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Homeland: All In (2018)
Season 7, Episode 11
An otherwise good season taking a turn for the worse.
6 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Though this season so far had some great plot story, I almost can't believe the turn it took from episode 10 onwards. It's like after episode 9 a different writer team took over and decided to botch the whole plot.

The amount of ridiculousness in this episode is only rivaled by the very worst episodes in the weakest season of '24'. I won't even get into the whole Simone & Yevgeny thing. What I want to know is what, in the mind of the writers, were Yakushin's words to his men 'Alright boys, let's storm the GRU because something really bad happened to ME personally and I want you to forget any allegiance you have to your country and burst into a fellow government agency and act like thugs. It'll make sense later... somehow. Right now I want you to attack your fellow countrymen like they are enemy combatants. That's what I'd like you to do today at work.' I doubt something like this could happen to a small island nation, much less in the country with perhaps the greatest and most efficient intelligence network. I wonder what the response of the Russian police would really be... 'oh, they'll fight it out and get it over with, you know how them spies are' Come on!

And couldn't he producers at least CGI out the Hungarian and EU flags? Also, I haven't been to Moscow but I've seen enough pictures to know there are no such mountains there. At least TRY and make it look like this isn't downtown Budapest.

This episode suffers from the lack of production value and a plot-line that can't be taken seriously. It's a real pity how wrong a turn this season took.
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