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Law & Order: Criminal Intent: Blind Spot (2006)
Season 6, Episode 1
Blind Spot
24 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was not Law & Order: Criminal Intent before. I thought that Goren was very strange, and I did not like it. I am a huge fan of Martha Plimpton. She is amazing on Raising Hope. When I saw that she was in this episode, I immediately wanted to watch it. She had a minor part, but in the end she ended up playing a key role in the story line. This was a really great episode, and now I am a big fan of the show. This episode has a really good plot and things happen that I would not expect. In my opinion, Kathryn Eames gave the star performance. The scenes where she tries to escape from "Sebastian" are very great and she acted it out brilliantly. The most important scene comes from Plimpton's character and Detective Goren at the very end. She talks about her relationship with her father, who was Goren's mentor and the reason why she committed this crime. I came into this episode not liking the show, and now I do. This single episode changed my opinion of the show. If you have never seen a single episode of this show, this would be a great way to start!!!
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Between a Rock and a Harlin's Place
6 October 2012
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This was another really good episode of Will & Grace. We start out with Will agreeing to let Grace decorate Harlin's apartment. Grace does not want to, because she knows that Will will meddle in her work. She lays down some ground rules and agrees to decorate his apartment. Also during this episode, Jack is trying out his new one-man show "Just Jack." Karen thinks that he needs a little help with the way that he does the show so she gives him a few tips about how to make it better. The best scene of the whole show was when Karen showed Jack how to samba. They have such great chemistry together, and the scene was hilarious! Grace finishes decorating Harlin's apartment and Will thinks it is insulting to him the way that she has decorated it. Harlin ends up firing Grace and thinks that Will had something to do with it. At the premiere of "Just Jack," Harlin tells Will that he fired Grace because of all of the fighting they do. Jack thinks that he is a big star with just a room full of people. After the show, Will and Grace "sign" a contract saying that he will no longer be a "buttinski", and they make up.
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Will & Grace: Head Case (1998)
Season 1, Episode 3
Amazing Episode!
6 October 2012
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Will & Grace keeps delivering great episodes time and time again. Grace does not like her bathroom and Will's bathroom is bigger than hers. Grace comes up with the idea of making it one big bathroom. They both like the idea, and they tear the wall down. They start sharing the bathroom and discover that neither one of them likes the way it is. We see Karen step up and tell Grace that she needs to "put on those espadrilles that you love so much" and tell Will how it is going to be. They end up getting into a fight about how their past relationships and the bathroom are affecting their lives. They get into this fight right before Will's client Harlin comes over, and the night turns into a very uncomfortable evening. Will and Grace eventually agree just to move the wall over, so that they have equal bathroom space. This is also the episode where Karen finds her voice that we all know and love. Karen really steps up in this episode and really shows her comedic talent in this episode. She was funny in the other episodes, but this one really puts Karen in the spotlight. This was the best episode of Will & Grace so far!!!
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Will & Grace: A New Lease on Life (1998)
Season 1, Episode 2
Another Great Episode of Will & Grace
5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great follow-up episode of Will & Grace. Grace has yet to move out of her ex-fiancé's house and Will tells her that she needs to start looking at apartments. Grace just wants to move in with Will, but Will does not think that is a good idea. She finally finds an apartment that she wants and she signs a two-year lease on it. Will learns about this and does not think that she has made the right decision. He realizes that he can not be apart from Grace, and he asks her to move in with him. She declines because she wants to do something on her own for once. After she did that, she accepts Will's offer and moves in with him. This is also the episode where we see Jack and Karen meet each other for the first time. Their scene together was hilarious, and I could definitely tell that the writers were going to expand on their relationship with each other. They have such great chemistry together. As I said earlier, this was another fantastic episode of Will & Grace following to pilot.
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Will & Grace: Pilot (1998)
Season 1, Episode 1
A Great Start for a Hilarious Show!!!
5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely a great starting point for Will & Grace. This episode is all about how Grace and Danny's relationship turns into a marriage proposal. They get into a fight, and Will tells Grace that she can move in with him for the time being. This complicates things for Jack, who was supposed to move in with Will before all of this happened. Danny ends up proposing to Grace,and she accepts. Will is reluctant to tell her how he really feels about their relationship, but he does and Grace storms out. We later learn that Grace and Danny do not get married, and Will and Grace make up. The last scene is them in a bar full of people as they toast each other as "husband and wife." The writers were not sure what they were going to do with Karen, so she was just there to provide comic relief and she tries to help Grace decide what to do about Danny's proposal. In this episode, Jack was hilarious, but he had not reached his full potential yet. For a pilot, this was a really great episode that I enjoyed watching.
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I Love Lucy: Pilot (1951)
Season 1, Episode 0
An OK Pilot for a Legendary Show
3 October 2012
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This episode was a test for the sponsors to see if they wanted to sponsor the show. There are many differences between this episode and the show that we came to know and love. The opening is different, the settings are very different, and Fred and Ethel Mertz are nonexistent. The show starts out with Lucy wanting to get into Ricky's audition for a television show. Ricky just wants Lucy to cook and clean for him. This was the only appearance of Ricky's agent Jerry, played by Jerry Hausner. He was supposed to be on future episodes of the show, but they decided not to continue with his character. They go to what came to be known as the Tropicana Nightclub where Ricky is practicing with his orchestra. Pepeeto the clown is rehearsing his act and he injures himself. He goes to Ricky's apartment to rest, and Lucy is surprised to see him there. Pepeeto ends up driving his bike through the wall, and he is unable to perform in the audition later that night. Lucy shows up as Pepeeto and does the show with Ricky. They end up offering Lucy a television contract and she ends up declining it to be a wife to Ricky. This is not the best pilot for a show ever, but it is definitely worth watching!
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Easy A (2010)
A Great, John Hughes Like Movie
29 September 2012
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Easy A is not hard to fall in love with. Emma Stones steals the spotlight as Olive Penderghast, an outcast teenager who starts a rumor about her promiscuity to get attention. Her plan ends up backfiring and she becomes known as the school slut. Her ditty best friend Rhiannon, played by Aly Michalka, ends up turning her back on her and tries to get her out of the school. Easy A also stars Patricia Clarkson and Stanley Tucci as Olive's parents. who are really laid-back with their parenting, but they still care deeply for their daughter. It is not often that you have a teen romance comedy that has hilarious people playing the parents. Olive ends up falling in love with Todd, played by Penn Badgley. Emma and Penn make such a cute couple together and they have such great chemistry with each other. Another person who stands out is Amanda Bynes who played the Jesus freak Marianne. This was her last acting role when she announced that she had "retired" from acting. Easy A also stars Lisa Kudrow as the guidance counselor, Thomas Haden Church as Olive's English teacher, and Fred Armisen as a pastor at a church. Olive later finds out that he is Marianne's father. If you are a parent, then you should watch this movie to really understand what goes on is some teenager's lives.
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Girlfriends (2000–2008)
Good, Sassy, Underrated Series
28 July 2012
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Girlfriends is a show about for strong, black women that deal with things that can happen in peoples' everyday lives like, relationships and friendships. Girlfriends stars Tracee Ellis Ross as Joan, Golden Brooks as Maya, Jill Marie Jones as Toni, and Persia White as Lynn. These women give great, funny performances that did not get the credit that they deserved. Ross was the only one that won awards for her acting, but the others should have won some too. I think that this show was very underrated. Girlfriends is a really funny show, even though some of the dialogue can be cheesy. The main cast give great performances. If you are into hip, sassy, funny shows, Girlfriends is the one for you.
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