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Scrubs: My Soul on Fire: Part 1 (2009)
Season 8, Episode 14
Suspension of belief
11 March 2024
And so the descent of Scrubs continues, but this episode seems to have a metaphorical anvil attached to it.

We are being asked to believe that practically the most indispensable members of staff can all feasibly have the same time off work and all within 3 days' notice?

There is no season arc for any of the characters. Their history is mostly erased. Turk and Carla's kid is still barely non-existent and the sudden news of a new baby on the way has seemingly fizzled out.

Dr Cox has zero funny lines and is now surplus to requirements since become Chief of Medicine.

Ted used to be a sad character that made the viewer feel for him but now his whole purpose is to just shout his unfunny lines.

The show has become nothing more than a huge cringefest that continues to limp on embarrassingly.

One could say that the whole point of this location choice is just to show off the actors' physiques in beachwear to try and attract the lowest possible denominator of viewer.

You wouldn't be wrong.
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Sly (2023)
Hoped for more
24 February 2024
After watching Arnold Schwarzenegger's three-part 'ARNOLD' doc-series I was hoping to find this just as informative. However, despite a similar running time (both roughly in the 90-minute area) there wasn't really a substantial amount of material that couldn't already have been extracted from the internet myself.

Stallone has always given the impression of being someone who is eternally downtrodden but wants the world to see him beat his adversaries and demons in a large public arena. This is certainly something that was ingrained in him from childhood, as we hear Sly talk of his brutish father and largely absent mother.

A shame that his former marriages were glossed over. His first wife, Sasha Czack, is never mentioned, neither is his second, Brigitte Nielsen, even though their marriage was worldwide news and tabloid fodder for months on end.

There's no doubt that he is talented, but you get the impression that he isn't completely content with his lifetime's work and is actually quite frustrated that he didn't break out of his 'action man' persona. Maybe so, but as Dirty Harry once famously said, "A man's got to know his limitations".
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Wolf Creek: Opalville (2016)
Season 1, Episode 4
Filler episode
19 September 2023
What did we learn from this episode? How much did the story progress. Barely.

The writers are struggling and it shows. The episode is nothing more than a filler to try and make up the series.

I'm interested to see how they can get to the hoped-for showdown between Eve and Mick in the final episode without the next one being yet more filler. Let's face it, this could all have been done and dusted in three episodes let alone 6 of them.

The contrivances began as slightly annoying but now they've become almost the main plot device every time - so many coincidences occur that have been written in to progress the story yet actually treat the audience with contempt.
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Yellowjackets: Two Truths and a Lie (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Uninspiring teen drama
10 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 was pretty poor and went downhill as it went on. Season 2 therefore didn't have a lot to live up to and began on an equally lazy tone.

I'm at a loss to see just what others are seeing in this show. The writing is laughably bad and at times seems like an experiment within the writers' room to come up with the most ludicrous storylines, for instance, a character (Crystal/Kristen) who was conspicuously absent from the entirety of S1 suddenly turns up and becomes Misty's "bestie" (incidentally a term not popularised until the late 2000s) only to meet her end during a completely cringeworthy and clichéd scene.

The show has now turned into nothing more than an annoying teen drama without one redeeming character to root for. The only reason I'm continuing is that I'm in awe at how bad this is and have a morbid curiosity to see what further levels it will sink to.
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Black Mirror: Mazey Day (2023)
Season 6, Episode 4
It's jumped the shark
15 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This latest season of BM is continuing its rapid spiral into cliché and dullness. In fact, the whole feel of 'Black Mirror' is becoming nothing more than a desperate cash-in of its status of a once unmissable show.

Put this current crop up against previous titles such as The National Anthem, White Christmas or Shut Up and Dance and there is an all too evident huge chasm between those and these.

The quality of stories has become almost juvenile in their execution. Take for instance the one I'm reviewing here, and there are ludicrous plot lines. Where the flip does a werewolf suddenly come from in this story? Why? I'm sure I didn't miss a subtle nod to this upcoming event earlier in the story? It's just clumsily shoehorned into the plot for no reason whatsoever.

