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Visually Stunning , A dreamy Romantic Comedy....... 9 out 10
18 May 2012
I haven't read any IMDb reviews of this yet, I wanted to comment first. This is a lovely story of hope and the true purity of falling madly in love-there are so many movies that try to be romantic and inevitably come across looking forced and contrived .Not usually impressed with Romantic Comedies, i found this one strangely compelling. It really was a nice movie, littered with great characters.

Love, Lies and Seeta is a Visually lovely Film, This film" becomes an enchanting fairy tale.....a magical and endearing love story, from the opening credits to an afternoon of quiet sharing in New York. Being a romantic at heart, I was emotionally drawn to this well produced and entertaining motion picture, enticing me to view it a number of times more in future.

The movie has many memorable lines and if you fall in love with the movie you will go back to it again and again. this is easily the best romantic comedy movie of this Season. though many movies have hence tried to recreate its charm, nothing has quite succeeded to replace this movie as the pinnacle of the genre.

The story of course is very Fresh and Cinderella like. however this is beautifully told and the on-screen chemistry between the very dashing Seeta and his Friends are simply sensational. an absolute must for fans of romance, comedy, any kind of light hearted movies or for those who are big fans of romance , comedy and Music.

All the characters of the film are convincing, original and sympathetic, feeling comfortable with each other... Director Chandra Pemmaraju did a great job...

Love Lies and Seeta is a contemporary Hollywood fairy tale, a sweet romantic comedy, an innocent love story in the middle of self-interest and agreement... It remains as an entertaining motion picture that had women calling out the delights of true love...

Keep on dreaming!

My rating 9 out of 10.
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