
49 Reviews
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The Cleaning Lady (2022– )
From 8, to 6, then 4 stars, that's the Season Decline I Experience
12 July 2024
An interesting take on the life of an illegal immigrant and the various challenges associated - at least that was how I felt on the first few episodes of season 1.

Now that I am on Episode 7 of season 3, like many who have reviewed here, I too have found the lead to be annoying and should be killed already. Everything she touches either dies or becomes tainted. A very egotistical human being that only wants her needs to be met no matter the consequences to others (althought crying in regret does become her ussual goto emotion afterwards).

A supposedly brilliant surgeon from her own country, she fails to show intellect in every decision made from S01. Is this intentional in writing or just bad writing overall?

Arman is basically the only likeable person here and unfortunately the actor passed away in 2024 so his character was written off by episode 7 of S03.

From an intense crime-drama to a soapy telenovela, that is what I am witnessing unfold before my eyes, and to think that another season is still to be made just boggles the mind.

Did they change the creative team halfway?

You have got to be delluded if you gave this one anything above 4 stars (overall rating)
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Another Generic Installment from Netflix
11 August 2023
Spy Action Thriller... check Famous Lead insert... check Diverse Cast... check Average Acting Effort... check Exquisite and Exotic locales.... check Obilgatory greenscreen action setpieces... check Run-of-the-mill plot... check Over-the-top action sequence defying physics... check

Gadot tries her best here and I must say there seems to be more effort than what she gave in WW1984. Her fight scenes can be convincing at times but what can I say about the insane number of cuts for a brief fight sequence of today's movie.

Dornan is as docile as ever. No matter what film he is in, it's more of the same ole same ole.

Other familiar faces play the typecasted role from their previous movies and the surprise here is the appearance of one Glen Close which truly takes your breathe away (in a gasply way).

Nothing original here but a good enough time filler if you have nothing better to do.
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Sisu (2022)
The Challenges of Gold-mining in World War 2 era
17 May 2023
What can I say...

John Wick had a grandpa and this is the first movie to bring up that subject LoL.

The trailer is not entirely misleading, however it lacked a story to bolster our allegiance to the ole man. Maybe if his dog died it would be more gut-wrenching. I dunno...

If you like underdog movies with opponents of overwhelming odds, I highly recommend NOBODY over this.

Sure the violence is "satisfying" to some degree but a story that perhaps digs more into his character could go a long way in elevating it's class amongst action movies.

Eventhough it has it's flaws, the special effects are quite good for a seemingly low budget movie from Europe.

This title certainly opens my eyes to welcome more titles that are not from hollywood.
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The Mother (2023)
Nope. She is not an action hero
12 May 2023
The trailer is deceiving.

It led me to think I was gonna watch something to the tune of NOBODY. Instead we get this bad-ass lady (by way of narration by a law enforcement officer as to her past accolades) who does bad ass things early in the movie and suddenly, seemingly it all finished. Then soon audiences are reminded oh wait another bad guy still has his portion to get through.

Plotholes, cliches, mentorship in badassery to her kid that doesn't pay off and just poor writing makes for this incoherent action flick.

Sure Lopez has done some (better) action flicks in the past but this won't be the one she will be remembered by.

Jessica Chastain does a better job, Jennifer Garner, heck even Michelle Rodriguez too at being an onscreen bad-ass chick.

The only badass scene here really is when she rode that HD 48.

Such a dissapointment.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Pedro needed a break and so this happened
28 February 2023
This is the most boring of all episodes so far. Even the episode of 2 gay men were more interesting despite being labelled as a filler episode. This, to me, is a filler episode as nothing really happened that actually mattered. Ellie as the main character saw no growth nor development and basically just continued with her foul-mouthed chatter across the entire episode. Riley is seemingly just a side character to replace pedro for an episode. I tried hard to concentrate watching this particular episode to try and not miss possible clues to what happens next. I waited and waited, and... waited.

I'm still watching this and while writing this review the merry go round scene was still on.

With 18 minutes left, is there still hope?

Sure doesn't feel like it.
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Designated Survivor: #makehistory (2019)
Season 3, Episode 4
Deserving of ZERO stars
4 February 2023
Out of nowhere that gay scene was forced. The overall rating I gave this show was a 9. The remainder of this season will deliver the final blow.

Nobody characters perform that act in mid episode feels forced since no leadup to this scene was ever developed. We know that dude is gay but with Secret Service anonymous?

All in all that scene actually degrades gays in my opinion because this lack of development. The transgender episode had more depth and meaning than this crap.

Netfliz sure knows how to ruin a show and that single two minute scene may well have set a downward spiral in perception of the viewers for the future episodes.