And why does the female protagonist oddly have an attack of morals during the scene where some starlet climbs out of the car to the barrage of over-eager, cat-calling MALE paparazzi? She notices how aggressive and Neanderthalic they are and walks away, not wanting to be a part of it. Yeah, you go girl. Oh, except she soon forgets this bout of superiority and is back in the chase again, snapping away at the vulnerable movie star on her way to rehab.

Sad to say this, but BM has evidentially had its day and should now just gracefully retire.
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Meandering and boring
5 June 2023
Prior to this everything Shane Meadows has touched has been gold. Unfortunately bringing his oft-repeated style of improvisational dialogue into a period drama is a misfire.

I do have an issue with a period drama that doesn't quite stick to the period it's supposedly portraying. The trouble with actors improvising as a character from another time is that they won't always be able to stay 100% in that character without occasionally slipping and using modern parlance, which happens quite often here.

I managed two out of the three episodes and really could not continue to the last one. The pacing is at a snail's pace which is borne out of unnecessarily-long scenes of constant 'natural' talking which if given a proper script would've tightened it up and made for sharper dialogue thus giving it an energy instead of the sleep-inducing borefest it quickly became.
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The Sweeney: Abduction (1975)
Season 1, Episode 13
"That isn't gonna help, y'know?"
25 April 2023
Well, I made it through the first series of The Sweeney and I actually ended up enjoying it a lot more than I'd imagined.

I was just a little lad when this was first broadcast, so was never able to view it on the telly. I picked up a boxed set the other day at a car boot and decided to give it a go.

Although by today's standards the pacing is basic and painfully slow at times it still has a certain charm. The innocence of simpler times is what I'm especially relishing watching these through older eyes.

What have I learned? Well, it seems that '70s coppers stored more booze in their desks than than you'd find at the local pub. Having an afternoon whisky was nothing out of the ordinary whilst doing your paperwork.

Also, it's evident that unless you constantly smoked, then you weren't really from the 1970s. Regan even lit up two ciggies in his mouth at one point.

Robbers loved to zoom around deserted, dusty, dirty roads with the occasional pile of boxes just begging to be smacked into.

This episode in particular was a departure from the standard format up until now. Regan was a lot more intense - having his daughter kidnapped would cause this, I guess.

There is one brief scene near the beginning which features Regan and his informant meeting in a public park when two young ladies walk past. One of them leans over to tie her boots whilst wearing a short skirt and reveals a bit more than she realises to both the chaps.

This incident is completely superfluous, unnecessary and primarily only included for titillation. Suffice to say that this was seen all too often in those much less PC and far off days of yesteryear.

Overall a great series ending which adds a little more depth to Regan - and to a lesser extent, Carter, with his fishwife.
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Wigan Casino (1977 TV Movie)
Yes, this is THAT documentary!
1 December 2021
In 1977, Tony Palmer was asked by ITV to document a burgeoning and exciting scene happening amongst Lancashire's youth for their weekly news magazine series, This England.

He brought TV cameras in to Wigan Casino, not imagining what he would find there. He saw scores of teenagers arriving when most pubs would be closing, all there for one purpose - dancing all night.

Lights had to be brought in, much to the disdain of the organisers, to illuminate the normally darkened dancehall so that the cameras could film the crowds.

However, the footage captured has now gone on to be the 'go-to' film whenever any documentary needs authentic 'Northern Soul' scenes.
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The Motive (2020–2021)
Where's the conclusion?
19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix's reality documentaries are becoming overlong bore-fests as of late, and this simply adds to them.

We find out halfway through that the motive will never be revealed to the public. Only one person claims to know the true reason (apart from the young murderer himself) and is, rather selfishly, not prepared to spill the beans.

The running time should've been halved, especially as there was nothing to say once we've learned of the crime at the onset.

All in all, it's just disappointing and a wholly wasted exercise in documentary making.
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Jump scares do not a horror movie make!
1 November 2021
Wasn't expecting much, and it delivered as expected. The "paranormal" part is now pretty much in headline only, and it came off more as Folk Horror.

