5 Reviews
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Shazam! (2019)
started very well
18 May 2019
But it took itself way too serious in the 2nd half. Could have been great, if he only could kept the pace and the style of the 1st half. Instead of an honest 8, here it has 6.5, rounded to 7. The 2008 'Watchmen' remains the best comic adaptation.
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The artistic end of von Trier
8 January 2019
All the fuss, all the references, all the pretense, all anti-dogma - all for a conformist ending. The self-appointed 'visionary' artist has proved to be just an ordinary Christian looking for redemption through his art. Hypocritical and - somehow - pathetic and disappointing end. Normally, this is a 4, but got an extra point for the actors.
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dumb killing spree, outside morale & good sense
15 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
These flicks about murderers present an understandable attraction, up to a point. I mean, one thing is to make fun of hitmen, like in Pulp Fiction, another is to take soooo serious, and it's about the more vicious murderers. Nevermind the plot holes and ocasionally stupid movements in endless battles. And one child, kept as 'purity' / 'future' / 'conscience'. Plus, I want to meet such a killer who suddenly has an attack of good sense and humanity, in the middle of ruthless executions. The three points are for some acting skills, some ingenious camera movements and picture compositions.
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Man of Steel (2013)
21 June 2013
the start was very good, and I expected great things to come. Unfortunately, the film goes on in confusion, the characters undeveloped, and the cinematography just showing off. After one hour, it was already boring, and wishing to end soon. The 2006 movie was way better than this... commercial business (as anything Christopher Nolan put his hands on, since 'Insomnia'). And there is no fun in it, just two or three lines thrown at the start and at the end of the movie. From Zack Snyder I expected great vision, like in its masterpiece 'Watchmen' - but there is no epic tale, but only a justification for futile big smashes and grand destruction - thus resulting into an overrated self-indulgent pile of (s)crap(s). All in all, a great disappointment from Mr. Snyder, but understandable, since Mr. Nolan produced this. Big money, but no art. An easy forgettable flick.
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A Star Trek movie without Star Trek
18 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it could have been not possible to see a movie with the name Star Trek on it, which does not have any substance in it. Yes, the action is non stop, the CGI is breath-taking, but where is the soul of a trekkie? Star Trek is about the human mind trying to expand its condition, and all the challenges attached to it. This movie has a weak plot, it's not about alien danger (see the Klingon's blue eyes and their punk appearance), and doesn't involve any non-humans (only in the back landscape) - both new Trek movies have peculiar and rather human negative heroes, the imagination remain utterly limited. So much for the 'space, the final frontier'... These movies have Star Trek on them by mistake.
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