
5 Reviews
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Near-perfect long awaited movie
4 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To start, I'm not a Hallmark fan in general. The movies are, at best, B-plot remixes of popular and/or well-known stories with the same guessable ending. They used to be great; the. Gold Crown series (now called Hall of Fame) comes to mind. Hallmark used to win Emmys and. Golden Globes but now they seemed focused on quantity rather than quality.

Except this gem.

My mom (an avid Hallmark fan) and my dad (not a Hallmark fan) were watching this series when I visited them a few times in a row. I wasn't watching in order and considering how predictable Hallmark series are, I was honestly confused at the jumps in character development. After the back and forth of story progression, I finally sat down and watched the series on Prime and I was hooked. This is not a typical series and I dread giving Hallmark the distinction of producing it because it's so unique. I fell in love with the characters, the story lines, and the letter adventures and when covid delayed the next movie in the line up; I was as disappointed as any fan.

But then October 2021 came and we were gifted the near-perfect continuation of the series.

To address previous reviews; I don't see this as an ending of the series any more than any of the other movies could be viewed as possible endings. Yes, the main characters are married but marriage isn't the end of the story. The story has so many avenues it could take from here the idea it's ended is only possible if Hallmark says they're done making this series. I sincerely hope they realize the poor decision that would be.

Anyway, how is this movie nearly perfect?

First, the letter story is a tearjerker. We've seen the Postables deal with previous letters decades old (To Whom it May Concern, From the Heart, and Home Again) and accidentally stumble onto medical emergencies (From the Heart and Home Again) but never at the same time and never from something where the person could have passed in the time since writing. It gave the story a sense of urgency butting up against the wedding so you ended up wondering if both will be settled in time. In a normal Hallmark series you wouldn't doubt but in this series, Williamson does delay personal lives for the sake of the greater story so you're never really sure what's going to happen.

The conclusion of the letter isn't the "happy ending" we're used to but it's the realistic ending you expect with hopeful possibility. Owen, now 17, is on his last hope for a cure and the Postables arrive in time to give him back his friend and the support of a community he never realized would help carry him through. Absolute 10/10 on the letter story.

Where the movie falters is the personal side: I give this an 8/10.

Oliver and Shane are days away from their wedding and Shane's mother is flying in a few days before to meet Oliver and be there for the wedding. Where's Alex, the gambling addicted sister Shane introduced two movies ago? No where to be seen, heard from or mentioned. Shane has told several heart-warming stories of her mother so we're expecting a close's almost anything but. Sharon McInerney drives Shane up a wall, described as a "holy grail of guilt" and can barely spend three days with her without going insane.

Jump to Norman and Rita who, two movies ago, decided to adopt because of Norman's upbringing are now actively trying to get pregnant with no mention of adoption. It isn't a case of trying to get pregnant while actively trying to adopt, they seem to have forgotten about adoption until Rita brings it up later in relation to their new coworker.

Joe and Shane strike a wonderful dynamic duo; their scenes together were some of my favorites. This seemed to be the most consistent development in the series.

The story revolves around Oliver--a lost boy looking for his lost friend when the world is falling apart around him. We dive deep into his past and learn even more about how he's processed his mother and Holly leaving him. They did the best with the time they had but it felt rushed--we took an entire TV series and several movies to dig into Shane's hurt from her father leaving and Oliver's processing Holly leaving. We now have one movie to examine Oliver in depth? This really should have been two movies.

The script falters and falls flat in some areas, specifically in pigeon-holing the characters into a box or rout response, but overall it's one of the better SSD movies. There are MANY callbacks and small "easter eggs" to the previous movies and TV show. I hope Hallmark realizes it has a gem of a series in this show and continues to produce movies like it does the Teagarden series.
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Amazing movie...but it does lack
21 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I went to the midnight premiere and was blown away with the movie. I love the books and was excited to see the movie. I knew it wouldn't be the same as the book but it did hold it's own.

The opening scene is exactly like the book, Bella's monologue about death. Every scene has weight to it, and the camera angles and lighting...well the cinematography in general was amazing. The colors used really brought the movie life while still remaining in the 'fairy-tale' realm.

