
4 Reviews
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a refreshing change
14 December 2005
I bought this movie at Blockbuster for about 6 bucks, I thought that it was a western and since it had Sheen and Patrick in it I thought "EH why not?" The movie wasn't really what I expected but it kept me watching all the way through. This is a great dramatic comedy, the acting was great all-round! A bit of a different role for Chris Noth, but I couldn't help but like his character. The script was really well written and movie doesn't really ever "drag" on. The comedy was pretty decent and I didn't find the story overly predictable. Well worth the 2 hours and 6 bucks that I put into it. I'd definitely recommend this one. Enjoy
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To: GEORGE LUCAS....Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you,thank-you, thank-you, thank-you, thank-you
26 May 2005
OK, i hated Episodes I and II but holly crap George thanks for listening. I was so prepared to be disappointed I can't believe how much i enjoyed this movie. I've never given any movie a 10 out of 10 before this one (not to say that it was actually perfect, but considering the first 2 installments were sooo bad, Episode III makes up for all of them.) All those questions you were wondering about well guess what? They all get answered! I really didn't like Hayden Christiansen in Attack of the Clones but i have to say that the actor was a better fit for Anakin Skywalker in this movie. Natalie Portman was a bit of a nuisance but her scenes are all very short (and necessary for the movie.) Ewan Mcgregor and Samuel L Jackson both gave great performances (as expected) The lightsaber battles were awesome. I want to keep going but I think I'm starting to ramble....GO SEE THIS MOVIE! PS if you haven't watched to Clone Wars episodes 1-25 you should, they lead right up to the beginning of Revenge of the Sith and it gives you a bit of background on General Greivous
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The Last Outlaw (1993 TV Movie)
Hidden Gem
12 May 2005
Having never been the biggest Mickey Rourke fan and not entirely entirely familiar with Dermot Mulroney's work, i was skeptical about watching this movie. Needless to say, i got past my skepticism. The only complaint I have about this movie was Mickey Rourke's mustache (damn! what where they thinking?) The tension never really lets up throughout the movie. After a daring bank robbery the gang turns on their leader (rourke) and heads for Mexico, never quite sure if the posse is on their trail or not, and not quite sure of their new leader (mulroney.) To call this movie a "thriller" would go to far but if there was ever a "western-thriller-type-movie" then this is it. The whole movie has a very dark overcast, very well put together, and very well written.

P.S. anybody seen THE WILD BUNCH lately?
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a great movie for fans of the genre
1 April 2005
I found this movie in a bin at a grocery store for under 5 bucks. I only bought it because of the cast (i've never seen Dwight Yoakam film's before.) I was surprised that it was only rated 3.7 in IMDb. After watching it i was pleasantly surprised. If you're a western fan (particularly the old Sergio Leone movies) check this out. There are definitely a few "weird" elements but they don't really detract from the movie. The scenery is great, the acting is quite good, and the plot gives you pretty much everything you'd expect from a western. If you're looking for an old-style western i would recommend South of Heaven West of Hell.
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