This is supposed to be part of the 'found footage' horror sub-genre but even this title is tenuous. In fact by the last act the hand-held concept is even dropped in one scene for a two-camera setup (to show the audience the threat) when the protagonist is obviously only holding one.

The franchise is floundering and it's time to end it. Any further films will just be desperately trying to cling on to the once-trustworthy brand.

And how many more times, jump scares do not a horror movie make! I counted at least eight.
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Too short for a serious analysis
13 October 2021
I was really looking forward to this as being a lover of film I know a cliché or two.

Sadly at a running time of less than an hour it was never going to go full pelt into the rich and varied history of the Holly cliché. I felt that the examples used were far too fleeting, and the whole thing felt rushed. They could've spun it out to at least a three-part series. Nothing is ever really explained ('here is a trope... haha. Now here is another one...'). It would have been interesting if some of these were analysed a bit more than merely glossing over them quickly.

Considering the richness of many industry professionals on display here they were criminally underused simply to provide a cheat and quick gag. Is this really what Netflix's supposed demographic wants? This is nothing more than televisual fast food.

However the most disappointing aspect of this is that it has Charlie Brooker attached to it. Not to say I'm not a fan of his, far from it. Up until this show he was a one-man seal of quality.
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Old (2021)
Interesting premise with awful ending
21 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This has a really great original story and for the most part seemed to carry it off well enough.

However, there are some truly great clunking moments scattered around the film's running time which annoyingly bring you out of its spell, Also, Shyamalan's shoehorning of his daughter's song in the beginning during the car trip was a case of awful nepotism.

That ending though.

Why did it all have to be tidied up and presented to us in such a banal and unneeded fashion?

The ending could've come 5 or 10 minutes earlier without the need for the unnecessary exposition and police interference.

Ending it at the point of the big reveal that the lab was simply able to do research at a rate quicker than previously ever thought possible was jaw-dropping. The fact that innocent people had to die as a result of possibly saving hundreds of thousands more left the viewer with a moral quandary. Here is where I think the movie should have ended for a more shocking impact.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Seasons 1 - 3 is all you need
3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I binged seasons 1 to 3 and found them incredibly gripping and powerful.

Then as I tried to enjoy the 4th season this is where it all went a bit wrong.

All the tension has been lost - the quest for June to get out and back home is completed early on and the rest of the season is just close-ups of her face as she looks to the sky wistfully. Sad to say but THT has finally jumped the shark.
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Is this what passes for horror now?
18 July 2021
Just as forgettable, dire and cliche-ridden as the first instalment. The only reason I'm still watching it is that I wanted to see if it got any better. I got my answer.
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Body Double (1984)
WTF is this mess?
1 June 2021
Hard to believe that this monstrosity came from the same genius that gave us Carrie and Scarface.

Brian must've been off his face when penning this one.

Most cinema snobs gush endlessly over how wonderfully provocative this is with its over the top satire. Personally I'd rather repeatedly slam my head in a car door for the same length of this film's running time for better entertainment.
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The Exorcist (2016–2018)
It began well then...
21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The opening episode was a slow-burner but interesting. However, it seemed to lose pace after the 5th episode and get a bit silly. Nice twist (albeit a little convoluted) that the mother turned out actually to be 'Regan' - the young girl who was possessed in the original film - but now assuming another name.

The CGI was good and worked well, but the cast were not perfect choices especially Geena Davis who seems to have had so much Botox that you can't really tell what facial expression she's trying to make. One of the sisters seemed to be a homage to Lindsay Lohan when she was fit and Alan Ruck just kept reminding me of when he was 'Cameron' out of Ferris Bueller.

The English priest was very good - Father Marcus Keane played by Ben Daniels spoke as if he'd been scripted by a Brit which was refreshing. Also he reminded me of a slightly taller Bob Mortimer.
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The Syndicate: Episode #4.1 (2021)
Season 4, Episode 1
CBBC Material
14 April 2021
The first episode was interesting albeit heavy on stereotypes and I made it through very eager to find out what happened next.

However by the end of episode 2 things had descended into an almighty farce.

I really detest tv characters whose actions go completely against normal behaviour and this show is full of it purely to push the terrible storyline on.