Kristen's acting was superb, you can tell Bella doesn't want to be in Forks but she's so self-sacrificing that she doesn't complain. Edward really seemed anguished until he made his decision to stay with Bella. He is still uncertain as to his decision but the pull she has on him is truly visible on screen. Kristen and Rob have such a chemistry on-screen that it looks natural when they are having their intimate moments.

Because Edward and Bella are the story's main focus, I expected the other characters to not be as prominent but that didn't mean they had to cut out the other Cullens. The school kids, Eric, Jessica, Mike, Tyler, Angela, etc, are shown as what you really picture them as; they are truly oblivious to the world around them.

The few things that aggravated me were that the Cullen's were downplayed. You do see them throughout the movie but it seemed like all together they only had like 30 or 40 lines. Jasper is the one that I was most disappointed in; Jackson does an excellent job but his power is never mentioned and looks like he was just thrown in to compliment Alice. Everyone else was amazing, the actors and the characters.

It's true that it doesn't follow the book to the letter but it was still an excellent movie. There are many missing scenes but it doesn't feel lacking. Things are kind of out of place or have been cut altogether, like when Bella tells Edward that she doesn't care that he's a vampire and to scare her off he shows what he looks like in the sunlight and his other abilities…unlike the book where she knows and then on a sunny day he shows her what he looks like or how the biology scene where they type their blood is cut along with the scene in the airport where Bella runs away. Lunch scenes are short and it's never shown that Bella and Edward have lunch together or when she starts sitting with the Cullens.

The movie doesn't seem lacking but true-die hard fans might be disappointed when they don't see a scene because it was cut. All in all, Twilight is a movie that I know I will see again and again in theaters and buy on DVD. It's an amazing movie and I highly recommend it to anyone who asks.
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Psych (2006–2014)
This show is awesome
12 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've been watching this show since it's airing in 2006 and I've never watched an episode I didn't like. This show has everything anyone needs in a show; action, drama, comedy, romance and thrills.

The actors in this are the characters. The script is always well written and the cultural references and inside jokes abound. One that people don't understand is the pineapple; it's just a prop that Dule and James want in every episode, it's a joke.

This show is a farce. It pokes fun at the SBPD and psychics and father/son relations and others. The humor is normally subtle and takes a few watchings before you get all of it.

This is just a great show in general, I can't think of anything wrong or anything I want to change about it.
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Hairspray (2007)
Only two good things about this movie.
12 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
My sister had wanted to see this movie for so long and had bugged me so much that I finally broke down and rented it.

From the beginning I didn't like it; the music, the mood, and the script in general. I sat through the whole movie waiting for it to get better... it never did. The music never got better, neither did the acting or the emotions. It was a very poorly done movie.

I like the original Hairspray but this was nothing like the original. It did have some of the same things but this didn't have the feel of the original and wasn't as funny. The ending was totally different, what happened to the dance Tracy had, the cockroach one? And they were suppose to be competing for Miss Auto Show, not Miss Hairspray. This was too different than the original for me to like.

I did give it two stars for two things said in the movie, the first was the NAACP reference and the second was the "So you've met my mom?" from Amanda Bynes' character. These things redeemed the movie enough for me to give it two stars.

All in all, I will never watch this movie again. For those who like the original, don't see this just get a different movie.
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Open Season (2006)
Worst movie I have ever seen! Stay Away!
16 January 2007
I'm not one to totally bash something, but nothing in this movie was slightly entertaining. If I could, I would rate this a zero.

My cousin (11) had wanted to see this movie so I agreed to go because I was baby-sitting her. We walked in a few moments late and had to sit in the front seat. About 20 minutes into watching it, I started counting how many times I said this was the worst movie ever. I haven't done that since I saw Legally Blonde with my sister.

The humor was non-existent, the characters were one-dimensional and I haven't seen such a boring plot-line since Napoleon Dynamite. The most entertaining part of the whole experience was watching the kid next to me react to the movie.

To put it short, run away from this movie as fast as you can. If you want to see something that kids and adults will enjoy, go see Night At The Museum or rent a tried-and-true movie from Blockbuster.
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