I certainly am now less motivated to finish off the remaining episodes. Especially knowing that there isnt any future seasons.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Over-rated by Fanboys
23 January 2023
I liked the 2nd episode better than the Pilot as it had more intensity in the scenes. The atmosphere and ambient sound was especially good on home theatre systems so I do advise future virwing to use surround sound. I have never played the game and I can quitr easily say that if you inserted this into an episode of The Walking Dead, many viewers would simply see it as a branch of the story-arc.

It has the feel and visuals of high production values. The practical effects and prosthetics complement the story and chill and the pacing is done just right in introducing the threat that is the parasite.

Pedro is slowly becoming my favorite actor as most of his films I have rated at 8. Looking forward to Mandalorian season 3.

I enjoyed it enough to keep pushing into the next episodes. Perhaps my ratings would change.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
Do You Remember Steele?
26 August 2022
This was giving vibes of Steele by Shaq but better acted. It's a passably entertaining take of an antihero but really brings nothing new to the table. The only draw here is Stallone, everyone else including the soundtrack is forgettable.
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Interceptor (2022)
It's OK and Hubby Hemsworth does a cameo LoL
17 June 2022
The action itself performed by Elsa is quite good and convincing however the overall acting by the leads are the absolute opposites.

Elsa still does not have it for a leading lady and her opposite is no better. The whole story is absurd and the dialogues smell of cheese.

But hey, I have an extra star for elsa nonetheless.
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Panama (I) (2022)
I gave it a 4. I am not giving up on Gibson yet
19 April 2022
Nothing to write home about or even mention in social media.

Believe other reviewers here who gave it a lower score. Anything above 5 would be insane.
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Moonfall (2022)
GHASP FOR BREATH... This is such a Disaster
3 April 2022
The CGI most times feel fake and not belieavable. The acting is near B movie, the Plot turns from poor to preposterous and I fell asleep during the trio's travel to the moon.

I have always enjoyed the directors previous works but somehow this one falls hard in it's face.

You could watch it once, but I doubt you would want to make it a part of your collection.
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Master (I) (2022)
A Psychological Drama, NOT Horror
27 March 2022
This is no Horror like Get Out which basically defines the racially-charged horror subgenre. The trailer misleads you to thinking this was another race-based horror which has become a trend in recent years, both on wide screen or streaming series.

It holds 3 main black characters each with their own sub-plot with incomplete story-arc and will leave you hanging at the very end.

Watch this while cooking or doing something else because basically you can multitask with this on.

Definitely not a keeper.
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It went nowhere
2 March 2022
Usually when Quaid or Latifah is onboard, it's a feel-good movie and worth watching. Somehow they missed the target and instead gave us a sleep-inducing snoozefest that meandered and never progressed into something meaningful.

I kept getting distracted watching this and total time spent was probably 3 hours to complete Such a miss...
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Kimi (2022)
Soderberg made this crap?
16 February 2022
Dumb, just plain dumb.

I just watched the tinder swindler and even that was more thrilling despite it being based on real life shallowness...

Avoid this crap.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
The Mandalorian Season 2.5 with Guest Appearance by old Vin Diesel
13 February 2022
Train heist be like Fast n Furious

Dialogues be like:.....

Fightscenes be like: Cringey

Fett status be like: On life Support

This don't impress me much.
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The 355 (2022)
Hah... even the soundtrack at credits sounded lame
31 January 2022
I honestly thought the start of the movie was good and the action felt intense BUT as time flies toward the end of this 2 hour runtime, story became stale, the action forced, the acting somewhat wooden (yes you Cruz).

Somewhere in the middle, I started to lose interest and began doing other things besides watching.

Yes, it felt like the last installment of Charlie's Angels and boy was that boring AF.

Trying to prop this at the same level as Jason Bourne is laughable EVEN IF it comes from the same studios 🤣
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Give It Up already...
23 January 2022
When you keep on doing flashbacks from previous season to fill-in time without furthering the narrative, you know the writers have hit the slump and are tumbling downhill.

Almost every episode upto ep09 has this flashback, the well has dried up and writers have become somewhat clueless as how to wrap it up.

My rating has gone down from an 8 to 7 for the overall show.

Some episodes shine but for the most part forgettable.
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Die Hard (1988)
Absolute Classic
19 December 2021
Been watching this movie practically every year since it was first released back in 1988. Have it in my collection from the humble VHS upto the latest 4K release which is a surefire way of keeping it on repeat for future viewing.

Pacing is well thought of, not too much dialogue, plenty of wisecracks and the action still stands up to today's CGI-ridden "action flicks".

The factvthat it just does not bore me, makes this a definitive 10.
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CSI: Vegas (2021–2024)
A slow start to a great season ending
14 December 2021
Loved it.

Weakest of all characters is Allie, unable to establish her style throughout the 10 eps. She feel expendable and can easily be killed off in one of the episodes without anyone missing her the following week.

