4 Reviews
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Spy (2015)
Very entertaining
13 October 2015
This one really surprised me. Getting into it with such low expectations that it couldn't go anywhere but up, but I was still surprised. While I can get why there is a lot of people that hate this movie, I find it to be quite entertaining. Brilliant and unexpected casting for every single role in it, except maybe Jude Law. Jason Statham is hilarious (there's something I never though I'd say), and as for Melissa McCarthy... let's just say I'm not such a big fan, but after this movie I might be converted. As for the movie itself, some might call it naive, impossible and unoriginal, but it has it's moments. Some twists and turns I really did not see coming, and it literally made me laugh out loud on several occasions. Sure, I'd make it 20 minutes shorter, but that is not really an issue. All in all, don't go into too deep and start looking for a meaning or anything artistic, cause you're not going to find it. If you're just looking for a laugh and have 2h to kill with nothing better to do, look no further.
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Time Lapse (2014)
Hugely underrated movie
4 September 2015
Only reason I won't mark this movie with a clean 10 is that it would put it up there with The Godfathers and Shawshanks of today, and it would not feel right.

Everything about the movie is absolutely worth the watch and anyones recommendation. Brilliant pacing, great directing and excellent acting performances by pretty much everyone.

Danielle Panabaker looks awesome and gives a great performance. Writing is amazing and it took me by surprise several times, which is not something that regularly happens to me when I watch a movie. I almost never get that "oh, boy, I did not see that coming" moments, so thanks to everyone involved in creating this movie for making it happen.

It is vastly entertaining and leaves you thinking about it for long time after. I strongly recommend this movie to every sci-fi and thriller fan out there, I hope you will find it is well worth your time.
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This movie left me with a big smile on my face.
9 July 2015
This movie is just like so many other movies... but then it's not. It's quite transparent and obvious, but equally entertaining, well paced and emotional, with quite a few pretty hilarious moments.

While it is in no way epic, and does not answer any deep questions or will change the way you think or influence your life in any way, it will leave you smiling for a while.

Decent story, nice funny moments and pretty great casting (imho). I very much like most of the characters, some well known actors and very good behind camera work from Courteney Cox, no less.

Definitely a recommendation for a dull evening, especially if you're feeling blue. Very positive energy.
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Where comedy goes to die.
27 February 2015
Make sure you see this movie, but only if you want to find out how the sequel (or should I say - remake) should not be done. I gave it a 4, because that is literally how many times it made me chuckle for the duration. I expected nothing from this movie, and I got even less then I expected. Original movie was entertaining and somehow managed to deliver the comedy in unexpected way and peculiar manner. This one doesn't, in any way. As much as I love both of the lead actors, they are way to old to be participating in this kind of projects. Everything that made them funny in the original movie, now just makes them sad.

In my humble opinion, it's best to simply pretend this movie never existed and remember them for all the good stuff they have done.
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