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Attack on Titan: From You, 2000 Years Ago (2022)
Season 4, Episode 21
The greatest
7 February 2022
This is the greatest TV show, anime, piece of cinema, you name it, Attack on Titan is the greatest thing ever made, nothing can even compare to how good it is. Every episode I watch I find my jaw hanging wide open and by the time that it's finished my mind is completely blown. Even after watching it two, three times in a row it still completely blows my mind. This right here is the cream of the crop.
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The Flash: Flash of Two Worlds (2015)
Season 2, Episode 2
A good start
14 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the last episode wasn't that good, this one was much better. The new characters that were introduced are all pretty good in my opinion. I'm excited to see how Jay and Barry will work together, and what new powers Barry will learn from Jay. Zoom also looks cool, and it will definitely be a pleasure watching his character evolve in the future episodes. Wells is also back in some different time line it seems, which leaves me wondering what connection he will have with Barry this season. Perhaps Zoom will send Wells to kill Barry? But that's just my guess. All in all season two seems to be starting off well.
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Castle: XX (2015)
Season 8, Episode 2
Why such a bad rating?
29 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why this episode was rated so bad.. For me it was one of the most thrilling episodes ever. Maybe it was a bit rushed, but the new doors it opened to future episodes in season 8 will be interesting. I just hope that the story line won't end like the disappearance of Castle, which was a big let down in my opinion. Anyways, these last two episodes of Castle reminded me why I love this show. The twist season 8 took is more interesting than the monotone episodes season 7 consisted of. I'm curious on how Beckett leaving Castle will impact future episodes, and I hope that this story line will be focused in the upcoming episodes. To sum it all up great two episodes to begin season 8 with, and I don't why such the bad rating for this one.
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Arrow: My Name Is Oliver Queen (2015)
Season 3, Episode 23
A great season finale
14 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This season had it's ups and downs, but this is no doubt an amazing way to finish it off. The plan that Oliver had to take down Ra's was brilliant to be honest. I had some doubts that he might have turned dark, but watching yesterdays "Flash" episode we saw that he had a plan to save the city and to take down Ra's. This episode was really well written, from beginning to end. It was nice seeing the team work together again. And one of my favorite parts of this episode was the fight between Oliver and Ra's. The fight was pretty even, but when I saw that Ra's took Oliver down again, I thought that it would end like the last fight. But before Ra's could finish him we saw Oliver use the techniques Ra's taught him to counter him and finish him. This episode is also a great introduction for season four. Here we saw Malcolm become the new Ra's, who will probably be the main villain in season four. The explosion in Palmer's lab was also interesting. I think that Ray could finally get his powers now after this. And Oliver leaving will Felicity is nice, but due to what happened with Ray and Malcolm I doubt they will have much free time, and that they'll return quickly to Starling city.
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Gotham: The Anvil or the Hammer (2015)
Season 1, Episode 21
A good finish
30 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This episode concluded the episodes related to The Ogre. And these three episodes were quite interesting to be honest. We saw Bruce engage to find out what his company was hiding from him, and he finally told Alfred about what happened to Reggie, which I think was a good choice. Barbra was back, and that certainly had an impact on Gordon, and it'll probably bring some difficulties to his relationship with Thompkins. But the thing that I liked the most about these episodes was the transformation of "The Riddler" here we saw him finally kill someone, which will have a great impact on him in future episodes I guess. And the war between Falcone and Maroni will be interesting in the next episode for sure.
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Arrow: Al Sah-Him (2015)
Season 3, Episode 21
30 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After the ending of the last episode we knew that Oliver would change, but I don't think that anyone thought that he would change this much. The opening scene where he had to kill John I though he would hesitate and try to persuade Ra's to set him free, but when he stuck his blade inside John I was surprised. I didn't think that Oliver would change so much that he would kill his best friend. The scenes in Starling city were as I expected, everyone was trying to get Oliver's change, and it was well written. But seeing now what Oliver has become, I think that he'll never return to his old self, and that being said I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next week.
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Arrow: The Fallen (2015)
Season 3, Episode 20
One of the best episodes so far
23 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is no doubt one of the best episodes so far. This episode had everything that we wanted and didn't have all the useless drama that made some "Arrow" episodes in season 3 quite boring for me. Here Oliver has finally accepted the fact that facing Ra's is his only option to stop the pain and suffering of the people he loves. Most of the Oliver and Felicity moments in this season were kind of dull, but in this episode it was really well written (felt kind of bad for Ray though). Also the way Stephen and John acted in the beginning of the episode was just amazing. It seems that we have a few really interesting episodes ahead of us, can't wait!
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