It could be her acting or the way the written her character arc. Hopefully the 2nd season is confirmed.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
I gave it 3 chances and it was... STRIKE THREE!!!
5 December 2021
I admit, I am a sucker for good movie posters. The idea of a giant sinkhole was interesting enough to make me ignore watching the trailer (and now I regret it).

I gave it 3 episodes for my interests to sink in but alas I kept giving it a sinking rating instead.

The logic behind their action, the ridiculous plotholes, bad acting and dialogue plus that 90s quality special effects which I believe is still outdone by Independence Day leads me to firmly believe not to continue this till the season finale

Good luck people with patience!!
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Them (2021– )
A Great Way to Relive the Fond Memories of Racism
5 December 2021
Looking at the past year of american politics especially the riots and "peaceful protests" that overrun the big cities and BLMs agenda of "erasing" things related to the dark past (destroying statues etc), I could've sworn hollywood would jump on the bandwagon and try to erase anything bad relating to the past.

Instead, they continue to relive it by making movies as constant reminders.

Now the acting maybe ok to good but the plot, script writing is darn messy and each eps successfully puts me to sleep. It is like the whole series is just about a family that hallucinates and 1 single racist housewife.

I am on eps 7 now since I started trying to watch it back in October. I dunno if I can make it to 10, somebody help me, somebody scare me...

This is a horror movie, right?
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Them (2021– )
A Total Letdown forced by Boredom
5 December 2021
I've seen Jordan Peele's black Horror flicks and they were good. With this, I was expecting more of the same just in series installment.

Eps 1 was promising but after 3, to me it was going downhill because I mostly dozed off mid-show.

Lot of people shouting don't translate to good horror. Maybe that was what horrified me most that I fell to sleep?

I am now forcing myself to continue to eps 7 but damned I zoned out many times, not because i am tired BUT I just got bored. I will give it the benefit of the doubt and try to finish this but for now a 5 is the best I can give.
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Best Cheese in Town
25 November 2021
This ranks higher than my review for WW84 which sits comfortably at 3 stars.

I only write reviews when I am impressed, not just because how good a film is but also because of how bad it was.

This film was soooooo cheesy from the start that I never took it seriously and even considered turning it off somewhere along the 20 minute mark. But somehow, the bad acting, dialogue, soundtrack, effects and everything else kind of became interesting and kept me glued to the couch.

Yes, my very subjective 10 stars is for the appreciation towards how Prime B-Movie with extra cheese should be produced.

Even my 81 year old mom enjoyed it because of the simplicity it brings to the table. Barely any plot, dialogue was as corny as corns and the action was funny that it kept us laughing all the way.

Thank You for entertsining an 81 year old granny. God Bless.
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Red Notice (2021)
IT felt super-generic despite it's big budget
14 November 2021
I was dissapointed, and it even drove me to actually write a review to express this dissapointment.

I was kind of "anticipating" this movie ever since they began teasing it in early 2021. My thoughts were so naive.... hoping NETFLIX could actually make something worthwhile with these 3 actors.

Boy was this generic and sometimes confusing. All three actors brought to the table the exact same style of acting as they have in their previous roles.

Ryan the wise-crack nonstop babble-mouth, dwayne the tough-as-nail law enforcement figure who is funny between serious and gadot the eye-candy smart-cheeky femme fatale.

Sometimes, I thought I was watching national treasure when suddenly a scene from jumanji took over with a dab of jungle cruise and deadpool.

Heck, even the unbelievably long car chase ala FastnFurious6 Runway scene was thrown in for good measure. I was thinking "why would you dig a big tunnel with ample lighting to go all that way and end up at a waterfall?"

My intellect-meter just snapped right then and there and the rest of the movie was just a bunch of noise leading to rolling credits. During that time I was busy reading reviews on imdb and comparing notes to others feeling the same vibes.

I told my friend that IF this movie just ends up in the "dissapointment bin" like army of the dead, the harder they fall and other big budget big stars hollywood output by netflix, then I would give up on continuing any hopes for this company.

NETFLIX may have the big budget and access to A-list actors, but they certainly don't put a lot of effort into getting some skilled writers with original ideas in their heads.

IF you find the need to MUST SEE THIS BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE BY NETFLIX, please make sure beside you and the tv, there is absolutely nothing else in the room that might distract you from the screen.

DESPITE IT'S GLOSSY PRODUCTION VALUES, the movie was never engaging to begin with.

Trust me, you will feel it within the first 30 minutes. You can easily turn it off and continue some other day without the slightest of anxiety to finish it.
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Cry Macho (2021)
I gave it 8 because I am an avid fan and also know my expectations of a 91 year old man
5 October 2021
I loved the corny slow-paced story eventhough some of the dialogues were cringe-inducing.

But I loved that Rooster even more, this story was a bout a Rooster's Journey accompanied by a juvenile and gramps Eastwood.

How corny can it be....

Thanks Gramps for showing to us what STAMINA IS ALL ABOUT.
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