ever watched.

So in conclusion if your into cooking and you want to learn more watch this show to learn about the history, science, and of coarse the recipes to your favorite foods
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30 Minute Meals (2001– )
good show on cooking but the host gets annoying sometimes
9 January 2005
30 minutes meals is a very good cooking show with one of the most popular hosts on the Food Network(Rachael Ray). She shows you that a good meal can be made very quickly and it's better than eating out at a fast food restaurant. She has very good tips that she adds in there and she crosses many kinds of food types. Most of the dishes look good to eat she uses food that you might not of heard of. I don't know if she really does it for only 30 minutes or if she cheats any time she looks kinda rushed sometimes so some dishes might take more than 30 minutes for the average cook. The only I don't like about the show is that Rachael gets corny every once in a while. Everything is perfect for her and she has the perfect family and the perfect childhood. I get very mad and sometimes I want to change the channel, but corniness aside shes a very good cook and it's a show worth watching.
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good but could have been better
8 January 2005
Cheap Seats is one of those shows that makes fun of bad things. In this variation its bad sport games they make fun of. Dog shows, cheer leading, weightlifting, roller derbies, and everything in between. Many of the jokes make you laugh, but about 30% of them don't even come close. One of the down falls of the show is when they trail off from what their

watching go to a fake video they made for the show or when bring in someone into the set and talk to them. It really drags the show to a slow pace, never makes you laugh, and it shows that they don't have enough material for the event their watching. The best aspect of the show is what there actually watching. Most of the time it's fillers for espn when they don't have any thing else to show. The roller derby is so funny just to watch without them making jokes.

in conclusion cheap seats is very good but falls a couple more good jokes short and when you compare it with other shows in this genre(mystery science theater 3000) it doesn't even come close to them. So if you have a half an hour to burn and you want to laugh watching dumb sports watch this.
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Gosh this movie isn't for everyone
8 January 2005
I watched napoleon last night thinking i would laugh and get a pretty good story in their too. I didn't get either. Hearing all the praises from critics and kids from my school i was ready to put it on my movies list and give a 8 or something up there, but i'm going to not put on my movies list and i give it a five out of ten.

napoleon is a very bland character(he has his pros and cons) living in a bland town(which helps the story a little bit) with bland characters.i barely laugh and the only good scene was the school dance. the story moves very slow with certain scenes that they had to put in or they would have another Peluca type almost feature length almost short. if the plot was a line made by a pencil the line would barely move an inch. a few scenes make you remember you school days(mine being the tator tot scene) but many don't need to be in the movie. the camera angles are not inventive, just mostly shots that look straight at the person, place, or thing which helps it keep its bland taste. most of the humor fell short for me and that is why this movie isn't for everyone. this movie did so well because of its comedy but that is why i didn't like it. this is my thought of the movie. its just a kids exaggeration of every day life. just listen to what hes saying everything is over the top look at the locker colors and how lashondah looks and how everyone looks. so in conclusion this movies humor isn't for everyone so my advice for you is rent first then decide what you think of it
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a good late show on girls gadgets and a lot more
2 October 2004
this show is the light at the end of the tunnel for late shows. With Leno and Letterman wasting their first 20 minutes of the show for their bad jokes(at least with Leno) this show has about 2 minutes of a story that martin has to share with you. Then there's the guests. your not going to get a-list movie stars talking about their b-movie here. Your going to get people with weird theory's. people that think there a person in another dimension talking to him or people that think the world is going to end in the year 2036. most of the time you have audience members laughing at them(most of the guests are via phone but have a web cam with them). then there are the dark tips this part of the show is where one of the many people on the show give tips like how to cheat on a test without get caught or making a flame thrower out of a water gun. last is the girls gone wired section of the show where martin tells you a nice looking girls website where she takes off her clothes for you. all this with a co-host laura swisher(a nice looking girl too)and you have a talk show that is a breath of fresh air for late nite show fan be sure to check it out if you can
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