Such a shame as the first series was excellent and carried the drama along nicely while here it is trying to inject unnecessary and forced humour into the proceedings.

That 'Geordie' accent though...!
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Tales of the Unexpected: Stranger in Town (1982)
Season 5, Episode 5
Early 1980s Norwich
3 March 2021
The wonderful Derek Jacobi makes this whole episode with his brilliant performance as an eccentric magician strolling the streets of a market town entertaining everyone who happens to meet him. Most of the episode is shot on location in the bustling streets of Norwich city centre (being that Anglia Television is located nearby) and it is great to spot the shops of yesteryear. A nice twist as well that pays off beautifully.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 16: The Rescue (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
No way!! Yes, way!!
20 December 2020
What an ending. This show has become everything that the prequels and the next-gen films failed to deliver. This one show has singlehandedly restored balance to the galaxy. This is the way.
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The Twilight Zone: 8 (2020)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not Long Enough
17 November 2020
Well, this is a first. All through the first and now second seasons of this reboot one of the underlying downsides has been that the stories have been stretched to fit in with the shows' overlong running time. However this episode clearly is an anomaly in that everything was rushed to comply with its 45 minute allowance. Much too often it relied on (mostly) the leader, Rudd, narrating the plot for us instead of actually showing it on screen. Overall it felt like a low-budget 'The Thing' as produced by a particularly enthusiastic bunch of high schoolers.
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The Twilight Zone: The Who of You (2020)
Season 2, Episode 3
It's Getting Better
12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really enjoyed the story. Very original plotline and great acting throughout with some interesting nods at classic episodes (the Time Enough At Last cardboard sign on the bench for one).

The only downside was that the ending was pretty much broadcast from the start. The detective was having obvious issues with his partner as he didn't want to talk to her over the phone (even though he insisted on answering it in the first place?). As the last scene played out I thought, wouldn't it be silly if he turned out to be The Guy? And yes, implausibly, he was.

That silliness aside this has been the best episode so far in this current reboot. I think it's plain to see that as long as the preaching is kept out of the shows then they can really be entertaining like the classic episodes always were.
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The Twilight Zone: The Wunderkind (2019)
Season 1, Episode 5
Best one so far
2 November 2020
I've been largely disappointed at this TZ reboot thus far so now at episode 5 it begins to show some much-needed promise.

A great story examined well. What IF a child were to become leader of a country? I thought that there were strong parallels between the young actor of this episode and the boy from the 'It's a Good Life' segment of Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983) in that both were spoilt brats, begrudging of authority. A nice, if not unexpected, ending as well.

TZ has always contained allegories to the social and political attitudes of its time so if one were to infer any relationship between the 'kid' and the US President (at least, at the time of writing) then so be it. As a sci-fi fan I'm just here for the entertainment, nothing else.
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VHS Massacre (2016)
Stick to the podcasts
10 May 2020
I was expecting more detail and comment on the demise of the VHS market but instead it seemed to try and cover too many bases without actually completing any particular aims. Overall it comes across as a student project with way too many handheld camera shots. Apparently the filmmakers began as podcasters. Perhaps they should concentrate on where their strengths lie as their enthusiasm seems better suited to an audio medium rather than visual.
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The Incident (2014)
Could have been so much better
28 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A great, original premise is given (twice) which sets up the film to be an interesting 97 minutes. However I got halfway through and it seemed we, as the audience, were also trapped in this infinite loop along with the characters. It didn't really go anywhere and the half-arsed and long-winded explanation at the end failed to save it and wasn't really necessary. What a shame as the way it was initially heading felt like it was to be quite something.
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Fred (2018)
Downfall of one of the greats
16 September 2019
Interesting if rather sparse look at one of British gangland's celebrated geezers.

It's not the best made documentary ever made but the subject matter propels it along at a fair pace.

Whilst entertaining to a point it becomes rather sad when we learn about how far down the system this once 'crime king' has fallen. No more do casinos or gyms bring in the dough for this elderly ex-gangster who incidentally was one of the first people to import a Pac-Man video game into the UK. The fact that most of his family want nothing to do with him prompts the saying that crime does not pay, especially in respect from your loved ones.
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